If you can give me a good reason for you doing so, then maybe I will pay the freight.
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Requesting a few dozen copies of any edition of Watchtower and/or Awake!
by Pete J ini need maybe 2-5 dozen copies of any edition of the watchtower or awake!
magazines to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.
any reasonable condition.
I kinda always knew, but I went along thinking things will change. Even as I dated my wife, in the months before we were married, I told her about how the society was so wrong on many of things.
I even went before the CO and told him. Surprisingly, he reacted positively and because I told him about the things that were wrong, he recommended me for appointment. And I wasn't even trying. LOL so figure that one out. Hahaha
However, really knowing came in stages. One big stage was when I was reading "In Search of Christian Freedom."
When I got to the part where Lloyd Barry was responsible, by changing his vote, for all those young brothers (with families) going to prison, I openly prayed to God for Lloyd Barry to die.
You can figure out when I was reading this book and praying like that. Just find out the day Lloyd Barry died and count back eight days.
True story.
Crisis of Conscience Raymond Franz
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthis book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
I bought a few extra copies to donate. The last one I bought from Ray just after he included the scan I sent him. That one is pristine and still, I believe, in the box.
One I gave away but might get back.
The others don't have the UN stuff as they are older, but no less effective I'd say. They go to the library. But with the proviso that they are For Reference Only, not to be left lying around, not to be more than 20 feet from the librarians. And back on the shelf at end of day.
Crisis of Conscience Raymond Franz
by Disassociated Lady 2 inthis book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
I, and my best bud in 'da trooth', snuck into the XiXnXoX Public Library to see if we could find this book, away back in the late 90's.
My Mum, of all people, told me about it when I was upset one day that 'things just didn't add up in the mighty org'. I was already married and had stopped by the homestead for a visit.
When I and my bud got to the front door of the library, (its quite large) we were kind of playing around and I pulled my collar up and put on my sunglasses, like we were spies. ...We chuckled. (remember this)
But seriously, who's going to catch us at the Public Library and how are they going to know anything's up... Seriously.
We got inside and went to work. We found the book. I took the first stab in one of those Karols at the back. I wrote down the address to get one right away. I did some cursory reading and I was hungry for more. But my bud wanted his look. So I gave it to him.
I went looking around while he had a look at the book, and WHO THE HELL!!!! It's a freaking elder from a local congregation. (What the hell!!! I thought...) (
insert shit in pants here) Why is he here??????Long story short, we talked our way out, but not before my bud was face to face with the elder.... BOOK IN HAND.
HOLY MOZES.! Seriously, who is going to catch you ...in-freaking-deed. (The collar not so dumb huh.)
Good thing elders are such dumb clods.
Anyway, I set up a post office box to get to mailing for the book. I didn't know at the time that I would be mailing directly to Raymond Franz.
So, I got the first book. Crisis of Conscience. But then I ordered more as the book list Ray sent had many books on it. In Search of Christian Freedom. Apocalypse Delayed and others.
The second order didn't arrive. The post office had sent my books back to Ray because I had only used the PO box number, but no name. Fear is a powerful thing you know...
The first order came without any name, but the second not so lucky.
Now, I forgot to ask Ray how the next part worked out. The times we talked on the phone and in the letters we wrote there was so much to say that this detail fell to the back burner. (I will have to ask him in the resurrection.)
The second order eventually came... BUT MY NAME WAS NOW ON EVERYTHING. (
Insert shit in pants here)Somehow, Ray was able to get my name. And he paid to resend the books. He made sure I got my stuff, come hell or high water. You go Ray!
I read all the books. I was torn inside like my guts were in a wood chipper. I consumed an entire bottle of Tylenol through the self deprogramming. These books were like no other. Pure unadulterated truth. Tells it just like it was.
Eventually, my wife read the books too. Thank God.
As a JW, if you have been in the org since the 1970's or further back, then C of C is a MUST READ.
But it's powerful even for newbies.
BTW, the elder was at the library because his child had to do a book thing for school. So, you just never know.
First brand new Kingdom Hall built
by Kanon inwell if you check the new pay attention at the meeting video their hall is one of the 1st.
flat roof, lots of glass and a jw.org logo.
lucky them
I like what one person said, the halls are 'pre-sold'... that tears it for me. LOL
And somebody else mentioned the 'real leaders of the WTS' ...intimating that the gb are not the real leaders but that there is a third party involved here, a dark party who have no superstitious leanings toward any 'Armageddon'... but rather are planning for this world and planning to enrich themselves.
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
Listener: I can only imagine how I'd feel if all my neighbors got a vitriolic rant from Watchtower.
The way this one elder behaved, it seemed as though the big A had already come to his little neck of the woods. He was in a panic.
His reaction and the reaction on a circuit level, i.e. the assembly discussion right after, was palpable. I can still see the looks on the faces of the bros and sisss at the assembly hall. The sister sitting right next to me turned red. (Not exaggerated)
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
Will dubs get this letter and give more cash? I don't know. But I think the point is, this Watchtower letter looked pretty official and I know how I'd feel if my stinking' neighbors were reading all the hate pouring out of my religion at them.
In Germany, the Watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls
by processor inaccording to german april issue of our kingdom ministry, the watchtower logo must be removed from all kingdom halls:.
it sais that the watchtower logo - a stylised watchtower or a watchtower with a bible - is used by the watchtower society.
thus, it should not be used by congregations or private persons, neither on kingdom halls, stationary or anything else.
For the better part of a year before any of this LOGO business started, I'd be pulling into the Kingdom Hall for da meetin' and say to my wife, referring to the big ass LOGO on the front of the hall... "That'll be coming down soon".
Ask my wife if she was getting annoyed. She's on here.
I kept it up. She didn't like it. (Sorry hun. enjoy the humour here)
Now, why I was saying it is probably different that what really happened, but I'l tell ya'z the story anyhowz'
There was a letter going around town here. A lot of them. Whole neighbourhoods. Now this letter arrived in an envelope with the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society's name and address in the return spot, and the official LOGO was on it.
I saw one. I saw the letter too.
At least one of the elders here got one. Not just him... his whole damned neighbourhood. This elder freaked. I mean he freaked.
The letter was saturated with every vile, bigoted, hateful, despicable, repulsive, self-righteous and derogatory statement ever made by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and was a run-on hate-filled rant demeaning every religion and non-JW all of whom, and their children, were subsequently condemned to die when the big A hits and this letter was the final warning to the damned of the world as "only Jehovah's Witnesses have any hope of surviving the coming end"
And it finished up by asking for money, can you believe it.
It even cited the "giving brochure". It asked for cash and jewels too.
Everything it said was a quote. Believe it or not. All the locations in the publications for the things said were given in the thing.
The elder went coo coo. He even announced in a service meeting from his seat that he had got this despicable thing and had to go door to door in his neighbourhood "to tell them we aren't like that". (I will never forget it.)
The letter had the LOGO at the top too. It all looked completely authentic.
At the circuit assembly, they had a discussion about it, telling everyone "if you get some apostate mail, DO NOT OPEN IT". Well, what the hell good does that do, I thought, all my freaking neighbours are reading it and they know I'm a dub!
So, I was talking to the Circuit Overlord in the hall, at the time, and he said... his words.... "and they stole the LOGO too"
He was freaking too.
By the way this elder is not an elder anymore. He's quit. I hear he has nothing to do with anything anymore.
And he moved.
Front cover of the 2017 Watchtower - unbelievable!
by freddo instudy edition.
january 2017.
(can someone put up a link please?).
The next edition of Watchtower will have a sister doing cart witnessing on an oil rig.
JW's Are All About Free Will Now
by pale.emperor infrom the january 2017 watchtower:.
first paragraph reads: when faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “do not make me think; just tell me what to do.
that is easier.” the woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her creator, the gift of free will.
Each of us can choose to do what the GB tells us or not.
Wonderful, free choice.
"Choose to do exactly what you are told to do, and you will be the wise one"