Creatures reproduce according to their kind- just like the Bible says, actually. Parrots are attracted to and mate with parrots. Mice are attracted to and mate with other mice. Frogs, well, you get the idea. Humans have a biological compulsion to reproduce due to certain hormones, and if the glands driving these compulsions are removed (castration), so is the desire to copulate. So why would a demon, a being created without gender and the ability, let alone the desire, to copulate seek out "attractive" human women to have sex with? It would be like a human looking at a piece of fungus and wanting to secrete spores; like wanting to undergo mitosis and watching some paramicium pornography. LIke a human being seeing the red feathery crest on some species of finch in South America that make the other finches want to mate, and becoming aroused. There's no logic behind a demon wnating to have sex with a human being.
JoinedPosts by MungoBaobab
by sistaintheback ini have been dealing with one for the past few years.
not constantly, but about once every three months.
for those that don't know, an incubus is a demonic presence that only bothers women when they sleep.
The face looks familiar, now it's clicked!
by qwerty ini am at work and i have just over heard one of my colleagues speaking to another colleague about religion.. i was on a call with a customer at the time, i could hear him speaking about jesus and the randsom.
i thought i was hearing things, then the penny dropped.
i knew he looked familiar.
The opposite happened to me. Once I saw a guy I knew from SOMEWHERE at a D.C. Still to this day I cannot think of where I knew this guy from, but I pretended like I didn't recognize him just the same. I'm sure wherever it was I knew him from I wasn't acting like a good Witness!
Non-Bible-believer questions on the flood...
by undercover ina friend of mine who is atheist gets all wound up when the subject of noah's flood comes up.
he doesn't rely on scientific discoveries or explanations to deny that the flood happened, he uses his own logic.
some of his statements(some of em are hilarious): .
Haven't you heard? Haven't you heard they found a frozen mammoth with food still in its mouth in Siberia? So there. Proof of the Flood.
>>scratches head<<
B.U.M. Equipment
by MungoBaobab indid anyone else hear of this jw urban legend that the sweatshirt company b.u.m.
equipment was owned by witnesses ("in california"), and that b.u.m.
stands for brothers united in the ministry?
Did anyone else hear of this JW urban legend that the sweatshirt company B.U.M. Equipment was owned by Witnesses ("in California"), and that B.U.M. stands for Brothers United in the Ministry? Had to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard, a few minutes on the internet proved it didn't stand for anything. I tried to tell my brother-in-law his story was full of it, but all I got in response was, "But Brother _______ wouldn't lie..."
Those damn closing DC talks. HEY! There was a Christian rock group called DC Talks, wasn't there? Anyway, I meant to talk about the closing prayers. Anyone else ever get dizzy standing there with your head down and eyes closed? Or maybe I was just hoping to drop dead.
JW girls and me
by Dustin ini think i still might have a complex.
so i'm gonna tell my story so you can all laugh at me.
I never understood how I was supposed to pick up chicks with my whole family right there at the assembly with me. I also thought it was kind of inappropriate to be worrying about getting laid at a "spiritual affair" anyway. Of course, who could help but think of naked women during boring convention parts? Well, not me, that's for sure!
"Fleshly" brothers and sisters
by glitter ini hate how the wt makes a member's family seem less important than their jw "family" by conditioning them to add the "fleshly" qualifier to "sister" or "brother" when talking about their siblings.
it just always made me shudder.
did this really bother anyone else?
Yikes! And to think the worst thing I ever did to my sister was pull the whiskers off her stuffed toy seal.
Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ for Evolution Theory
by hawkaw ini thought some on this board, including alan f. might find this frequently answered questions on transitional vertebrate fossils interesting.
many creationist leaning individuals seem to really misunderstand (or refuse to understand) transitional vertebrate fossils and how they are used in evolution theory.
And to think, right now, Intelligent Design is being taught in our schoolrooms, further enshrouding young minds in ignorance. And for what? Does believing humanity is 6,000 years old make anyone a better human being? Does insisting every last variety of animal *POOF* and appeared guarantee salvation?
"Fleshly" brothers and sisters
by glitter ini hate how the wt makes a member's family seem less important than their jw "family" by conditioning them to add the "fleshly" qualifier to "sister" or "brother" when talking about their siblings.
it just always made me shudder.
did this really bother anyone else?
What's so stupid is that by forcing the term "fleshly" in front of "brother" and "sister," the true meaning of both words is hijacked. It would be more appropriate for one Witness to refer to another as "my spiritual brother." Just another example of playing Orwellian word-games, I suppose.
American Idol - did I see a NWT?
by No Apologies inso i am watching american idol(yes i have no life) and one of the winners came out screaming and holding what looked like a nw translation - black cover.
can anybody with a tivo confirm?
it was like just before the horrible guy in the purple shirt came on.
"Brother Smith, you were working on gestures, not flailing about like some sort rag doll."
Yes, I did see that book in question, and my instant reaction was thinking "No, it can't be..."
But we all thought it was the same thing, so... Who knows?