Well I'm not a heartless pet owner on really cold or hot days I let the critters in but they are trained to poty outside where animal waste belongs imho. I think it's really dirty to have litter boxes indoors where little kids can get to them plus the cats track all that grit everywhere even on counter tops if they are climbers, ugg talk about dirty!
JoinedPosts by bikerchic
Cat pee
by noni1974 inomg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
Cat pee
by noni1974 inomg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
Keep your cat outside it can pee where ever it needs to and pretty much no one cares. I'm a firm believer that pets especially the four legged ones belong outside.
My uncle who is a Vet said the most unhealthy pets he sees are the ones who live inside.
He's gone now.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to cry watching that.
Today I'm especially thankful I have friends like you!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
How Will You Use Barbara Anderson's News to Help Your Witness Family ?
by flipper inso the big "national " news release has come and gone.
it was huge in that this time it definitely hit the ears and eyes of witnesses as well as others who know witnesses, or have relatives who are in it .
on a " national " scale this is a lot of people.
Flipper I really hope that many will be able to reach their families and friends with this news. I tried with the Dateline story and all it did was get my very best friend of over 30 years to send me an email telling me I'm a determent to her relationship with Jehovah.
My family is so far in that they will never see the errors of the WTS and what little they do see they are faithfully waiting on Jehovah to correct. I wish I had more hope for them then I do, I will live vicariously through others and hope to hear some really good experiences out of all this.
I am thinking of sending a link to my sister with well worded questioning I'll let you know if any thing comes of it. I suspect it will only cause a bigger rift with us. It's horrible what being in a cult does to families!
To my favorite Poster here
by erynw inlove ya!
i don't know how you keep on giving.
for your kindness i'm in debt to you.
don't tell anyone but you're my favorite mod
Okay, mums the word!
Thanks for the smiles you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Eryn!
Has Anyone Been On Active JW Sites After NBC Tonight??
by Lady Liberty ingood evening all.... was tring to find a forum where there are active jws to see what they are saying about the nbc clip on jw pediphiles.
where can i find a good site to see what they are saying?
"... this really doesn't prove anything. Do you think just because a religion has charges against them means they have everything wrong? If that was the case you might as well hangup religion all together, because no one religion is without its downfalls."
Pretty much what I expected from the average JW think.......I really think the only ones who this will penetrate through all the JW brain washing are those who are now or have experienced molestation at the hands of a member in the Congregation. For most JW's who live in wait on Jehovah land this will go right over their heads because after all Jehovah will take care of it.
Awesome! All that hugging is contagious I loved the skate boarder one!
Barbara Anderson is on NBC Nightly News Tonight 11/21/07
by AndersonsInfo ina producer with nbc in new york called within the past hour to tell me that the segment i interviewed for (once in nashville, tn in august and once in washington, dc in october) is set to air tonight on nbc nightly news with brian williams, that is, if no huge calamity takes place to bump the feature.
this piece will be two minutes and 45 seconds long, the longest slot nightly news has for topics of interest, and will feature a discussion about the court documents that are found on the cd i recently produced, "secrets of pedophilia in an american religion, jehovah's witnesses in crisis.
in addition, nbc's internet site, msn, will follow with a detailed story.
Especially for Rabbit and Gregor, let the in fighting stop. FWIW no cover was blown with the early releasing of this fabulous news and I got this directly from the mouth of Barbara which if you notice even in the piece NBC News contacted the WTS asking for a comment they knew early on that this was in the works.
No one was to blame, no one is a bad guy and lets not go off on that venue it detracts from the real newsworthiness of what was done here and makes apostates look bad, quit it!
Yay Barbara! You've done and continue to do awesome work in bringing down the WTS and exposing them for their horrible deeds against children, lets protect the children!
To my favorite Poster here
by erynw inlove ya!
i don't know how you keep on giving.
for your kindness i'm in debt to you.
Oh darn I thought she meant me, sigh.
I love ya too eclipse and eryn you're the bestest!