I, and my best bud in 'da trooth', snuck into the XiXnXoX Public Library to see if we could find this book, away back in the late 90's.
My Mum, of all people, told me about it when I was upset one day that 'things just didn't add up in the mighty org'. I was already married and had stopped by the homestead for a visit.
When I and my bud got to the front door of the library, (its quite large) we were kind of playing around and I pulled my collar up and put on my sunglasses, like we were spies. ...We chuckled. (remember this)
But seriously, who's going to catch us at the Public Library and how are they going to know anything's up... Seriously.
We got inside and went to work. We found the book. I took the first stab in one of those Karols at the back. I wrote down the address to get one right away. I did some cursory reading and I was hungry for more. But my bud wanted his look. So I gave it to him.
I went looking around while he had a look at the book, and WHO THE HELL!!!! It's a freaking elder from a local congregation. (What the hell!!! I thought...) (insert shit in pants here) Why is he here??????
Long story short, we talked our way out, but not before my bud was face to face with the elder.... BOOK IN HAND.
HOLY MOZES.! Seriously, who is going to catch you ...in-freaking-deed. (The collar not so dumb huh.)
Good thing elders are such dumb clods.
Anyway, I set up a post office box to get to mailing for the book. I didn't know at the time that I would be mailing directly to Raymond Franz.
So, I got the first book. Crisis of Conscience. But then I ordered more as the book list Ray sent had many books on it. In Search of Christian Freedom. Apocalypse Delayed and others.
The second order didn't arrive. The post office had sent my books back to Ray because I had only used the PO box number, but no name. Fear is a powerful thing you know...
The first order came without any name, but the second not so lucky.
Now, I forgot to ask Ray how the next part worked out. The times we talked on the phone and in the letters we wrote there was so much to say that this detail fell to the back burner. (I will have to ask him in the resurrection.)
The second order eventually came... BUT MY NAME WAS NOW ON EVERYTHING. (Insert shit in pants here)
Somehow, Ray was able to get my name. And he paid to resend the books. He made sure I got my stuff, come hell or high water. You go Ray!
I read all the books. I was torn inside like my guts were in a wood chipper. I consumed an entire bottle of Tylenol through the self deprogramming. These books were like no other. Pure unadulterated truth. Tells it just like it was.
Eventually, my wife read the books too. Thank God.
As a JW, if you have been in the org since the 1970's or further back, then C of C is a MUST READ.
But it's powerful even for newbies.
BTW, the elder was at the library because his child had to do a book thing for school. So, you just never know.