Thanks for posting this. It made a good <B>overmycoffie</B> in the morning read.
I like all this government stuff. Yumm.
i took this of
there is a lot more to read.. on 28 january 1992, the government of cuba sent its comments regarding the above-mentioned communication transmitted to it by the special rapporteur:.
"first of all, i wish to inform you that in cuba no individual or groups of individuals are persecuted or harassed for professing the religious belief of their choice, that religion is practised freely in our country and that religious texts are accessible to those who desire them.
Thanks for posting this. It made a good <B>overmycoffie</B> in the morning read.
I like all this government stuff. Yumm.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
For all the sissy types who just absolutely want to cling to the Watchtower's lame defense, like a scared child grasping for mother's apron, I tell you this.
The WTS's official response, (Paul GIlles) is full of lies. Now, if the WTS society wants the world to believe different, then let them produce proof of what they have said.
The WTS says they 'didn't know'. Let them produce the documents that they have on file which, they say, will show different things than do the documents from the UN today.
They say 'the rules changed'... Then let them produce their copies of 'the rules' which are different than today's.
They say they needed NGO status to be able to access the library. The UN says BULLSHIT. Then let the WTS produce a UN document, which they MUST surely have, which says that they DID need to be an NGO to access the library.
Further, let the WTS explain the Awake articles which clearly show that they WERE AWARE of the damned rules such that they printed articles favorable of the UN, articles that they never printed before, AND NEVER WILL AGAIN.
Explain Watchtower, EXPLAIN.
after much hard work a certain person has finally got the story published through a letter to the editor in the san bernardino sun.
you will find the article in the november 28, 2001 edition of the newspaper in the "opinion" section.
note the voice of the people section.
This is exciting news. I sure hope we can keep it going till it gets some serious public attention.
a few thoughts from this mornings tower study.. .
w10-15-01 ...satan and his wicked world are against us.
enemies may falsely accuse us, even in the courts of the land.
Ahh.. we all know what Freddie is. SO just press that little lever on the top left, and you will see him and his kind spiraling down, counter-clockwise if you are in North America, followed by a fresh bowl.
try this scenario for this generation!.
didnt jesus say when you see these signs, `all taken together, coming to pass, you may know `of a surety that he is near, at the very doors.
truly i tell you, this generation {the whole multitude of people living at the same time, in a definite, given period} will not pass away till all these things taken together take place {matthew 24: 33, 34} in verse 32 jesus gives an illustration to show us how to view the signs he has given us.
You are so ..... your eyes are brown.
a few thoughts from this mornings tower study.. .
w10-15-01 ...satan and his wicked world are against us.
enemies may falsely accuse us, even in the courts of the land.
A few thoughts from this mornings TOWER study.
w10-15-01 …Satan and his wicked world are against us. Enemies may falsely accuse us, even in the courts of the land. Some Christian parents have been accused of hating their children because of not allowing them to accept medical procedures that violate God's law or not letting them engage in pagan celebrations… Other faithful Christians have been falsely charged with being seditious because they would not kill fellow humans in warfare or engage in politics. …Some opposers have spread slanderous lies in the media, even falsely accusing Jehovah's Witnesses of being a dangerous cult.Seems that the TOWER is priming the pump for DATELINE DAY…But do not forget that in the apostles’ day, it was said: "As regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against." (Acts 28:22) Do false accusations really matter? It is God who declares true Christians righteous, based upon their faith in the sacrifice of Christ.
“Enemies may falsely accuse us”… sure, and what would those ‘false accusations’ be, hmmm?
“medical procedures that violate God's law” and I would really like to know what these “procedures” are. (note the plural)
“pagan celebrations” … well defined in “God’s law” as “anything deemed Pagan by the fat ass GB sitting on their high horse in the tower”
“Some opposers have spread slanderous lies in the media” …I would like to read just one of these… and then ask the legal department why they are not filing suit for these “slanderous lies”, as this would indeed be legal LIBEL.
AND finally “Other faithful Christians have been falsely charged with being seditious because they would not kill fellow humans in warfare or engage in politics.”
This takes the cake. Would these “Other Christians” by any means be Lutherford and his happy post 1914 hoard? Accused of “sedition”??? “Falsely”???
And how ‘bout those “politics” eh? Let’s not go even NEAR the United Nations political workings, for we are “completely neutral”.
Suck it up dub, suck it up.
mr. paul hoffel united nations -dept.
of public information .
in the watchtower bible and tract society's public position of october 22,2001 submitted for publication in the guardian in the united kingdom.
I think I can get something. I am going to shmoooooze the man.
Yes, I will look over the letter before I send. This is a rough draught.
And yes, I will offer to forward some $CHING$
someone who i do not know sent the following to me for posting.
it was in my email this morning ..... hmmm...... anyway, seems people in windsor are getting to the co because of the actions of a few people - have a read.. hawk.
jehovah's witnesses are under a type of ban in windsor on canada .
This is cool! I wonder if the idiots in the Canada branch have any idea.
mr. paul hoffel united nations -dept.
of public information .
in the watchtower bible and tract society's public position of october 22,2001 submitted for publication in the guardian in the united kingdom.
Mr. Paul Hoffel United Nations -Dept. of Public Information
In the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's public position of October 22,2001 submitted for publication in The Guardian in the United Kingdom
1) They accuse the UN of failing to inform them that the rules governing NGOs was changed between 1991 and the present.
Years later, unbeknown to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the United Nations published “Criteria for Association”, stipulating that affiliated NGO’s are required to support the goals of the United Nations.2) They accuse the UN of providing misinformation, causing the Watchtower's 'mistaken' belief that it was necessary to register as an NGO for the purpose of using the UN library resources.
In 1991 one of our legal corporations registered with the United Nations as a NGO (non-governmental organization) for the sole purpose of getting access to the extensive library of the United Nations.
At the time of the initial application no signature was required on the form.
4) They state that there was nothing secret about their association with the UN, suggesting that the fault lay at the feet of the UN for not being clear in the rules regarding informing it's members of matters.
There was nothing secret about it.
We seek documents proving that the Watchtower is wrong in its attempt to impugn the reputation of the various offices of the United Nations. This would include any documentation demonstrating that its fabrications against the UN are false.
We seek copies of the Watchtower's applications, original and from year to year, this would be excellent.
Any letter that you could draw up denying the allegations of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. If at all possible, a public statement on the UN web-site relevant to this would serve to quell the greater number of requests for proof. I could forward the official statement from the Watchtower for your legal dept. to study, and your people could put up a page to demonstrate the Watchtower's accusations as utterly false.
Lastly, any documentation showing that the Watchtower was involved with more than just the "library".
Mr. Hoffel, this issue will not go away by ignoring it. However, if you can co-operate in this regard, then any negative repercussions your office might face due to publicity surrounding this matter will be greatly reduced.
as of 6:02 pm last night i received a facsimile from paul hoeffel at the un on the wts.. he gave me 3 of the 4 things i requested in two paragraphs.. i have sent a scanned version to steve bates and someone else.. i sent it to kent and randy.
and kent and randy have posted the official united nations letter on their web sites.. here is the letter - put your cursor on the image and then right click on your mouse and hit "save image" to your computer.. .
after you look at kent's web site and you people still think this it is a fake letter, phone paul hoeffel yourself at (212) 963-8070.. hawk
This is all good work. Bravo!
I hope that folks here don't let this issue die. The Watchtower needs to have this rammed right up their ass.