Which begs the obvious question - why are Jehovah's Witnesses, and many Evangelicals using a pagan name for their "god?" Pagan or not, the Kabbalah and Gematria are not Biblical. What is a Kabbalist name, YHWH, being used for a completely different religion?
JoinedPosts by Ianone
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
I don't understand why people call "I AM THAT I AM" the tetragrammatron. The Tetragrammatron is YHWH, which originated in the Kabbalah and Gematria. Caculated from Numerology. The term Tetragrammatron itself is found no where in scripture. The term comes from the Kabbalah.
I'm getting my first flu shot today.
by damselfly inso tell me about the flu shot.
will it really hurt?
You're getting your first flu shot? Do you like putting mercury in your body? >
You know the flu shots have been linked to neurological disorders because of the mercury based preservative in them "thimerosal?"
Related Links:
RFK Jr. says Thimerosal and autism link is clear
Video Proof Of Mercury's Effects On the Brain
Total Population Control
Flu Shot Linked to Neurological Disorders
U.S. Vaccines Caused "Spanish Flu"
Dead Scientists and Microbiologists-Master List
List of Toxic Ingredients In Vaccines
Top UK Doctor Ties 170 Cases Of
Autism To MMR Baby Vaccine
Questions Raised Over Claim Of MMR Vaccine Safety
And by the way, Christians and Libertarians were opposing vaccinations lone before J Dubs were. -
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
Of course the tetragrammatron wasn't in the New Testament because the tragrammatron came from the Kabbalah which was condemned by Jesus as the "traditions of the elders." Nor was it in the Greek Septuagint, which oldest translation we have of the Old Testament.
"but we put Jehovah's name BACK in the bible!"
by crankytoe inhello, my bible study conductor has made this statement on several occasions.
is it true?
i've heard that the name was removed from the old testament, but that it doesn't appear in the new testament.
Ehyeh Asher Eyheh, I AM THAT I AM. John 8:58 "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM." -
"but we put Jehovah's name BACK in the bible!"
by crankytoe inhello, my bible study conductor has made this statement on several occasions.
is it true?
i've heard that the name was removed from the old testament, but that it doesn't appear in the new testament.
"This hypothesis is not intrinsically improbable--and in Aramaic, a language closely related to Hebrew, "to be" actually is hawa--but it should be noted that in adopting it we admit that, using the name Hebrew in the historical sense, Yahweh is not a Hebrew name" (Ency. Brit. 1958 Ed. Vol 12. p. 996).
"but we put Jehovah's name BACK in the bible!"
by crankytoe inhello, my bible study conductor has made this statement on several occasions.
is it true?
i've heard that the name was removed from the old testament, but that it doesn't appear in the new testament.
Z you are nothing but a shill and you know it.
"but we put Jehovah's name BACK in the bible!"
by crankytoe inhello, my bible study conductor has made this statement on several occasions.
is it true?
i've heard that the name was removed from the old testament, but that it doesn't appear in the new testament.
crankytoe, he is wrong. The Masoretic Jewish scribees (Who didnt believe in Christ) added the Tetragrammatron ,YHWH, which was extrated from the Jewish Kabbalah (esoteric mystical Judaism) composed of books like the Zohar and Sefer Yetzirah. The original name in the Old Testament for God, was "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh." literally, I AM THAT I AM.
Ill dig out so more research to prove this to you. But I must get back to work. later. -
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
It is a salvation issue actually. He who denies that Christ has come in the flesh is antichrist. Obviously Christ came in the flesh, the statement appears to be referring to Christ (as God) coming in the flesh.) I mean, what would you rather worship...Jesus, or the tetragrammatron of the Kabbalah?
Is Jesus Christ God?
by UnDisfellowshipped inissue of august 22nd, 1976, pages 23-26, says this: .
about this, the watchtower issue of april 4, 1976 said this: .
"christ jesus, the only one who "fully knows" the father" .
Undisfellowshipped: Thanks bro :)