Clarification is a good thing. A story is told and sometimes the finer points come out later. I don't think you have anything to be sorry for.
Thank you
so, mum called this this afternoon and asked if i had heard of the london terror attacks, i replied that i know of it.. then she asked, don't you recognise him?".
so i answered, "no".. mum: don't you recognise tobi?.
mum: tobi, aunty juliet's son.
Clarification is a good thing. A story is told and sometimes the finer points come out later. I don't think you have anything to be sorry for.
Thank you
hi, just wanted to say hello.. i have my beliefs, my views, my opinions.
i hope people respect them, and do not hate me for my beliefs.
we all have the right to believe in what we choose.
Flip, you're always a breathe of fresh air.
so i do respect and am very greatful for the sacrifies those who dedicated their family, lives, etc.
to defend our freedom, lives, and land, but if we lived in a world where we lived as monks or jehovah's witnesses (basicly just the practise of no war).... would that be wrong?.
what's a good lesson or level of reasoning when supporting the idea of war?.
This just popped up on my FB newsfeed:
" KNOW YOUR HISTORY: Memorial Day was started by former slaves on May, 1, 1865 in Charleston, SC to honor 257 dead Union Soldiers who had been buried in a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp. They dug up the bodies and worked for 2 weeks to give them a proper burial as gratitude for fighting for their freedom. They then held a parade of 10,000 people led by 2,800 Black children where they marched, sang and celebrated."
i decided to call my mother more often at the request of my brother (the parental units have been driving him crazy and my calling more hopefully will decrease the craziness my brother has had to deal with).
so i called her last tuesday and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is she recovering from a weekend of babysitting her "substitute grandchildren" (her exact words and actually my nonjw cousin's children) since she doesn't get to see her own grandchildren.. wonderful .
there are reasons why i don't take my children to my mother's house.
Hi Mrs Flip! Ya we're all ready and eager to see ya up in Tahoe. Jocelyn asked me at the beginning of the year if we were going again and I was so glad to tell her yes.
My parents know they're missing out but they want to play it like it my fault. Not even halfway true.
i decided to call my mother more often at the request of my brother (the parental units have been driving him crazy and my calling more hopefully will decrease the craziness my brother has had to deal with).
so i called her last tuesday and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is she recovering from a weekend of babysitting her "substitute grandchildren" (her exact words and actually my nonjw cousin's children) since she doesn't get to see her own grandchildren.. wonderful .
there are reasons why i don't take my children to my mother's house.
Oh I not humble about being an awesome mom...too late.
Yeah it is trying Band. Sometimes I think my avoidance of them is just another manifestation of them yanking my chain. Control issues are a bitch.
i decided to call my mother more often at the request of my brother (the parental units have been driving him crazy and my calling more hopefully will decrease the craziness my brother has had to deal with).
so i called her last tuesday and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is she recovering from a weekend of babysitting her "substitute grandchildren" (her exact words and actually my nonjw cousin's children) since she doesn't get to see her own grandchildren.. wonderful .
there are reasons why i don't take my children to my mother's house.
What do you mean "seem"? I am a good mother.
i decided to call my mother more often at the request of my brother (the parental units have been driving him crazy and my calling more hopefully will decrease the craziness my brother has had to deal with).
so i called her last tuesday and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is she recovering from a weekend of babysitting her "substitute grandchildren" (her exact words and actually my nonjw cousin's children) since she doesn't get to see her own grandchildren.. wonderful .
there are reasons why i don't take my children to my mother's house.
You got that right Rules.
The funny/strange thing about this is my grandfather (I'll call him "O") hated my father and his family with a passion. At every opportunity my grandpa O would tell us how my father was no good (wasnt true, dad in his younger days was a good father and fun to be around) and his father (grandpa B) was no good too (what grandpa O had against my other grandpa B was he felt he had too many kids - 14 in all).
At one point my father would not come into his inlaws house because he knew he wasn't welcome.
this ad popped up a minute ago.
i have to wonder if going out in public on a bad hair days is a crime in her town.
maybe it should be.
About ten cans of hairspray. That's a fire accident waiting to happen.
i'm in awe of sacred spaces.
love stained glass rose windows and gothic architecture.
i like coral music (who knew).
I am fascinated by religious architecture
Me too. There's a little church in the Fruitvale section of Oakland, Ca. It's not much to look at on the outside but the sanctuary is gloriously beautiful with a lot of wood and high beams.
i decided to call my mother more often at the request of my brother (the parental units have been driving him crazy and my calling more hopefully will decrease the craziness my brother has had to deal with).
so i called her last tuesday and the first thing that pops out of her mouth is she recovering from a weekend of babysitting her "substitute grandchildren" (her exact words and actually my nonjw cousin's children) since she doesn't get to see her own grandchildren.. wonderful .
there are reasons why i don't take my children to my mother's house.
I like the neutral location suggestions.
I had hoped when I got older and the kids came along that my relationship with my parents would be calmer and easier. It hasn't worked out that way for me or my siblings. My brother even said recently that it would be a relief then they are gone, that he's of the mind that his mother died long ago and right now he's dealing with her rather painfully disagreeable ghost.