So now, how do they explain the "Two Witnesses in Sackcloth for 42 Months" of Revelation 11?
has anyone noticed the wt's most recent shell-game revisionism in the november study tractazine, relating to the shifting of its "babylonish captivity" doctrine, from a 3 1/2-year period around the ww 1 years, to a period now spanning about 16 centuries, or from the 4th century (constantine's legal recognition of christianity) to 1919?.
So now, how do they explain the "Two Witnesses in Sackcloth for 42 Months" of Revelation 11?
has anyone noticed the wt's most recent shell-game revisionism in the november study tractazine, relating to the shifting of its "babylonish captivity" doctrine, from a 3 1/2-year period around the ww 1 years, to a period now spanning about 16 centuries, or from the 4th century (constantine's legal recognition of christianity) to 1919?.
Watchtower teaching was collapsing on itself...
It was unwavering doctrine that; Jesus "arrived" in 1914 and found only Russell and his merry band worthy. So worthy, in fact, that he selected them, and only them, as his chosen and elect. So worthy they were, that God Almighty placed them in charge of Earth and everything and everyone on it.
It was also unwavering doctrine that the same merry band was full of Babylonian traditions that dishonered God and thus were allowed to be thrown into Babylonish captivity as part of their refining.
Huge contradiction. Anyone who noticed it either shut the hell up, if they knew what's good for them.
i have argued with several jws who are now being trained to deny the org ever said the end in 75, what is your approach?.
There was an old brother in one of the congo's here who had transferred congos because of the treatment he received related to his public comments on this topic. (1975)
He's dead now. However, the story was related to me from a very trusted friend, just why he moved congos. And I knew the story teller well, as well as knowing the old bro well. So there's no mistake.
This bro was a real estate agent during the 1960's and 70's. I remember his real-estate work from when I was young.
So, during one of the meetings in his old congo, he gave a comment that pertained to 1975. In this comment, he related how the Society did indeed preach 1975, and that he, as a real estate agent of the time "was the one who was selling all the houses"...
Now this bro was a ministerial servant and long time pioneer. He was in charge of literature. So it's not like he was already marginalized.
The elders ordered him into the back room right after the closing prayer.
They must have ripped him a new arsehole. He came out all red-faced and skipped his duties, and marched his newly vented ass right out the door.
Then he moved congos. (The End)
Recently, I had an elder and his family at my dining room table for a sit down meal. Now, my wife doesn't like it when I 'bring something up', and for once, I didn't have to. This elder gets himself on the 1975 topic. On and on he goes about how "the Society never said anything about 1975".
It was then that I had enough. I spoke up... and I asked, "Have you ever done any reading on the topic within the Society's publications?" (blank stare)
I then asked "Have you ever sat down in front of the keyboard and ran the CD Rom Library and punched in 1-9-7-5 and hit "SEARCH"...?
(deer in headlights with awkward moment)
Further I said "...and started reading...?"
Finally he admitted "No".
I said "...they said plenty, and before talking about that date, one should do the reading" (cold breeze went through the room)
His wife looked like she was going to choke.
I thought, 'day ain't ano helpin' dem bumpkins...'
hello on this beautiful sunday!
just a quick little update to the post i made a few months ago about my mil shunning us.
quick recap: during a convo after she attended the rc and was going on and on about how powerful it was and how great the videos were, blah, blah, blah...i couldn't take it anymore and told her that's not our lives anymore and i didn't want to hear anymore about it and to please respect that and move on to something else to talk about.
Watchtower is full of hypocrisy. It's a way of life, for a dub.
so we all know of some (in)famous quotes that the wt has said in recent years.. the one that comes to mind is: (this is just from memory, so please feel free to add the proper links / references).
"we must be willing to obey the direction from the gb no matter how strange it seems from a human standpoint".
so, how does that "direction" / "command" to obey the gb fit in with feb 2017 statement:.
of all the things that the watchtower has done wrong, what would you say is the singular most powerful thing that you could point a jw to, to crack their eyes open?
what is the singular thing that can be expressed bluntly and conclusively that might shock a jw to their senses?
if you could only carry one arrow in your quiver on your way to war with watchtower, what would it be?.
Vidiot: How would you say your life was " considerably more difficult " ?
november broadcast is up:.
we learn interesting things.
This piece of trash GB dirtball talks about truth. What the hell does Watchtowerism have to do with the truth.
Let's call watchtower, and ask if they can answer a few questions truthfully.
Here are two.
Did agents or officers, on behalf of Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, supply to the United Nations Department of Public Information, the Awake of November 22, 1998 for their files?
Was the above article composed for the purpose of demonstrating to the United Nations Watchtower's compliance with 'Criteria of Association" (UN document) ?
of all the things that the watchtower has done wrong, what would you say is the singular most powerful thing that you could point a jw to, to crack their eyes open?
what is the singular thing that can be expressed bluntly and conclusively that might shock a jw to their senses?
if you could only carry one arrow in your quiver on your way to war with watchtower, what would it be?.
StephaneL thanks for that. I totally understand. I really do. I understand the whole thought process. I am sure there are many, many persons going through it right now.
I can remember how I felt, when I first began to see stuff. I remember, even when I received a reply from the branch that told me to shut up and sit down, that somehow, some way, they would 'come around'. I still wanted to believe that the Org was THE place to be.
last april, the pa attorney general’s office established a toll-free phone number for survivors of child sex abuse (who were pa residents, or were abused by someone in pa) to call if they wanted to file a report of being sexually abused or molested as a child under 18 no matter how long ago the abuse happened or no matter who committed the abuse.. .
the ag’s office is asking victims from all the places/institutions and all the alleged criminals that have literally gotten away with soul murder.
hopefully, the ag’s office will be able to take further steps to expose the criminals and the criminal institutions that aided and abetted the perps.. .
Wowser. How long till we read the below.
of all the things that the watchtower has done wrong, what would you say is the singular most powerful thing that you could point a jw to, to crack their eyes open?
what is the singular thing that can be expressed bluntly and conclusively that might shock a jw to their senses?
if you could only carry one arrow in your quiver on your way to war with watchtower, what would it be?.
When it comes to talking to to dubs about stuff that will open their eyes, it's almost always true that they will stick the sHtick to you. The trick would be to make the sHtick stick to them, so they can take it with them when they go.
If you talk to them about the Generations teaching, a real piece of garbage that they have swallowed, they will just stick it on you that YOU have a bad attitude and need to adjust your thinking.
If you talk to them about the child molestation issues, they will say that YOU have a bad attitude and need to learn to wait in Jehovah.
But if you tell them that the United Nations has a list of Watchtower articles on file, their curiosity is peaked.
"Why would they have that?" they would ask? "Are they preparing to try to destroy us?"
"How do you know this?" ..might be their next question, to which you can reply "I called them..." and/I received a letter and some copies of our articles from the UN.
I cannot imagine how they can make this factoid stick to YOU.
And it's just getting going. You add "The brothers from Brooklyn drove across town to the UN to deposit them regularity for a decade."
Just facts. Facts don't stick to you. Facts stick to them. And they take the sHtick with them when they go.
"What possible purpose could the brothers have?" they might opine in disbelief.
The door is wide open. The proof is undeniable. Open up he articles in the bound volumes. Gently give a few more factoids regarding the content and the purpose.
The facts have nothing to do with the messenger. They exist all on the own. It's not a matter of opinion. It's a smoking gun pointing to the GB's betrayal of all dubs.
Once this is in their ear, it's never coming out.