It's good to see that there are countries where they view child rape as a crime.
In Canada, our officials don't seem to feel raping a child is such a bad thing.
No, in fact, it's obviously not on the scale of, say ... stealing a car.
Raping a child, well that's just all in fun, here in Canada. But taking a neighbor's 1998 Toyota Corolla for a spin without his permission, well that is "grand theft auto" and punishable by imprisonment!
And if you knew that somebody stole a car and you covered up that crime for religious reasons or otherwise, they you too must pay a heavy price with the Law.
But child rape in Canada, well not so much. In fact, you can cover that up with lies and the Law won't touch you.
Maybe our elected officials have their own ideas about touching children. Maybe they are fantasizing about sex with children's???
I cannot think of another reason why they wouldn't take issue with a religion actively teaching that it is alright to practice and advocate the concealing of child rape.