JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer inwatchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for jehovah's witnesses!
5:3 the watchtower magazine, principle journal of jehovah's witnesses, writes.... however, just before that day of jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “peace and security!” this may refer to one event or to a series of events.[search_id]=2038590d-e4a0-4101-89db-27102bef34ba&insight[search_result_index]=19.
Theoldhippie. There's a link in my post. A left click will take you there. -
Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer inwatchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for jehovah's witnesses!
5:3 the watchtower magazine, principle journal of jehovah's witnesses, writes.... however, just before that day of jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “peace and security!” this may refer to one event or to a series of events.[search_id]=2038590d-e4a0-4101-89db-27102bef34ba&insight[search_result_index]=19.
IsLand man. You discard the bulk of what Paul said with that idea. It smacks of desperation.
Peace and Security!
by biblexaminer inwatchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for jehovah's witnesses!
5:3 the watchtower magazine, principle journal of jehovah's witnesses, writes.... however, just before that day of jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “peace and security!” this may refer to one event or to a series of events.[search_id]=2038590d-e4a0-4101-89db-27102bef34ba&insight[search_result_index]=19.
Watchtower teaches that soon there will be a huge development that will be a sign for Jehovah's Witnesses! Regarding 1Thess. 5:3 the Watchtower magazine, principle journal of Jehovah's Witnesses, writes...
However, just before that day of Jehovah begins, world leaders will be saying “Peace and security!” This may refer to one event or to a series of events.[search_id]=2038590d-e4a0-4101-89db-27102bef34ba&insight[search_result_index]=19
How will Jehovah's Witnesses know that it has happened? How will they know for sure that whatever events are reportedly taking place on planet Earth are the fulfillment of this "prophecy"?
Of course, " it will come out in the Watchtower" so many have repeated for so very long.
Yes, JW's await the GB to write something to them via the Watchtower magazine. They wait. And wait.
Meanwhile, what did Paul actually write? Was it a prophecy of some future singular event, marking the beginning of some other event? The "end"...?
Or was it something else entirely?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses even read the Bible? At all? (hands thrown up)
In writing to the Thessalonians, as recorded in the context, Paul tells, at 1Thess 4:13-18, about the Lord's Day. The Thessalonians obviously wanted to know more about it, else why was he telling...
The Thessalonians must obviously have had the same superstitions that plagued most back then, superstitions that Jesus himself needed to dispel, as found at Matthew 24:4-7 where he began "Do NOT be misled"
What did Paul tell the Thessalonians? That they could expect a letter? A magazine... containing writings perhaps?
No! Paul said 1 Thessalonians 5:1
5 Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you.
That's right. It's not write.
And why was there nothing to be written about the Lord's day? The next verse.2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s* day+ is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
If it's coming as a thief in the night, then what could you possibly write! (rhetorical)
So, what did Paul actually say?
3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them,+ just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.
Yes, stop looking for signs! "Whenever" as in multiple and always, ...NOT 'when' as in a singular event...
Whenever they say peace ...THERE'S WAR and there's no way out for them any more than a woman about to give birth can avoid what is taking place in her own body.So how can there be any indicators or signs in the political process when whatever they say... the OPPOSITE HAPPENS.
So, Jehovah's Witnesses need to STOP waiting for something to be "written to them" via the Watchtower or any other rag.
The Lord's day "is coming exactly as a thief in the night".
Paul went on.
4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day.+ We belong neither to night nor to darkness.
Paul DID NOT say that Christians would, or would not, be taken over by thieves. He said they would not be taken over by "the day" in the same manner as the day would take over thieves.
The "day" will be a surprise to all, God loving Christians and thieves alike. But when it arrives, the thieves will feel different about it than would Christians.
If your employer shows up to inspect, he find some working, some sleeping. Those caught working are surprised, but happy. Those caught sleeping less happy. You think....
So Paul admonishes Christians in verses 6-8 to keep awake. The Lord's day will come as a surprise to all, but "the day should [not] overtake you as it would thieves.This said, Jehovah's Witnesses will continue holding out hope that something 'will be written to them' about the "times and seasons", and they will continue on, sure that they have 'the edge' on everybody else.
Paul be damned.
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
Mrmagic ....good post! -
The Watchtower Org will die.
by Freeandclear ini was just reading through some posts and had a startling realization.. the comment that sparked this went something like this: why oh why when i started into this in 1989 did i not research the history of the wtbts?
etc....... i too was studying and moving towards baptism around that same time.
i got dunked in dec of 1990.. my thought.
I've read so many opinions about the end of WTBTS. Some convinced it's next week, others just plain giveruppers.
What I really want to hear is the opinion of somebody who bought Nortel, Research in Motion, Google or Yahoo or Facebook just before they took off.
Yes, I want to hear from a successful prognosticator. Opinion is like belly buttons. Everyone has one. They fill with lint.
Now, I bought RIM just before they took off. They split twice. And if I wouldn't have been talked out of holding the shares that were nestled in my portfolio, I would have netted just shy of $1 million. But I was swayed by the uninformed.
By the way I can post a copy of my dated transaction.
So much for the bullshit.
Everybody needs to take a step back. Get the bigger picture. See what's happened so far and what's happening today! For Gods sake folks. Nothing happens overnight except Lehman Brothers. And by the way, that didn't happen overnight either.
There is plenty of evidence.
Ask yourself this question. If Watchtower's common shares traded on NY, would you be long... or short?
👑 He Who Is Least In The Kingdom of Heaven....
by Cold Steel injesus said that of all those born of women, none were greater than john the baptist.
nevertheless, he added, he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
universally nearly all scholars have taken this to mean that because jesus had taken upon himself the sins of the world, he had the last claim upon the kingdom of heaven.
Cold & Nicholaus... I love how you both write.
I don't need to explain.
TWISTING context to produce false LIGHT (Tricks our Governing Body uses)
by Terry inas a jehovah's witness:.
two things finally struck me:.
1. i was really in a grown up kindergarten and .
col·lu·sionkəˈlo͞oZHən/ -
So Proud of Pops
by brandnew inok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
I just thought I'd add that I have been telling my in laws for at least two years now, probably longer, that elders are going to 'come knocking for dollars'.
Going back even longer, I told them that Watchtower would start offering direct deposits so WT could extract guaranteed monthly stipends. That eventually became the case.
I told them that WT would set up on-line payment options. That too became the case.
I've warned them that as the WT cash cow heads to the slaughterhouse, WT would become desperate.
I've told them that I'm of the strict opinion that shepherding visits will be instituted for the purpose of extracting money. Elders will come and get the fuzzy stuff out of the way first as a matter of protocol, and then they would take out the WT forms for setting up monthly donations right from their bank account.
Its all quite predictable.
So Proud of Pops
by brandnew inok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
I love this thread. Super. And 'POPS' asking why the damned elders can't kick in the cash.
Like the Old MasterCard commercial.
A Bible from Watchtower ... Twenty bucks
A monthly payment for Kingdom Hall $300
An older man tellin elders to pound salt PRICELESS
Need to vent: My loathing for the JW cult increases more and more, while my wife clings more and more to it
by goingthruthemotions injust as i think my loathing for the jw cult has peaked, it goes higher and higher.
i wish this cult would just go away.
i wish my wife would just wake up.
How I helped my wife out.
I put "red pill" in her cereal. I put "red pill" in her coffee. I put "red pill" in her pasta.
I put it in everything. But instead of one whole "red pill", I used the cheese grater so she would hardly notice.
Every conversation we had was laced with "red pill".
For instance.
Me: "Honey, so... the '1000yr reign is 1000 years right?"
Her: "Yes"
Me: "So the Kingdom began in 1914... right?"
Her: "Yes..."
Me: "So there's only 900 years left... I hope Jesus does something soon!"
Her: "SHARP BURST OF ANGER" (you have to have a strong stomach)
And I could hear one of the tentacles detach. "PhSttt"
This is an example. I did so many I lost track.
She posts here now. Maybe she remembers some.
Like the time we went for a walk down to our local park. He honey. Help this guy out.