Is it scary or gory? I hate those kinds of movies.
JoinedPosts by bikerchic
Movie "The Mist"
by pratt1 ini saw the movie the mist this weekend.. i was surprized at how good it was.. it is based on a novel by stephen king, how does that guy continue to crank out novels and movies?.
if you like thrillers this is a good movie to see.. i won't spoil it for you, but the ending is a shocker!.
great show on a & e right now
by orbison11 inpacific time 2p pm channel 18 here ,,,vancouver bc.
about cults, shunning, very good.
I went to "The House of Yahweh" website and it looks remarkabley like JW's even their publications look like JW's!
great show on a & e right now
by orbison11 inpacific time 2p pm channel 18 here ,,,vancouver bc.
about cults, shunning, very good.
I've got it recording right now. Thanks for the heads up orb!
Dumped On.
by RollerDave intis the season, so to speak.. this is the time of year the darkness descends like a proclamation of doom, and the light retreats like a rank and filer encountering an actual, thinking, reasoning person during the failed misery.. i don't exactly operate at a hundred percent in the dark and cold, ironic considering where i live.. so one day, we have a relatively clear parking pad, and the next we get a ton of white shit dumped on us.. such lovely fun, shoveling all the global warming from the drive.. got to take the truck out and let it strut it's stuff, that bad ol' aposta-truck was in it's element and unstoppable.
like the unfailing assault of reason on the last tendrils of mind control left in my wetware.. see, i've been thinking again, in spite of all the trouble it's gotten me in before it's a hard habit to break.
i drive around and everybody is getting their christmas on, and i have always felt so smug that i 'knew better'.. see, here is the witless take; you gotta get all vestiges of pagan influence out of your life, no saturnalia, no lupercalia, no all hallows eve, no 'bless you' to a sneeze, no 'pot lucks', bleh blah yadda.. yet, every day of the week and month of the year is named for a pagan deity, the planets are too.
helluva long post
BUT did you read it? I usually don't read longish posts this one was well worth it! Very good writting I like your style Dave!
5thGeneration spanked his awesome pre-teen girls and is proud of it.
by nvrgnbk inmy awesome pre-teen girls are the best kids in the world.
and they were spanked!.
did he do it because he's a fifth-generation jw?.
I apologize if I was being judgmental. That wasn't my intent.
I didn't take you as judgemental at all nvr and I enjoyed what you have to say on the subject. I always learn here that's what I love about JWD the posters make me think and change which is good, yeah it's all good!
A Question
by Vivamus inokay, i have a question.
it's a really big one, right up there with the huge questions of life such as "why does it rain on a wintery sunday" or "why does chocolate make me sick to my stomach" .... .
"why can't i reply to posts anymore?
Onacruse and JH,
Vivamus wants you to know you're time will come! Keep talking the talk!
Hey Viv I won't mind a bit giving ona a spanking for you! He needs one really bad!
I finally spoke to my parents. Best thing I did.
by ThomasCovenant inseveral month ago i finally got up the courage to speak to my parents about the reasons i left the borg.
up until then things were brewing up inside me to the point where i thought i would explode in rage.. even though they were aware of the basic reasons they still had no idea about how angry i was.. friday afternoon i started by asking my mother that i would like to arrange a meeting between the 2 of them and my wife and i to discuss the 't'.
i didn't want to get into detail at this stage because it would be unfair on just her without my elder dad being there.
Well done Thomas!
Parents actually love that their children can speak sincerely from their hearts to them. I'm sure you've planted some seeds of doubts in them and now is the time to just sit back and let them figure it out for themselves. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
Right now the relief you feel is your reward I'm glad to hear a big burden has been lifted from your shoulders and the anger has dissipated, time to exhale!
Hey I just noticed that I am no longer a "Newbie"
by TooBad TooSad ini am now an official "junior member".
Hey congrats Junior! Now you know what you get to do around JWD since you're no longer a newb?
You get to do this:
and you can start with the peanut shells everyone tosses around on the floor around here:
but the real fun is sweeping up the popcorn in the fight threads:
So you have fun you old timer you and you've got to hang around more to do a good job!
5thGeneration spanked his awesome pre-teen girls and is proud of it.
by nvrgnbk inmy awesome pre-teen girls are the best kids in the world.
and they were spanked!.
did he do it because he's a fifth-generation jw?.
It would appear that the lack of spanking has not had an adverse affect on your grandchildren.
I'm sure you're very proud of them.
No truer words spoken!
What is life for if we all aren't growing and learning better ways to make life better not only for ourselves but others each and every day? I hope I never quit learning better ways of coping with life because it's hard, it's breathe, breathe, breathe all the time, sigh. Ya know what I mean?
Dumped On.
by RollerDave intis the season, so to speak.. this is the time of year the darkness descends like a proclamation of doom, and the light retreats like a rank and filer encountering an actual, thinking, reasoning person during the failed misery.. i don't exactly operate at a hundred percent in the dark and cold, ironic considering where i live.. so one day, we have a relatively clear parking pad, and the next we get a ton of white shit dumped on us.. such lovely fun, shoveling all the global warming from the drive.. got to take the truck out and let it strut it's stuff, that bad ol' aposta-truck was in it's element and unstoppable.
like the unfailing assault of reason on the last tendrils of mind control left in my wetware.. see, i've been thinking again, in spite of all the trouble it's gotten me in before it's a hard habit to break.
i drive around and everybody is getting their christmas on, and i have always felt so smug that i 'knew better'.. see, here is the witless take; you gotta get all vestiges of pagan influence out of your life, no saturnalia, no lupercalia, no all hallows eve, no 'bless you' to a sneeze, no 'pot lucks', bleh blah yadda.. yet, every day of the week and month of the year is named for a pagan deity, the planets are too.
Awe Dave you get the best read of the Month award from me! I loved it!
It's just normal and natural to have some encouraging celebration that cheers you up in the depth of the long dark winter, it's only natural and normal to have something in common with your fellow man, what are YOU doing for Christmas?