With those kinds of presentations, placements might just increase!
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
I am getting that Crisis of Conscience book
by inquirer ini am going to read this think you know.
a ex-bethelite (i've never been keen on jw titles!
) he should provide me with a lot of interesting information!
I am getting that Crisis of Conscience book
by inquirer ini am going to read this think you know.
a ex-bethelite (i've never been keen on jw titles!
) he should provide me with a lot of interesting information!
Franz raises some interesting issues in the book, but take everything he says with a grain of salt. He comes off as a little self-centered. For example, he makes statements to the contrary, but to me he seemed to take little responsibility for Witness beliefs and practices even though he sat on the Governing Body for years. Look for a passage in which he criticizes himself, because I doubt you'll find one. Then he blasts the Governing Body for never admitting their mistakes. He seeks sympathy from the reader and sought sympathy from the Governing Body when he was being disfellowshipped after decades of service to God (and the Organization), yet rather harshly states that his uncle's decades of service will mean nothing to God when he faces judgement. That's blatant hypocrisy, and I feel it damages his credibility. Nevertheless, I do highly recommend the book; it contains a treasure trove of information from a unique source. Still, I wouldn't read In Search of Christian Freedom.
What's the worst Witness meeting of the week?
by inquirer in(this question does not include the field service one.
the little introduction and then the preaching after it.
when i went, i thought the most useless meeting was that kingdom ministry meeting.
Definitely the Service Meeting. I agree that the Ministry School is actually useful (to us guys, at least) in developing public speaking skills. It's also broken down into such short increments it's hard to get bored. Some people have "interesting" comments during the Watchtower Study, and by interesting I mean you can see just how messed up they are in the head. Public Talk, you can get a good speaker. Bookstudy kind of creeps me out. You get all the "interesting" opinions like the Watchtower Study but you have to look everyone in the eye.
But the Service Meeting... Good Lord. So the Greatest Man book is now available in Urdu? So Brother Kiss-Ass got laid off again and is auxillary pioneering. So all I hae to do is stick to the lame script on the back of the KM and people will just gobble up every last magazine without question. The only remotely stimulating part is the local needs part, because it's not often you see a room full of JWs admonished for being the assholes you know they are!
Refusing magazines/books from JW relatives
by JustTickledPink inrecently my mother dropped in on us and in front of other people, very nicely handed me some trinkets aka dust collectors for my house and some wts magazines.
the way she handed everything to me at once i just held out my hands and took it all.. i threw the magazines away immediately, i consider them trash and don't even want them around... but then decided exactly what i was going to do.
i am going to buy a yard sale cross or virgin mary statue and give it to my mom.. i specifically told her i don't want any publications and she slipped them in anyways.... so, on that note, she hates any religious icons, i am going to give her something that she doesn't want.
So much for "blessed are the peacemakers."
That's no way to treat your mother, regardless of her guile.
How old do the Witnesses say the earth is?
by JH in.
we all know that the witnesses say that adam would be a little over 6000 years old.
they use the bible to back that up.. how old do they say the earth is, and what would they use to back that up?.
To quote Paragraph 7, Page 27 of the Creation book, "It would seem reasonable that the 'days' of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time- milleniums." The Society teaches "Old Earth Creationism," the idea that life may be billions of years old as scientists say, but that mankind has existed since the time of Adam 6,000 years ago.
Oddly enough, however, few Witnesses of my acqaintance understand or believe this, and hold that the six days were just that.
Sick Nostalgia...
by kitties_and_horses_oh_my! inlately i've been feeling overwhelming nostalgia for my time as a jw.
i know it's foolish and stupid, but it keeps happening.
today i was at starbucks and i saw a family come in after meeting.
No big deal. A person's life is much more regulated and controlled when he or she is a child than an adult Witness's life. Have any happy memories of childhood? Life is a mix of good and bad.
DNA - belief destuction
by donkey inthe single largest reason to decimate my belief in jw?s and all biblical faith occurred when i discovered some facts about our cells.
specifically a part of the cell called mitochondria.
mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because their primary purpose is to manufacture adenosine triphosphate (atp), which is used as a source of energy that the cell uses.. as humans one inherits one?s mitochondria only from one's mother, this finding implies that all living humans have a female line of descent from a woman whom researchers have dubbed mitochondrial eve.
Nothing is said here or implied that snakes did not already crawl on their bellies.
Genesis 3:14, King James Version: "The LORD God said to the serpent, 'Because you have done this, cursed are you above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. '"
Genesis 3:14, New World Translation: "And Jehovah God proceeded to say to the serpent: 'Because you have done this thing, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild beasts of the field. Upon your belly you will go and dust is what you will eat all the days of your life.'"
So, since God says to the serpent, the dumb animal supposedly misused by the devil "because you have done this," then, "upon your belly you will go," this does indeed imply the serpent itself was being punished by crawling on its belly. But why punish a dumb animal that was being unnaturally forced to speak by a vastly superior intelligence?
DNA - belief destuction
by donkey inthe single largest reason to decimate my belief in jw?s and all biblical faith occurred when i discovered some facts about our cells.
specifically a part of the cell called mitochondria.
mitochondria are sometimes described as "cellular power plants" because their primary purpose is to manufacture adenosine triphosphate (atp), which is used as a source of energy that the cell uses.. as humans one inherits one?s mitochondria only from one's mother, this finding implies that all living humans have a female line of descent from a woman whom researchers have dubbed mitochondrial eve.
We must remember that the world of the Bible writers was a much smaller world than our world today. Their part of the earth was then for them "the whole world." We should also accept the possibility that Bible writers may, at times, have used larger than life expressions, just as we often do today. We often use figures of speech such as, "This book weighs a ton," or "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." This common form of speech is called hyperbole. It is certainly possible that it may, at times, also have been used by Bible writers. When we use such exaggerated figures of speech for dramatic impact we are being neither inaccurate nor dishonest. The same can be said for the writers of Scripture.
Or maybe they were "exaggerrating" the whole thing, and were creating an original piece of literature to explore various themes like good and evil, family, and the nature of civilization using "larger than life" plot devices, just as we often do today, as in the likes of Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.
How many times can you fall back on "what the writer really meant by this expression was this," and "even though the Bible says 'everything everywhere' it means 'one thing a few places'" without realizing each time you do so another piece of the Bible's credibility crumbles away? I was like you once, trying desperately to convince myself of the Bible unerring truthfullness. But while it takes a blizzard of "maybe-the-writer-meant-thises" to defend the Bible's discrepencies against scientific fact, it takes only two words to clear scientific fact from a laundry list of Biblical exemptions:
It's fiction.
Logical Conundrums & Contradictions
by MungoBaobab infind contradictions and loopholes in watchtower doctrines.
-accepting a blood transfusion is disowning the faith.
a man (or woman, if primary breadwinner) who fails to provide for his family is worse than one who has disowned the faith.
Maybe, but I want others to share and share alike.
Logical Conundrums & Contradictions
by MungoBaobab infind contradictions and loopholes in watchtower doctrines.
-accepting a blood transfusion is disowning the faith.
a man (or woman, if primary breadwinner) who fails to provide for his family is worse than one who has disowned the faith.
Find contradictions and loopholes in Watchtower doctrines. Here are two:
-Accepting a blood transfusion is disowning the faith. A man (or woman, if primary breadwinner) who fails to provide for his family is worse than one who has disowned the faith. Therefore, since one cannot provide for his or her family dead, primary breadwinners should accept blood transfusions as the lesser of two evils in order to stay alive and keep providing for the family and to stay clean in God's eyes.
-We should go door to door even though it exposes us to ridicule and can bring reproach upon our reputation. We should not give in to "fear of man," because what lowly man thinks doesn't matter; it's what God thinks that counts. And God wants us to go door to door, primarily because Satan ridiculed God and brought reproach upon his reputation.