Sorry, Schizm, but a simple genetic analysis proves that
= , and
= , but
The DNA doesn't lie.
that scan of the march 2005 issue of our kingdom ministry that someone supplied said the following:
"hence, from january 2006, awake!
will ... highlight more prominently the bible's explanation of current events.
Sorry, Schizm, but a simple genetic analysis proves that
= , and
= , but
The DNA doesn't lie.
in this news article, a baby is described as being born with a second head, referred to as "the parasite".
as a parent, i would have had a hard time looking at this under-developed conjoined twin as a "parasite".
it really looks like a second child, though one incapable of independant life.
If the second twin had HER own brain, and SHE would grow to develop a personality independent of HER sister, then I say what was done was murder. However, if the anomaly in question was merely a second FACE (not a second head), then the right decision was made.
that scan of the march 2005 issue of our kingdom ministry that someone supplied said the following:
"hence, from january 2006, awake!
will ... highlight more prominently the bible's explanation of current events.
No, no, no, Schizm! That's not me...
THIS is me!!!,0,5899349.story?coll=nyc-manheadlines-crime.
body parts found in subway.
by daryl khan.
Doesn't the whole thing sound like the beginning of Law and Order? You know, the slice-of-life New Yorker, this time a Witness, going about her daily business, when all of a sudden... CORPSE FOUND! Jump-cut to the set redressed as a crime scene, the CS investigator is in mid-sentence describing the victim, they take a statement from the witness, who also happens to be a Witness. She makes a remark about the end of the world coming soon, and one of the detectives makes a quip about the end of their coffee break coming too soon.
that scan of the march 2005 issue of our kingdom ministry that someone supplied said the following:
"hence, from january 2006, awake!
will ... highlight more prominently the bible's explanation of current events.
Hey, they don't call it your family TREE for nothing!
1. everyone in the congregation knows that you're still a virgin.. englishman.
Being referred to as a "youth," dammit!!!! Seriously, all the constant "Christian youths," "young ones," ad naseum. It's dehumanizing and demeaning to young PEOPLE. I think the only time they're referred to as people is in the title "Young People Ask." It doesn't matter if you're 3 or 13 or 23 (as long as you're not married), you're still a young one in the eyes of the congregation, lumped together as one big voiceless group.
did you ever hear anyone conspicuously swear at meeting or out in service?
and i'm not talking about sitting in the bleachers with your buddy at the dc and telling dirty jokes.
i mean someone slipping a curseword into her comment at the watchtower study or dropping the f-bomb after realizing he left his bookbag on the roof of the van while pulling out of the kh parking lot with a full car group.. any takers?
Did you ever hear anyone conspicuously swear at meeting or out in service? And I'm not talking about sitting in the bleachers with your buddy at the DC and telling dirty jokes. I mean someone slipping a curseword into her comment at the Watchtower Study or dropping the F-bomb after realizing he left his bookbag on the roof of the van while pulling out of the KH parking lot with a full car group.
Any takers?
that scan of the march 2005 issue of our kingdom ministry that someone supplied said the following:
"hence, from january 2006, awake!
will ... highlight more prominently the bible's explanation of current events.
Oh come on. The whole frickin' BIBLE is based on a false premise.
StinkyPantz- Hottest damn avatars on the fickin' board.
i was searching in google for world war 3, and found these sites .
God, I sure hope World War 3 is inevitable! Imagine all the cool war movies that will be made about that one!