If you are financially dependent on your folks, then you are stuck. Watchtower makes good use of economic pressure. Once a youth is able to fend for themselves, true freedom follows.
But if you want to talk, then the chief thing that you will be faced with is the blood doctrine and the outsiders who will question you on this topic. This is the most powerful topic, and the fact that it is so controversial means that you have a valid excuse to bring it up. Outsiders will inquire from you an answer.
"My teacher asked me how it is that we can't participate in the blood drive because blood must be 'poured out' according to our beliefs, but at the same time we are allowed to have blood fractions which are produced with donated blood from these same drives?"
No way out for the elder.
But understand first that you start a war with this. You nail them to the wall, and on every nail is written the word hypocrite.
You don't want a war? Then refer back to the first sentence.