I am with Hawk.
Grow up.
we have been hearing about dateline nbc since, what, last july?.
anyone have any clue how long it's been?
i mean, after a while, it seems pointless.. is dateline backing out?
I am with Hawk.
Grow up.
do you all remember the story of the young dub woman, jamie steinhoff, who was killed along with her children when a truck ran over their minivan on highway 401 just outside of windsor ontario canada.. well, today, the police went to the home of the mother of bob stienhoff, (the father -who survived), and arrested bob for his responsibility in their deaths.. it looks as though he pulled out onto the 401, in the middle of "death alley", without looking to see if there was anyone coming.. those who knew bob are not surprised.
he was not even supposed to be benind the wheel since he was un-insurable.. what a waste.
jamie would never have gotten pregnant by this guy, and then forced to marry him, if not for the emotional abuse suffered while growing up in the borg.. how sad.
Do you all remember the story of the young dub woman, Jamie Steinhoff, who was killed along with her children when a truck ran over their minivan on Highway 401 just outside of Windsor Ontario Canada.
Well, today, the police went to the home of the mother of Bob Stienhoff, (the father -who survived), and arrested Bob for his responsibility in their deaths.
It looks as though he pulled out onto the 401, in the middle of "death alley", without looking to see if there was anyone coming.
Those who knew Bob are not surprised. He was not even supposed to be benind the wheel since he was un-insurable.
What a waste. Jamie would never have gotten pregnant by this guy, and then forced to marry him, if not for the emotional abuse suffered while growing up in the BORG.
How sad.
i belive the watchtower will fall.. maybe not now but in ten or twenty years its really going to be struggling.. it will be obvious to most in a few more years thay armageddon is not coming , 1914 is wrong etc.
"apostate knowledge" will become much more widespread due to the internet.. it is different to other religions in the fact that everyone is looking forward to armageddon in their life time.
it is the driving force for witnesses and will cause it to die.armaggedons no-show will cause bitter disappointment .. those who have left already , and have taken their families with them have stunted future groth as this is mostly made up of children of believers .. people are becoming better educated and more knowledgeable in general.. all the elderly ones will have died, with no link to the past ,and no armaggedon enthusiasm will die out.. this generation of witnesses may be the last.. (then i woke up)or did i?
When some questioned their doctrines, they persecuted them, and then they wrote their doctrines in bigger letters. When more questioned them, they wrote their doctrines in still bigger letters.
When ones still questioned their doctrines, they chisled them in stone.
Now, even THEY cannot erase them.
Simon is right. They burned all their bridges with their hard headed attitude. There's no going back.
i belive the watchtower will fall.. maybe not now but in ten or twenty years its really going to be struggling.. it will be obvious to most in a few more years thay armageddon is not coming , 1914 is wrong etc.
"apostate knowledge" will become much more widespread due to the internet.. it is different to other religions in the fact that everyone is looking forward to armageddon in their life time.
it is the driving force for witnesses and will cause it to die.armaggedons no-show will cause bitter disappointment .. those who have left already , and have taken their families with them have stunted future groth as this is mostly made up of children of believers .. people are becoming better educated and more knowledgeable in general.. all the elderly ones will have died, with no link to the past ,and no armaggedon enthusiasm will die out.. this generation of witnesses may be the last.. (then i woke up)or did i?
I am convinced that the WTS will experience an extremely faith-shattering crash. The Governing Body will perish, all in one day.
It will come from a source that no-one considered.
lu 21: 7,8. then they questioned him saying: "teacher, when will these things actually be, and what will be the sign when these things are destined to occur?
" he said: "look out that you are not misled, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'i am he,' and, 'the due time has approached.
" (caps mine.).
I gotta laugh. Wherever YOUBLOW and FREDCRAWL post, there's laughs in abundance. These guys...
Like a blinfolded skunk with a stick up it's butt, they run around trying to smell sweet, and they cannot see the looks on folks faces as they scurry by.
as many of you may recall i posted the following update about two weeks ago:.
"i am happy to discontinue the dateline update due to the closeness of the program.
dateline, is a good organization and doing their best to be fair and remain neutral when it comes to reporting the story.
Hawk. You seriously need to consider making a web-based email, like at say Yahoo.
Anyway, hope you and yours are fine. Soon, I might be in the p-line. depends on how contract talks go.
we have been hearing about dateline nbc since, what, last july?.
anyone have any clue how long it's been?
i mean, after a while, it seems pointless.. is dateline backing out?
I have my doubts. I cannot call the 1-800 number from Canada. I called the 1-519 number and it rang 30 times before the automatic operator cut it off. I tried twice. No answer.
I think that a suicide bomber blew up NBC...
as many of you may recall i posted the following update about two weeks ago:.
"i am happy to discontinue the dateline update due to the closeness of the program.
dateline, is a good organization and doing their best to be fair and remain neutral when it comes to reporting the story.
I called NBC in New York today. No answer. I called again. No answer.
I will call again tomorrow...
would it be possible please to contact me at - at your earliest convenience please?
if anyone can contact him and pass this message on, it would also be appreciated.
thanks.. path
Not an easy thing right now. If you are really desperate, I will phone him for you, but it's gotta be important.
we have been hearing about dateline nbc since, what, last july?.
anyone have any clue how long it's been?
i mean, after a while, it seems pointless.. is dateline backing out?
So... nobody knows anything ...