Hey... that's along the line of my post the other day.
Hey, I can't see Bethel anymore...
Hey... that's along the line of my post the other day.
Hey, I can't see Bethel anymore...
i have heard this from jws many times.
they say that when the whole congregation is corrupt it is clearly noticable that jehovah's spirit is not with them.
eventually if the whole congregation is corrupt the gb dissolves the whole congregation.. jws say this as if it were from personal experience.
And BTW... they had announced "new congregations" in the Kingdom Ministry for London when that was built.
After abandoning it and building a new one, they again announced a "new congregation" in the KM.
There's no new members, no new congos. But they play the game of "creative accounting"... WATCHTOWERRON
i have heard this from jws many times.
they say that when the whole congregation is corrupt it is clearly noticable that jehovah's spirit is not with them.
eventually if the whole congregation is corrupt the gb dissolves the whole congregation.. jws say this as if it were from personal experience.
I was in London Ontario Canada 2 years ago. There was a Kingdom Hall on Commishener's Road.
Well... We went by there and the sign on the front lawn had the letters removed. The letters and LOGO was removed from the building also. Everything inside was intact as far as I could see through the windows by the front door. It was a double hall.
Now, I was asked about ten years ago to participate in building that hall but didn't make it.
Yet here it sat, abandoned. Grass growing up from the cracks in the sidewalks.
I found out later that both congos were disbanded becasue of "moral corruption"... whatever that is.
They built another hall to replace it. As far as I know, it's still sitting there on the corner.... abandoned.
I don't think they can get a buyer.
wt labels views of persons who disagree with them as most unreliable.. follow the link to the official wt statement against all critics:.
Can we contact the good Mr. Rodney Stark?
I looked around for an email or website. Nothing.
He's a two timne loser and I am sure that he's not aware how the WTS is using him.
He's got alot of books. Some discuss cults. Hmmmmm....
DO you suppose we should read his books? Let's ask Bethel.
distribute freely.... silentlambs response to inquires about watchtower misinformation.
mr. brown-child abuse is an evil.
its an evil of our time; its an evil in our society.
The HQ sent out a letter explaining their policy on child abuse. It has been well received as are ALL decisions from the GB.
New letter from the Governing Baffoons
At the next service meeting's end, pass out the koolaid. Let no LOYAL Witness of the true God refrain from partaking, or question it's contents.
I hope this too will be "well recieved"...
first lie: erica.
i dont believe erica lied about her abuse.
obviously it must be true, even mr. beliz confessed that he touched her inappropriately.
Have you ever noticed that JW apologists never present any facts. They never offer anything solid, or valid.
Just the same old "we're right" crap.
I should know. I am still a JW, and I at least have a position in the congo, unlike these squirrelly defenders of their GB gods.
JW apologist quote: one size fits all.
"We are right, 'cause we are righteous... and I know we are righteous 'cause we are right. As far as being right is concerned, we just are... 'cause we are righteous... and I know we are righteous 'cause we are right. Now, to the matter of who is right and who is wrong. We are right and you are wrong. Now, we know that we are right 'cause we are 'cause we are righteous... and I know we are righteous 'cause we are right. As far as being right is concerned, we just are... 'cause we are righteous... and I know we are righteous 'cause we are right.
both here and in some private correspondence i have received the role of barbara anderson as detailed in the dateline segment has been questioned.. the main reason is that she is a 'she' and not a 'he' and that 'she's' should not have access to confidential records at bethel.. anyone who served at bethel for any length of time discovered that bethel doesn't always work by the same rules as those they issue to the congregation.. i met barbara while she was in the midst of her proclaimer research.
it was likely just another 'branch tour' to her, but i do remember speaking with her and being impressed by the intelligence behind and shine of her eyes.
a couple of items of interest that should help dispell those who doubt the role she had in brooklyn.
B. Newfield and G Macnamara
I know these names. Especially Macnamara. I heard them around here and also when I was in the letter answering dept. at Georgetown.
By the way. I happen to know that there's a slew of "sisters" doing "male" work at Georgetown. I was there for a stint. Saw it with my own eyes. I also had a recent contact with some there that pointed this out, that it's not only still the case, but the numbers of sisters doing "male" work is growing.
This, due to the lack of "qualified brothers"
a question for all to consider is: if pakistan and india go nuclear, as seems to becoming more likely by the day, how long will civilization be able to stay intact without completely unraveling, and during that interval will ridiculers be able to maintain the delusion that nothing out of the ordinary is happening in the world?
/ you know.
> http://www.msnbc.com/news/753586.asp?pne=msn&cp1=1
Gee... I can't see New York Bethel there anymore.
united states-.
satan the devil, the wicked one, launched an extraordinary offensive tonight against jehovah himself.
after taking control of the souls of nbc dateline reporters, the devil made a vicious and unprecedented attack against gods own organization.
"We lied and they persecuted us..."
"We raped and they persecuted us..."
"We defrauded and they persecuted us..."
"We shunned and they persecuted us...""Oh how long dear God until you punish them for persecuting us...?"
New Light from your friendly neighborhood Governing Body.
well, i am bucking the general consensus here that everything went well on dateline.
i thought it was fine as far as it went but looking at it through the local jw eyes it will not get what you all and i hoped for.
the show didn't put proof on all the cases we all know about.
Who in the hell cares if any JWs quit.
What I care about... I HAVE TO GO TO WORK TOMORROW. They all damned well know that I am a dub. I am gonna hear about it.
I might call in sick.
As far as the dubb population goes, there were several at my hall moving real fast, because, as they said, they "want to get home to watch the Dateline tape"
Now, they gotta go out in field service tomorrow. I will be at work hiding.