The one that says "Don't ask any questions, just obey" ruff ruff
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
What are the most stupid JW rule?
by beroea inwhat are the most stupid jw rule?.
what do you consider to be the most stupid rules or tradition of the jw lives?
im thinking about any kind of rule or regulative that only has one answer to the questions why:.
JW reformation or revolution
by beroea injw reformation or revolution.
a lot of us are seeing all the untruth of the borg.
all the nonsense of the chronology and existents of a religious authorities like the fds/gb.
I am still in to Borea. But I feel we must fight, AND destroy. Not so much for ourselves, but for others. It's kind of like sailing a ship into waters where you realize that now you will sink, and maybe die, but still you get on the radio and yell, maybe others will hear and they will turn away from the storm.
I wish that others ahead of me had yelled on the radio "Stay AWAY"...
I have children. I don't want mine to suffer what I have gone through. SO I DESTROY. I will chisel away at the mighty ORG till I drop, or they crumble. I will not stand idly by when I know others can fall into the same pit as me!
BTW, do you have the instruction talk for next week? I don't have time to prepare it, can you email the outline?
For those who like a good RIP into WTBTS land!
by biblexaminer ini felt like becoming the first suicide bomber of the wtbts.
i opened the august 1, 2001 watchtower on the way up to the first door in field service the other day.
and i do.. read my rip into their flesh on the bible research page.
Thank you metatron, you are very kind.
For those who like a good RIP into WTBTS land!
by biblexaminer ini felt like becoming the first suicide bomber of the wtbts.
i opened the august 1, 2001 watchtower on the way up to the first door in field service the other day.
and i do.. read my rip into their flesh on the bible research page.
Oh! That's funny. Tooo funny. I'm on the floor. Go 68storm!!
Watchtower in Review. HYPOCRITES
by biblexaminer ini have not made a watchtower in review for a while, and certainly not yet, here on
hypocrites.. it only gets better, as paragraph 3, under the subheading "belief versus truth" begins with the statement "of course, it does not take deliberate lies to develop mistaken beliefs", but as the watchtower knows all to well, it helps.
"well, it is true that religious leaders who claim to follow the bible have produced many confusing and conflicting ideas.
Maximus. I didn't see it, but I hope to. I don't really read the tower mags cause they make me sick, and when I do read them I have to go on a tirade. This one took me 4.5 hrs. I was really pissed off!
In my situation, I have to sneak in iNet time, lest my dubbie wife catches on. And like I said about the towers, they make me sick, so I seem to miss many. The sit here on the shelf till I dispose of them. I only do what I have to do to look authentic JW, and still keep my sanity.
Change in WTS doctrine under way!
by biblexaminer ina "significant re-adjustment" in watchtower dicta is in the works.
is it important?
if you do want to know, then take the time to read the following information, for doctrine is the motivation behind everything that is "watchtower", and recent happenings within watchtower-world shed light on the future course of the great ship watchtower.. [hr].
Interesting stuff here. I will commnet on frenchy's if I may.
Relating back to your earlier comments frenchy, and to give a litle history, the WTS taught that the "disgusting thing" was already "standing in a holy place" back in 1919, and that the "great trib" had already begun too was a teaching.
...hence, the idea was that to "flee" Judea, meant to join the WTBTS, which was also supposed to parallel the idea og "Get out of her my people"...
But BOOM, Freddi Franzzy layed it on 'em at the convention described in the article I quote from, that it was all a bog NOPE! Isn't can't won't!!
So all in dubland had to swallow the "new light" that the "great trib" was a-still-a-cummin.
BUT WAIT! If the "disgusting thing" was NOT "standing in a holy place", then why the hell are we fleeing to the mountains, by quitting the "church" etc. and joining the WTBST?
The self-contradictory teachings began to fold in on themselves. But by now, a hundred years of this stuff has numbed the minds og the rank & file dubbs, and they are ripe and willing to accept any nonsense at all.
Brother "A" can get on the platform and sell "the moon is made of green cheese", followed on his heels by brother "B" who says it's not "green cheese" per-say but rather a form of gorgonzola!
After this a prayer, then brother "C" who dismantles the "cheese" theory with "new light", and an hour later, brother "A" is again on the platform discussing the "green cheese" thing again.
And it all goes down their throats. And they say "yummmm".
So for the WTS to now try to fit this "disgusting thing standing in a holy place" idea back into their 100 year old dicta presents new self-contradictions! But lo, it all goes down, yummmy.
They built the foundation with the 1919 standing in a holy place and leaving Judea by joining Watchtowerland. Then Freddie pulled the rug out from under by dismantling the foundation and trying to move the house over a foundation with a different shape.
As far as the first fullfilment being th only one, the greek word translated "tribulation" in Matthew means "pressing" and describes well the "seige" laid against the Jews by the Romans.
Find my research on Matthew 24. If you cannot, then email me and I will sell it to you. OOPS, I thought I was in field service,.. sorry.
I will email it to you. ...That's better. [email protected]
For those who like a good RIP into WTBTS land!
by biblexaminer ini felt like becoming the first suicide bomber of the wtbts.
i opened the august 1, 2001 watchtower on the way up to the first door in field service the other day.
and i do.. read my rip into their flesh on the bible research page.
I knew that that paragraph would get quoted first. It was my fororite to write too!
For those who like a good RIP into WTBTS land!
by biblexaminer ini felt like becoming the first suicide bomber of the wtbts.
i opened the august 1, 2001 watchtower on the way up to the first door in field service the other day.
and i do.. read my rip into their flesh on the bible research page.
I felt like becoming the first suicide bomber of the WTBTS.
I opened the August 1, 2001 Watchtower on the way up to the first door in field service the other day. I couldn't believe it. But I could. And I do.
Read my RIP into their flesh on the Bible Research page. It's long. But there was so much HYPOCRISY to talk about, that it just had to be a BIG BOMB.
Read [B] "The Watchtower in Review HYPOCRITES" if you want some relief! Or even if you want to get your blood pressure up.
Watchtower in Review. HYPOCRITES
by biblexaminer ini have not made a watchtower in review for a while, and certainly not yet, here on
hypocrites.. it only gets better, as paragraph 3, under the subheading "belief versus truth" begins with the statement "of course, it does not take deliberate lies to develop mistaken beliefs", but as the watchtower knows all to well, it helps.
"well, it is true that religious leaders who claim to follow the bible have produced many confusing and conflicting ideas.
I have not made a Watchtower In Review for a while, and certainly not yet, here on But, I had a shock the other day as I read the August 1, 2001 Watchtower magazine cover article.
I was approaching the first door in field service, when I realized that I had not even glanced at the article in my hand. Now, I don't like to read this thing, or to actually sell this thing, -I usually just throw them out, but every now and again I feel the need to 'shovel out the barn' and produce an address which I can call a return visit.
Every dub needs a few rv's lest they begin to look apostate, *u-no-what-I-mean*, and I want to deflect attention, so I give a few tower's out and look good. (I hope these folks don't read them)
So there I was, standing on the sidewalk, gasping at this article. I couldn't' believe that I was reading this. I have never, ever, never-ever, read in my entire life, something that was so incredibly, blatantly, disgustingly intensely HYPOCRITICAL.
I took the time to sit down and analyze the article, highlighting those parts which were so immensely hypocritical. By the time I was done, practically the whole lead article was in purple highlighter. I thought that to make a post on this article would take weeks, for there was so much hypocrisy to write about. I wanted to explode!
So here's the Watchtower in Review, for the August 1, 2001 lead article.
I will start off with the first thing on page 3, the title. It is called "Your Right To Believe" and one has to keep in mind the cover picture of a NUN, standing in what looks to be a convent.
Way to go Watchtower, nothing like pointing the finger at the outset. I am sure the Catholics in my neighborhood will line up to get their copy of this one. Why couldn't they put a JW standing on the doorstep of the kingdom hall on the cover and say "We examine OUR beliefs all the time." Sure! "And we are willing to talk about anything relating to our religion so as to be completely objective and open." GAG!
The first sentence of the opening words, BEFORE paragraph 1 state "You probably cherish your right to believe whatever you wish to believe. So does everyone else." MY GOD! What can I say? These hypocrites have the gall to talk about "right to believe" when they take every opportunity to scatter your thoughts and control your thinking on the sub-atomic level. I gasp! But the opening subheading gets better. They go on to attempt to make themselves look ecumenical, as if they are appreciative of all the other religions and feel them all valid. They say "differing beliefs often add interest…Such variety can, indeed, be the spice of life. --Psalm 104:24"
GO WATCHTOWER! You will become mainstream yet… Just keep on telling the world that you, and of course God's Word (since they site scripture) support diversity in religion. Yeah verily!Oh, but paragraph 1 begins "But there is need for caution. Some beliefs are not only different but also dangerous." Well there goes the farm. So much for the ecumenical approach. Gotta have "caution" for "some beliefs" aren't any good after all. HYPOCRITES.
And what "Some" beliefs is the tower refering to? How about anything not Watchtowerish?? I do have to agree that "Some beliefs are …also dangerous", like dying because you have been brainwashed by a corporation to think that living by means of a blood transfusion is against God's will!
Paragraph 2 goes on to relate how the "The TIMES (of London) exposed… " a ducument as a fake. So Watchtower, you think that's good? Exposing stuff by means of newspapers? How about the TIME magazine issue that carried the article about Ray Franz?? Did you like that one too? HYPOCRITES.
It only gets better, as Paragraph 3, under the subheading "Belief Versus Truth" begins with the statement "Of course, it does not take deliberate lies to develop mistaken beliefs", but as the Watchtower knows all to well, it helps. How did they help 6 million JWs to develop the belief that the Watchtower is God's voice on earth, that it's as pure as the driven snow and has an impeccable history filled with Godly men who never did anything wrong but were, rather, persecuted for their accomplishing God's will? LIES! …and more LIES! But sometimes, as we all know too well, they just leave out some important facts, so that the end result will be a whitewashed version.
For instance, if you were to ask a loyal dub a few questions about JF Rutherford, I am sure that they would come up with nothing but glowing praise. But how about the facts? That he was a drunken pile of crap. That he was arrogant. That he drove Rolls Royce automobiles and that he built a mansion to live in on the backs of the membership, and this during the Great Depression! That he had a guarded bunker next door, so that if his prophecy of an earth turned to a "cinder" came true, he would do OK! That he was such a good "Christian" that he went to a burlesque show on the way to the memorial.
And we all know so very many, many multitudes of lies and fabrications, that I have to ask the Watchtower to tell me again about "Belief Versus Truth". HYPOCRITES.
Paragraph 3 goes on .. "At times we just misread things.". Yes, like 1975. That was all the fault of the rank & file, and the rest of the world who "read into things more" than was said. To bad you hypocrites finally had to make that very lame apology 5 years later , in 1980.
But paragraph 3 is not done. No. It goes on to ask…"How many people have met untimely deaths doing something they believed was right? " Like say, refusing a blood transfusion because a bunch of hypocritical old donkeys in a corporation's headquarters on Brooklyn New York said they needed to be faithful to their dicta since they were "God's Channel of Communication" to humankind?
But the pinacle of stupidity is the statement that follows …"…often we believe a thing simply because we want to believe it." Oh God! Let's all keep this one for hanging on the wall. HYPOCRITES.But we are not done with paragraph 3, for there's more meat here to chew. Speaking about scientists, they say …"Their beliefs becloud their critical judgement. Then they may spend a lifetime in vain trying to shore up mistaken beliefs." Are they speaking of scientists, or rather the old jackasses on the governing body, as well as all the faithful dubs round the world?
I am surrounded by dubs, and they want to believe that they are okay, that the GB is who they say they are, that the false prophecies never happened, and that they are not really sitting in squalor eating dog food because they didn't put anything away for tomorrow. They are always grasping for "new light", working hard to try to forget all the stupid stuff that's gone on, and trying to ignore those nagging doubts that are the result of decades of self contradicting nonsense.
Paragraph 4 goes on to talk about "immense contradictions" in "religious beliefs" and "weaving faith out of moonshine". With all the immense contradictions in the WTS dicta and self-conflicting stupidity, mixed with a mountain of outright lies, it's amazing that the Watchtower could muster the gall to say this. Their gall is so big, so immense, that I am sure it has a gravitational field all it's own.
It goes on to say …"Obviously, conflicting beliefs… cannot all be true." No shit Sherlock! Did the GB need to haul out Russel's ouija board to figure that one out? The Watchtower dicta is the most self-contradictory teaching in the world. I don't even want to go there for that's subject enough for a big post all on it's own. But if anyone wants an example, go research the "Sheep and the Goats" doctrine and how it has evolved over the years, and how it stands today. Or look at what JWs believe about their history, and compare it to the facts.
The last point from this paragraph says it all. It says "Is it not the course of wisdom, then, to make sure that what you believe actually is true and not simply what you want to believe? Yes Watchtower, it is "wisdom" to investigate "what you believe", and for dubs, they could start with what they believe about their history.
Learn about Russell, then Rutherford. Read Crisis of Conscience and find out more. Read Apocalypse Delayed and fill in the gaps in your knowledge. Research the GB's claim to fame, and see if the "faithful slave" doctrine makes any sense. Does the Payton-Place history of the Wathctower really look like a "channel of communication" with God Almighty, or a barrel of monkeys?
Does the Watchtower's self-contradicting teaching of a 1900 year old "faithful slave" doctrine makes sense, when Russell came to the scene and had to "revive" Christianity?
But Watchtower, you really don't want to have dubs "make sure" that what you've told them is "actually true". HYPOCRITES
Perhaps by now you have had enough. I have. But, the very next article is even better. The Watchtower is so hypocritical, so very incredibly hypocritical, that I have to use the illustration of a pervert farmer standing in his field in plain view. And he has his pants around his ankles. And there's a sheep in front of him with one hind leg in each of his boots. And he's pointing over to the adjacent farm and yelling "THEY DO BEASTIALITY OVER THERE"
The next article is entitled "Why Do You Believe -What You Believe?" For dubs, we all know the answer to this one. They believe anything that's in the Watchtower, cause if they don't they will be cast out and never see their family again! The Watchtower then has the gall to quote "The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights" You know the UN. The "BEAST" of Revelation, the "disgusting thing" in God's sight "fit only for destruction". HYPOCRITES. You call them condemned in God's sight and then you appeal to their creed.
That creed states that all persons have the "right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion." So, I will just hurry to the hall this week and exercise that right. I will express that my conscience makes me feel aghast at the false teachings, that the GB is not any "faithful slave" but that they make me want to puke. I will express that the history is all false and we have been lied to by a bunch of self-glorifying old donkeys in Brooklyn who have made tons of a false prophecies and deserve to be shot!
I'll just do that.
Paragraph 2 of the next cover article says "When it comes to religion, mistaken beliefs have historically caused great harm." I wonder, do all those wasted lives of young me, who rotted in jails around the world for refusing -not military service- but alternative service, do they count? The Watchtower's admittedly "mistaken beliefs" in this area, do they qualify in this regard. Or how about organ transplants, vaccinations, hemophiliacs. Do these "mistaken beliefs" make the grade? You DAMNED HYPOCRITES!
How about the 3'rd paragraph on page 5. It quotes Lord Kelvin in 1895 saying "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible" Great Watchtower! Let's all quote fanatics from the 1800's, starting with that lunatic CT Russell. Hey, how about some quotes from him. Wouldn't it be nice to hear some at the Watchtower study on Sunday? Here's one "the earth will go into anarchy in 1914, and all the churches will be destroyed wholesale" Maybe others can post some more, I don't have the stomach for it right now.
Following this, is some wise counsel from the ever-glorious GB. "A wise person, therefore, does not blindly believe that something is true simply because some authoritative teacher says it." This would be good counsel for all JWs. Too bad they follow this counsel instead.
*** w89 11/15 17 Take a Personal Interest in Others ***
And what if a different view about some belief is presented to you? Loyally adhere to the Scriptural information provided by God through "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47) After all, that is how we learned the truth in the first place.Too bad "blindly believe(ing)" is a command from the "faithful slave"…. OOH wait… both these teachings are from the same source! HYPOCRITES.
I guess the next statement in par.4 is rather invalid then…"…caution is needed when it comes to religious education" for JWs are to have NO CAUTION when accepting anything whatsoever that Brooklyn spouts, even if they say the moon is made of green cheese. ACCEPT or pay the consequences.
Paragraph 5 is perfect. "Most people are glad that there is freedom of speech in the media…" YES. Most people ARE glad, not including the damned Watchtower! And to get the Dubs ready for the fall presentation of Dateline, they add "However, there are powerful forces that can and frequently do manipulate the media. What is often presented is biased information that can insidiously affect your thinking." BANG ON Watchtower , Bang On! We can hear the war drums on the east coast.
That they can even use the term "biased information" is incredible. Hey Watchtower, how's your little lamb doing? Baaahhh Bahhhhh. Got it's little hind in mind? HYPOCRITES
I would URGE all in JW-land, all my "brothers", to heed the words in the first paragraph on page 6. "… God has given you intellectual capacity to INVESTIGATE the world around you…." So, DO IT!!!
I would like to say I saved the best for last. But I can't, for the Watchtower's done it for me.
"Well, it is true that religious leaders who claim to follow the Bible have produced many confusing and conflicting ideas. This is because they have not, in fact, based their beliefs on the Bible. The apostle Peter describes them as "false prophets" and "false teachers" who would create "destructive sects". As a consequence of their activities, says Peter, "the way of truth will be spoken of abusively."
Well, if that doesn't summarize it, then I don't know! The Watchtower is the only religion in the world that uses the catch phrase "the truth" to describe itself. So I guess, if the shoe fits, then WEAR IT.
The filthy GB had produced volume after volume, for better that 100 years, of the most comprehensive "false prophecies and many confusing and conflicting ideas." AND THEY KNOW IT!. That's why they struggle to keep the rank & file ignorant of it all. That's why they run from public debate, lest all their regurgitated crap comes to the fore.
No group, no "SECT" on the planet today, HAS BROUGHT MORE SHAME ON THE NAME OF GOD AND THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS than has the SECT of the Watchtower. They are renowned for their "false prophecies" which never die!
And so I call you Watchtower, HYPOCRITE LA GRANDE, and let us not forget the reason Jesus Christ condemned the religious leaders of that Jewish “Organization” to death. HYPOCRISY.
Change in WTS doctrine under way!
by biblexaminer ina "significant re-adjustment" in watchtower dicta is in the works.
is it important?
if you do want to know, then take the time to read the following information, for doctrine is the motivation behind everything that is "watchtower", and recent happenings within watchtower-world shed light on the future course of the great ship watchtower.. [hr].
I am glad to see that my few hours of typing was of some interest to some.
One person made the point that the WTS doesn't teach that "all religions" will get the axe by the UN "EXCEPT" the WTS.
Interesting point, but for starters, the UN is supposed to destroy only "false religion" and I don't think the WTS includes themselves in this category. On a further note, this article was the subject of the "summary" at the circuit assembly, anf the brother doing the part emphatically stated the "EXCEPT" part, in that the UN etc. will completely leave us alone.
So I feel completely justified.