Aggghhhhh! Yes I've been very stressed over this, seriously I can't stop crying! I honestly think I'm experiencing some sort of PTSD left over from the big earthquake I went through in '92 or was it '93? uggg....that big thud and the ground shaking when the trees went down which woke me from a sound sleep, I still have that butterfly queasy feeling in my stomach!
Add this excitement to my son calling us in a suicide panic this morning and I'm really wasted.......I just really want to go to bed pull the covers over my head and not wake up!
Okay enough about me, I'm sure this will pass.....Craig keeps telling me it will.....
Here are pictures, they aren't very good it was pouring rain and my camera lens has rain drops on it. The truck which was lifted up by the trees root ball. The trees laying on the ground with the satellite dish crumbled up, some pictures of the gate area at the front of the house where Craig thought a big branch had fallen....oh how I wish!
And some Christmas lights for Tammy!