Any who runs JP Morgan. The very ones who funded Bolshevism in Russia and B'nai B'rithites.
JoinedPosts by Ianone
Revenue Canada - Watch Tower Canada Financial Report
by Ianone insection e. financial information .
total charitable programs expenditures included in line 4950 5000 .
total expenditures .
What's The Most Scandalous Thing You've Seen Happen In A Congregation?
by minimus inmany years ago i remember suddenly how the bible study servant who was third in command got removed from his position, and was reproved for having a fling with his bible student who was much younger and very married too.
actually, her husband came in the hall while he was substuting as a watchtower conductor and i was reading and screamed all sorts of profanities to him all the while screaming that he was "f***king his wife"!
when the man told him, "i wanna talk to you", the elder said, "not now".
I've heard of the wife swapping going on at Kingdom Halls from a few active Jehovah's Witnesses.
The truth will come out one way or the other. The Masonic/Zionist front, the Watchtower, will come down.
You attended the Queens Kingdom Hall...aka. the Egyptian shrine unto Ashtoreth.
Kaput said" " He said that just prior to them buying it, it had been used as a synogogue."
oh boy.....was that synagogue purchased from the same Rabbi that Franz took directive from? Perhaps B'nai B'rith donated it to the Watchtower? -
Who Gives a Shyte if Russell was a Freemason or not?
by LittleToe in.
a poll, inspired by gumby.... one vote here for not giving a shyte..
LT would never do that. He is content soft pedaling around the obviousness that Freemasonry is a Satanic and powerful secret society. He would have most of us here believe that it is nothing more than a gentlemen's fraternity which donates to local charities - nothing more.
Suppose The Watctower is Sucessfull in Shutting Down Quotes Site.
by Apostanator inwhat would prevent us from using the same information that quotes currently uses to open up our own site?
the watchtower would come after us and we may possibly have to close it down, then someone else could open another one up.
we could have a field day !!
Quotes and Apostanator: I will personally start up a website mirroring quotes if they shut you down. People should mirror your site anyways, incase they cease your hard drive.
Oh and by the way. THis picture could be doctored for all we know, but even if it isn't it shows how embarrased the Watchtower was. THe 4 egpytian mystics are still up, wonder why they didn't take them down?
Does this put the Masonic/Mystery Babylon/Egyptian Sun Disc connection to the Watchtower to rest? Yes it does. We can rest knowing that the egyptian symbol which is of the tetragrammatron god of the JWs, was an obvious embarassment to the organization when researchers found out about it. REMOVE IT! Makes us look bad! We can worship BAAL in other ways more secretive.
"It is finished"; Now What is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Now What? injust thought that i would hop on real quick to share the news.
my fade was going very well, but i decided to end the charade.
i started feeling deceptive, letting them think i was still a good dub when i didn't believe anymore, so i decided to initiate a meeting with the elders.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Christian Libertarianism, where free will is the greatest gift from God.