Good video.
It really demonstrates that the watchtower and its leaders, from Jackson to Lett are demonic bastards.
jwfacts has uploaded a new video on his youtube channel that is a must watch for all!.
thanks paul.
Good video.
It really demonstrates that the watchtower and its leaders, from Jackson to Lett are demonic bastards.
this info is from the article "who is leading god's people today" feb 17 study edition.. to help them disseminate bible truth in various languages, zion’s watch tower tract society was legally incorporated in 1884, with brother russell as president.
* he was an outstanding student of the bible, and he fearlessly exposed as false such doctrines as the trinity and the immortality of the soul.
he discerned that christ would return invisibly and that “the appointed times of the nations” would end in 1914.. pretty sickening article overall about how badass the gb is, though this little gem is printed as well, paragraph 12. the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
They are two separate things.
1) "He discerned that Christ would return invisibly" ....
2) "...that “the appointed times of the nations” would end in 1914."
But by sticking them together with an "and" in between, they successfully achieve their objective. Keep the dubs in the dark. Machiavellian indeed.
CTR was counting on a physical return in 1879, but when it failed, he moved it to 1914. To save face, he invented the parousia nonsense as a stop-gap measure.
In 1914, he was on the roof of the Bethel with his disciples, dressed in white robes, waiting for the Lord to appear and takem' home. More disappointment.
CTR died a sad and broken little man, all full of himself. The governing boobs know this to be true. But alas, they work for SATAN.
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
At some point, old dubs die off and leave their money to dubland. I think there is an increasing number of these with undub kids. We should start to see these contest the will in court.
jehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
It's so much simpler than that smiddy, it really is. Just look at some of the books they've printed about Jesus; Listening to the Great Teacher, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, Come Be My Follower.
What group other than a Christian one would print books with titles like those?
Indeed. What other group would. (rhetorical)
Consider one of the books you mention. The "Greatest Man" book. Examine chapter 39. It completely bastardizes the Biblical narrative and this book says THE OPPOSITE of what the Bible clearly says. The GM book turns the illustration completely around, and the reason the watchtower corporation does so is because they hope to conceal the true understanding of what EXACTLY Jesus was condemning when he made the illustration.
And when one understands the truth of Jesus' words, then one sees clearly that He was not only condemning the hypocrites in His day, but He was also condemning WATCHTOWER today, because watchtower hates the truth in the same manner that the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated him for speaking truth.
And the GB knows it. Hence, the reason for their concealment of the truth.
i know i will get a lot of backslash on this forum for saying this, but as it looks like, i won't ever be able to escape the jws.
i have been a born in, third generation jw and awoken in one way or another (i joined this forum 15 years ago) for a very long time.
but i have adapted to the jw lifestyle to a point where it does not bother me anymore.
As nic up the board said, this is kind of selfish. To stay in the mighty org to get girls.... hmm
Well, there's nothing wrong with wanting a girl. It's not as if this fella is one of those child molestors who was in the mighty org to get a children. That actually happen more than once.
But, all the same, one offers support to the org and the org is bad, it's a very bad thing.
jehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
Jehovah's Witnesses ARE NOT Christian. Jesus said, "You will know them by their works".
When you carefully examine the "works" of "Jehovah's Witnesses", when you wash away the haze the watchtower organization places between you and the truth of it, you see that Jehovah's Witnesses are performers of perfunctory acts dictated by the SEVEN MEN who control their every thought.
These "works" are demonstrations of their servitude to to men. Their "works" are either meaningless drudgery cooked up by a closed minded and ruthless hierarchy, or outright loveless, hateful and demonic.
Jehovah's Witnesses are mere servants of men, these men being those in control of a US corporation via other loveless legal minions and they BURY THE TRUTH.
i need maybe 2-5 dozen copies of any edition of the watchtower or awake!
magazines to distribute to family, friends, and neighbors.
any reasonable condition.
If you can give me a good reason for you doing so, then maybe I will pay the freight.
I kinda always knew, but I went along thinking things will change. Even as I dated my wife, in the months before we were married, I told her about how the society was so wrong on many of things.
I even went before the CO and told him. Surprisingly, he reacted positively and because I told him about the things that were wrong, he recommended me for appointment. And I wasn't even trying. LOL so figure that one out. Hahaha
However, really knowing came in stages. One big stage was when I was reading "In Search of Christian Freedom."
When I got to the part where Lloyd Barry was responsible, by changing his vote, for all those young brothers (with families) going to prison, I openly prayed to God for Lloyd Barry to die.
You can figure out when I was reading this book and praying like that. Just find out the day Lloyd Barry died and count back eight days.
True story.
this book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
I bought a few extra copies to donate. The last one I bought from Ray just after he included the scan I sent him. That one is pristine and still, I believe, in the box.
One I gave away but might get back.
The others don't have the UN stuff as they are older, but no less effective I'd say. They go to the library. But with the proviso that they are For Reference Only, not to be left lying around, not to be more than 20 feet from the librarians. And back on the shelf at end of day.
this book has been recommended to me a few times.
is it worth reading?.
how could i get a copy without paying the massive amount stated on amazon and ebay?
I, and my best bud in 'da trooth', snuck into the XiXnXoX Public Library to see if we could find this book, away back in the late 90's.
My Mum, of all people, told me about it when I was upset one day that 'things just didn't add up in the mighty org'. I was already married and had stopped by the homestead for a visit.
When I and my bud got to the front door of the library, (its quite large) we were kind of playing around and I pulled my collar up and put on my sunglasses, like we were spies. ...We chuckled. (remember this)
But seriously, who's going to catch us at the Public Library and how are they going to know anything's up... Seriously.
We got inside and went to work. We found the book. I took the first stab in one of those Karols at the back. I wrote down the address to get one right away. I did some cursory reading and I was hungry for more. But my bud wanted his look. So I gave it to him.
I went looking around while he had a look at the book, and WHO THE HELL!!!! It's a freaking elder from a local congregation. (What the hell!!! I thought...) (insert shit in pants here) Why is he here??????
Long story short, we talked our way out, but not before my bud was face to face with the elder.... BOOK IN HAND.
HOLY MOZES.! Seriously, who is going to catch you (The collar not so dumb huh.)
Good thing elders are such dumb clods.
Anyway, I set up a post office box to get to mailing for the book. I didn't know at the time that I would be mailing directly to Raymond Franz.
So, I got the first book. Crisis of Conscience. But then I ordered more as the book list Ray sent had many books on it. In Search of Christian Freedom. Apocalypse Delayed and others.
The second order didn't arrive. The post office had sent my books back to Ray because I had only used the PO box number, but no name. Fear is a powerful thing you know...
The first order came without any name, but the second not so lucky.
Now, I forgot to ask Ray how the next part worked out. The times we talked on the phone and in the letters we wrote there was so much to say that this detail fell to the back burner. (I will have to ask him in the resurrection.)
The second order eventually came... BUT MY NAME WAS NOW ON EVERYTHING. (Insert shit in pants here)
Somehow, Ray was able to get my name. And he paid to resend the books. He made sure I got my stuff, come hell or high water. You go Ray!
I read all the books. I was torn inside like my guts were in a wood chipper. I consumed an entire bottle of Tylenol through the self deprogramming. These books were like no other. Pure unadulterated truth. Tells it just like it was.
Eventually, my wife read the books too. Thank God.
As a JW, if you have been in the org since the 1970's or further back, then C of C is a MUST READ.
But it's powerful even for newbies.
BTW, the elder was at the library because his child had to do a book thing for school. So, you just never know.