You have expressed my exact sentiments. I knew that truth was in the bible, but the WTS was not dispensing it. I have always believed that truth would stand up to any questioning and when the WTS refused to be questioned, then I reasoned that they must be deficient in their understanding to take a stance like this. Hence the statement "Wait on Jehovah, He will reveal it in his own time." And I do remember study articles where I said after we considered them "they don't know what they are talking about." So, no I was not going to be caught up in something like that again. My goal then became finding a logical explanation of all of the prophesies in the bible.
No, I could not see letting personalities come between me and understanding the bible. Personalities be damned, I wanted answers and I have questioned MDS for 10 years about explanations he has given. I have read the bible through each year to make sure that no one was pulling the wool over my eyes. I felt that I needed to know what was in the bible in order to be able to ask intelligent questions. I have found things that I didn't believe fit with some of his explanations and told him so. Some things he could not explain at the time I presented it to him. But he would later show me other scriptures that I had not considered that helped clear the matter up. He's done this over and over and frankly I am still asking for explanations. I am continually overwhelmed at the amount of information in the bible that I don't understand even after ten years of study. I simply have not found MDS to be deficient. I can actually see the scripture at Isaiah 52: 13-15 being fulfilled; which says, particularly in verse 15; "....At him kings will shut their mouth, because what had not been recounted to them they will actually see, and to what they had not heard they must turn their consideration." I would like to emphasize 'what they had not heard' because I have heard a lot of things that were totally new to me.
Earlier when we started these discussions, I have to say that I felt as many of you do, why him? What does he have that anyone else didn't have so that Jehovah would give him this kind of knowledge. My answer had to be, what did it matter, all I knew was that Jehovah was not giving it to me directly and if I wanted to understand his word I would have to get it from whomever Jehovah was giving it to.
I often think of the words spoken about Jesus at Matthew 7:28,29, which reads: "Now when Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching' for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as their scribes." This is what I hear when I listen to MDS, a person speaking with authority. As with those Israelites, I have found no one who can refute his explanations. And I do read what others say. If there is any one out there who can give a more reasonable and logical explanation, I will give him a hearing ear. I am after truth and nothing else will do. I believe I have a basic enough understanding of the bible to be able to recognize whether someone knows what he is talking about. I have heard enough people here on this board say that MDS does not understand the bible but I have yet to see them prove it scripturally. MDS has taken ten years to hone his teachings. Has anyone else worked this hard to "find the very knowledge of God?" (Proverbs 2:5) If so, then let's hear it, but until then.....
Frenchy, everyone has to make up his own mind based on his love for Jehovah and faith in his word. I don't know if anyone can convince you with mere words that a particular person is being used by Jehovah. It may be as Jesus said: "No one comes to me unless the Father draws him." Sometimes you can fight so hard against something and that thing may be just what you're looking for. It just has not been presented in the package that you think it should have been. That's how the Jews missed out on identifying Jesus. In fact, Isaiah says something similar at Isaiah 53:2: "And he will come up like a twig before one, and like a root out of waterless land. No stately form does he have, not any splendor; and when we shall see him, there is not the appearance so that we should desire him." I believe this is saying that we are not going to like what we see.
Anyway, I hope you will continue to give this prayful consideration as you are doing.