If todays Evangelical Zionist Apostate Christian leaders can cover up that they are masons (Evangelical Billy Graham 33rd degree mason according to former mason and now christian, Jim Shaw, who wrote a book about it. "the deadly deception",, TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) which is packed with masons, speculated, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Schuler, Hagin, Hagee, Van Impe, Perry Stone, im sure that CT Russell could have covered up his jewish templarism.
JoinedPosts by Ianone
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
truth about the truth: all that is needed is 1 sole angle. CT Russell a jewish mason is the angle that is needed. Scoffers are in denial and dont want to disturb their cognitive dissonant state of mind which is what kept them in chains to the watchtower society in the first place.
Those who have ears to hear with and eyes to see with will know, and that makes our seeking for the truth worthwhile, even just one. This has everything to do with Jesus Christ and the satanic conspiracy which seeks to exterminate His saints and His name and memory.
Kudos to you my brother, keep up the good work
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
haha, thats right sf, its all just conspiracy, theories..theories..theories..theories..... Shhhhhh! there is no conspiracy, now go back to sleep.....
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
truth: you know that the Jewish Sanhedrin (the court that crucified Jesus) was re instated on October 13, 2004 in Tiberias Israel?
Notice the date, a masonic(Kabbalist) date
New World Order - Illuminati vs. WT Society
by lucky inbefore i start, i just want to say that this is not any sort of conspiracy-type thread and i don't believe russell was a member of the illuminati.. i just finished reading dan brown's angels&demons, before which i hadn't even heard of the illuminati.
it struck me as curious that the "new world order" as described in the book had some similarities with the society's teachings regarding events in revelation (including the name itself).
in particular, i found it interesting that the illuminati were/are seeking to destroy religion and establish a worldwide government.
the Illuminatti was a small Jewish order in Bavaria back around 1776. There goal was to establish a World Government based out of Jerusalem with the Jewish people as the heads of state.
It is similar to the WT teaching however not to orthodox Christian teaching.
Post Millenialists or Amillenialists will tell you that Jesus will come and destroy this world and will set up His Kingdom on a new Heaven and new earth. Of course the preterists take this statement metaphorically thinking that Jesus Christ is ruling spiritually now, which I, as a Post Millenialist, agree with, however I think this earth will be destroyed.
Jesus said many times that His Kingdom was not of this world:
Luk 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. (KJV)
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
The typical Post Millenialist will tell you that the "1000 year millenial reign began when Jesus was resurrected on the 3rd day to His throne in heaven. So basically it was a spiritual 1000 year reign. I believe we are in the period after the 1000 year reign when satan has been unleashed for a short time.
Premillenialists are completely off the charts, they think the 1000 year reign is still future and phyiscal and they believe in the Illuminist Jewish reign from a rebuild temple in Jerusalem, which is against Christ, because scripture calls Jerusalem the whore of babylon, Revelation 11:8.
Holocaust denier deported
by Kenneson inernst zundel is in trouble again.
see "kicked out of canada, white supremacist zundel served with charges in germany.
" it's a crime to deny the holocaust and incite hatred in germany; zundel is back in jail.
Spare me the routine, Million and millions of Orthodox Russian christians were executed under the Jewish Communists in Russia from 1917-1999.
"...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself. In the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks. In the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." (The London Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919)
"Some call it Marxism -- I call it Judaism." (The American Bulletin, Rabbi S. Wise, May 5, 1935).
Karl Marx in Russia, his jewish name was "Moses Mordechai Levi Marx" and his father was a cheif rabbi in Colgne.
"The Gulag Archipelago, 'he informed an incredulous world that the blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million victims in Russia from 1918 to 1957! Solzhenitsyn cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued on January 8, 1921: 'To intensify the repression of the bourgeoisie.'" (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago)
"We intend to remake the Gentiles -- what the Communists are doing in Russia." (Rabbi Lewish Brown in How Odd of God, New York, 1 924)
"The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world." (The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920)
all of these sources are mainstream, so dont try to discredit them
Holocaust denier deported
by Kenneson inernst zundel is in trouble again.
see "kicked out of canada, white supremacist zundel served with charges in germany.
" it's a crime to deny the holocaust and incite hatred in germany; zundel is back in jail.
It is more than just human rights abuse. The Zionist necons infiltration of the Whitehouse. Monopolization of the media and Monetary System. and worst of all, their hateful/racist doctrines in their religious writings of the Zohar, Talmud, and other Rabbinical commentaries.
Holocaust denier deported
by Kenneson inernst zundel is in trouble again.
see "kicked out of canada, white supremacist zundel served with charges in germany.
" it's a crime to deny the holocaust and incite hatred in germany; zundel is back in jail.
Well whatever, I certainly see the double standard, that anyone else can be critisized but Israel and the religion of Judaism can not. You can attack and bash christianity, but dont you dare touch Judaism or its "sacred" Talmud or Kabballah. No, keep your mouth shut and keep paying your taxes!
Holocaust denier deported
by Kenneson inernst zundel is in trouble again.
see "kicked out of canada, white supremacist zundel served with charges in germany.
" it's a crime to deny the holocaust and incite hatred in germany; zundel is back in jail.
Ohh I understand now. if you critisize Israeli Foreign Policy, regardless of if you are white supremacist or not, you will still be labelled a nazi. So I guess all the Jewish defectors who expose Israel must be nazis too. lol
I dont tolerate groups of people or nations that try to persuade people that they are immune to critisizm. Israeli Arpatheid is apparent to any observer, regardlesso f that persons politcal/religous beliefs, and the Jewish Talmud is totally racist and evil against non jews to any observer who dares to read it.
The King James Version is Perfect
by blabbermouth ini don't know about anybody else,but i love the beautiful king james version.it contains no error and is perfect.there are no mistranslations in it,and none can be proven.i don't read or study anything else for spirituality.im like a tree that is planted by the water,i shall not be moved,amen,amen,hallelujah,praise jesus!!!!
JEHOVAH (YHWH) doesnt occur in the Paleo Hebrew Old Testament either. Something the clever masorete jews inserted into their vile masoretic text. As well YHWH does not occur in the New Testament. The real sacred name of God "I AM" does occur in the Paleo Hebrew "Eyeh Asher Eyeh" as well as in the New Testament where Jesus calls Himself the I AM on several occasions, John 6:20, and John 8:58 just off the top of my head.
the KJV aint perfect but it is far better than most translations out there. the NWT is absolute garbage, translated by 6 inept men one of which never graduated from high school, and most of them never had any training in semetic languages of Greek.
Translators of the New World Translation