"Island Man" you wrote an excellent post. Thanks
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
Are Gods true worshippers on Earth today? If they are not JWs then who are they?
by Formerbrother inis there gods true worshipers on earth today as jesus said there would be?
if they are not jws then who are they?.
who else comes close to being gods true followers today?.
It is because you do not understand Jesus' teaching that you ask this question.
You are in danger of going back.
It is because people refuse to learn from Jesus' lessons that they lose out.
What does it mean, the illustration of the house that was "swept clean" and later re-inhabited by multiple demons?
As graphic as it was, what does it mean, the Proverb at 26:11?
Jehovahs Witnesses don't know what the Kingdom of God even is.
by biblexaminer inafter a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what jesus taught.. god's kingdom rules ch.
1 par.
9 how will god’s kingdom come?
Cofty, what you said Jesus said, was not said by Jesus.
You fool yourself.
You are making reference to the Olivet Discourse. You do not understand it.
Those few of us that understand Jesus words at Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 see your words and their intent for what they are.
You are bitter.
Jehovahs Witnesses don't know what the Kingdom of God even is.
by biblexaminer inafter a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what jesus taught.. god's kingdom rules ch.
1 par.
9 how will god’s kingdom come?
The "Kingdom of God" does not literally destroy world governments in the future any more than it did in Jesus' day.
The "Kingdom of God" is an ideology. The man does not enter the Kingdom until first the Kingdom enters the man.
Jesus taught us to pray "Let your Kingdom come". Express willingness to allow that Kingdom to enter your soul. "Let it come to me".
If the subjects of any kingdom do not first believe IN the kingdom, then that kingdom cannot exist. Any rulership must be willingly accepted. This is primary. The ideology must be part of you.
If people fail to accept the ideological principles of any government, then that government fails. It is "crushed". Non-confidence.
Goverments do not destroy anything. People who believe in Goverments destroy.
Armageddon is not caused by the Kingdom of God. These governments are destroyed in the hearts of man beforehand.
It is the Finger of God that destroys at Armageddon.
The "Kingdom of God" did not destroy Jerusalem in 70ce. It was the Kingdom of Rome that did that. The Kingdom of God destroyed the rulership of the false religious leaders of the Jews prior to the Roman's work.
Jesus said, as he hung on the timber, "Take courage, I have conquered the world".
But Jerusalem still stood.
Jehovahs Witnesses don't know what the Kingdom of God even is.
by biblexaminer inafter a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what jesus taught.. god's kingdom rules ch.
1 par.
9 how will god’s kingdom come?
After a century of learning and teaching, the dubs are no closer to understanding what Jesus taught.
God's Kingdom Rules Ch. 1 par. 9
9 How will God’s Kingdom come? When we pray, “Let your Kingdom come,” we are asking that the Kingdom take decisive action. When the Kingdom comes, it will exert its full power toward the earth. It will remove the present wicked system of things, including all man-made governments, and bring in a righteous new world.
Luke 17:208 NWT
20 On being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God was coming,+ he answered them: “The Kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness; 21 nor will people say, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For look! the Kingdom of God is in your midst.”
This week's WT study article "Keep on the Watch" - the latest dumb article from the Gang That Couldn't Think Straight
by sir82 inok so this week's wt study article is entitled "why must we keep on the watch?"..
it is filled with statements on the importance of "being watchful" for the beginning of the "great tribulation".
paragraph 2: “keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.”after that, jesus admonished them repeatedly: “keep on the watch.”.
They told my father not to have kids. The end was that close...
Anyway... As my Dad tells it to his grandson. LOL
Canadian Appeal Court decision made the news: Judges can overturn unfair church edicts
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://news.nationalpost.com/news/religion/alberta-appeal-court-rules-judges-can-overturn-unfair-church-edicts.
the other day, this court decision was posted on jwn along with a link to the court document, but few expected the media to pick up the story.
so to all involved, i understand it was a surprise to see the story in print.
A bridge club can choose to eject (disfellowship) a player because they don't like him.
If their action taken with respect to the bridge club extended to areas outside the scope of their domain, then they should be disallowed from taking any action whatsoever.
Is Obedience to JW BoE / GBoJW a Christian Requirement?
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inin this discussion, we will be examining three precepts on the part of the gbojw which they use to claim that we should be obedient to them and their boe.
these precepts are.... - the bible instructs to be so.
- boe are appointed by holy spirit.
Some good points here, but a little too much. It doesn't take that much to prove that Christians are not beholding to the GB of JWcult
And that discuss trooth site you mention is not worth the time to look at. It's a few people talking to a few other people about not too much over and over.
Its a closed little club of wannabes.
"Stay alive until 75"
by Sour Grapes inthis video speaks volumes about watchtower failed prophecies and hyped up dead end promises.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhn6zf1hl2a.
I had a fellow JW and his family for dinner not long ago. He's serving as an elder. His kids are doing marvy things for the great Wizards Of Org. They brought up about opposers and we said little to nothing. They got on how "opposers" harp on 1975 and how 'it's all made up ....the Society never said anything about 75'
It was just then when I had had enough.
I asked my elder 'friend'... "have you ever done a search on the WT CDrom for 1975 to read what was said?"
I got a blank stare from the whole family.
I added, "... just open the CDrom and enter 1-9-7-5 and hit "search"...?"
Still the blank stare.
They had nothing to say. It's remarkable, cognitive dissonance. You can lead a horse to water...
Prophecy; "Food At The Proper Time"? ...or food for the BEAST?
by apocalypse inwatchtower literature, according to watchtower dogma, is not mere 'literature'... like any other literature from some "worldly" source, ...but rather it is "spiritual food" given by christ's appointed "slave" at "the proper time" and in fulfillment of bible prophecy.
(matthew 24:45-47).
this is the claim.
We are soon to have the complete documentation of what "food at the proper time" was submitted to UN DPI