Yeah I remember Fred Franz.......He used to go to the Spanish Congo in Brooklyn off Atlantic Ave. (1970's). I went to the Times Plaza Congo that shared the hall with the Spanish. Their meetings were after ours and I was assigned to operate the elevator to the 3rd floor. This was the were the hall was located. Several times I stopped the elevator to fast and Freddie bounced like pop corn in the elevator. Funny to watch fred get off the elevator staggering like he had been in a fight. I would help him up off the floor of the elevator and brush him off. I never could get the elevator to operate right as I had never done it before. After a few months I was assigned another duty. Once the elevator hit the springs at the bottom and continued to bounce. You should have seen Fred as he went up and down and the look he gave me would kill. I sure miss the old days.
JoinedPosts by mann377
Were / Are the Governing Body "Rock Stars"
by Number 6 inin 1976 when i was a young lad of 6, fred franz came to glasgow and gave a talk in govan a suburb on the south side of the city (for those of you who dont know).
our congregation hired a bus to ferry us all to the hall and it was standing room only.
being only 6, i have only the vaguest of memories other than an old man shouting and bawling from the stage.
Don Adams has passed away
by RubaDub ini received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
I liked Don, had him for entrance school. He had two brothers, Joel, and Carl. He always wore sandles with he's suite. Thought this was odd.
What is the housing / accomodation living conditions of all of the Governing Body Members ? Does anybody know ?
by smiddy3 ini would be very curious to know what standard of living they have .
and what type of housing each member has and what type of accomadation do they have and even what type of areas they are living in .
unlike many of the rank & file members who live in housing estates provided for the low income earners and pensioners ?
I know that back in the early 70's at Watchtower Farms that the north end of the top floor of the E building was blocked off from everybody entering. There was a brother at a desk in the hallway that would stop you unless you had permission to be there. It was a couple of apartments, one for Knorr only when he came to visit weekly.
If you look at Warwick on google you will notice some houses back down some drives. Hmmm
What does "The disfellowshipping of xyz is now rescinded" mean
by cognitivedizzy init has happened somewhere i know.
what is it and what does it mean.
I knew of one person that was disfellowshiped for one day. This was at the Farm in the mid 70's. The two sisters that framed him confessed to the lies. No action was taken against them. He was kicked out of the farm and was not let back in.
Did You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Were Typically “Racists”?
by minimus ini was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
How many different races are there? (hint only three) If you are going to call someone a racist then what race are you identifying that word with? As one poster pointed out ones from different islands did not like the others. Does that make them racist? The word is used out of definition. The correct word is bigotry.
Did You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Were Typically “Racists”?
by minimus ini was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
"believing that races are genetically different isn't racist" Read exactly what I said. Believing genetically SUPERIOR is racist. Its a given that the races are different. This is not good or bad just different. Its culture that is the issue when someone is bigoted. Like I said I've known many people that are discriminated against because of culture. This is both sides of the aisle (white vs black vs Hispanic vs Asian). This culture bigotry also includes rich vs poor, city vs country, type of job, even clothes one wears.
The news media is the one that has brainwashed and programmed the RACISM mind set that people default to when someone is disrespected.
Did You Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Were Typically “Racists”?
by minimus ini was a jw from infancy.
we had a melting pot type of congregation.
i grew up with all types of witnesses , all with different backgrounds.
Racism is used very loosely if not out right wrong. Racism is the belief that your race is genetically superior. Just because your avoid someone or dislike someone is more an act of bigotry. I saw this on a few occasions. It was related to a difference of culture rather than feeling genetically superior. Some cultures just do not mix because of back ground or other issues. This goes on both sides of the aisle.
1958 VS 2019 International Covention
by joey jojo in
so many emotional triggers and not much substance in 2019. at least they highlighted a part of a talk from knorr in the 1958 vid, nothing but a lovefest in the 2019 clip.
Paradise Lost, Paradise Found. Big book for studying. Loved it. was only 7 years old there and could not get over the big city and all the people. Got beat up by a boy from Indiana three rows up from me. Ah the memories....
Long prayers
by fulano indid you have one or two brother with way too long prayers in your congregation?
when i was a child we had a brother who would go on and on after the watchtower study for at least five minutes.
many elderly sisters just sat down and a lot were complaining after the long desired amen..
Bethel 1973, when the elders school was at Bethel one or more of the elders would say the prayer at breakfast. I was setting next to Sister Dechecka. She must have been in her 90's (her husband went to prison with Rutherford). Anyway the elder was going to impress all of us at Bethel with a long winded prayer. Sister Dechecka passed out and her face fell into the bowl of "Cheerios" with milk. She would have drowned had I not pulled her face out of the Cheerios by the hair on the back of her head. The prayer ended 2 min after I did this. So I sat there with my hand holding her head up til the prayer was over.
One simple photo to sum up the heartless and hypocritical attitudes of many Jehovah's Witnesses
by nicolaou in.
this was taken in london yesterday by a twitter user still managing his fade so i can't be more specific than that.
My observation is that the person OD on the truth as they were witnessing to him.