To "Link":
I didn't say I knew ALL of the "Truth", did I? I could see a person being a litle leary of someone saying that. So please go back and check what I said. We get "all truth" from the "Spirit of the Truth" as it "guides us into ALL TRUTH", so the Bible says. And I'm certainly NOT the "spirit of the truth". I make no such claim. -- John 16:13
To "Onacruise":
...I agree. I used to find such elaborate investigations intriguing, and though I could wade right on in with all kinds of "stuff," I much prefer: Keep It Simple.
I can appreciate where you are coming from. But please consider this.
Ezekiel 44:1-3 which speaks about God's "Chieftain, who eats bread in God's Presence" IS SIMPLE. So what's complicated or "elaborate" about it?
When we think about it, the study of God's "Chieftain" is NOT an "elaborate investigation" after all. No but it simply is a integral part of holy prophecy which mankind continually and consistently OVERLOOKS. Mankind does it deliberate too, just as many are doing on this discussion board. But really, there is nothing "elaborate" about it. It is quite simple in fact.
The "Chieftain" prophecy has been there, in the book of Ezekiel, right there in bold print for everyone's eyes to see for the past 2,500 years. No can deny that. But is anybody trying to "UNDERSTAND" it. Now, that's the question.
So, that being the case, I think its high time we started learning something from Holy Scripture, and quit "dancing around" holy prophecy. (I'm not talking about you personally, but mankind in general.) That's why we don't learn anything and we keep going in circles. We, in all good conscience, choose, that's choose to OVERLOOK things we shouldn't. And then we say, "I don't understand the Bible." But I say, we are the ones at fault, if we "skip over" these powerful prophetic thoughts of God. Then, the picture will always be INCOMPLETE, as long as we continue to "skip over" important details of scripture. And that is what we have done in the past, and that is what we continue to do, mankind in general I'm am speaking of. We have become "skip over" experts. No wonder we don't understand anything. How can we learn anything if we keep this "skip-over-important-verses-in-the-bible" stuff up?
I say, its just not "gonna happen" people. We're not gonna get "Divine Understanding". Simple.
The real truth is, the "Chieftain" information is vital, extremely important. And we simply can't skip over it any longer folks, if we ever, ever expect to "understand" the bible. Even the WTS, made this mistake, as have so many other religions. It seems, everybody who claims to be "christian" is "guilty" of doing this.
Therefore, I think its high time we start making a serious effort to truly come to understand God's "Divine Will" and stated purposes in scripture, as written. No more "skipping over" verses, (Like the WTS did when they wrote the "Know Jehovah" book on the contents of Ezekiel wherein whole chapters of Ezekiel was conspicuously not commented upon. This is truly unforgiveable.) And the information about God's "Chieftain" is a certainly and without a doubt, a very good place to start. We have to do this, in all good conscience, BEFORE we conclude the Bible is such a wondrous paradox, and God hasn't done HIS JOB and provided for mankind. When the truth be told, actually God has provided. But the problem is, we have "skipped over" his provision, which has led to UNTOLD problems and difficulties in understanding His "Divine Will" for mankind.
Therefore, I'd say God really has "kept it simple", as you suggest. Because He is using the same M.O. or mode of operation, that He has, for the past 6,000 years. It is simple and God keeps it that way. It is mankind who always tries to complicate the matter, by OVERLOOKING important details of His Stated Will. Let me explain.
This is the "Bible Research" Forum. Therefore, all of us should be "searching" for truth.
However, most people here, actually think of the Bible as being a message that is BEYOND human understanding or comprehension. An INCOMPREHENSIBLE message from God. A book which is IMPOSSIBLE for one to understand. We think that the message from God presents a formidable "paradox WITHOUT a reasonable solution", a great mystery BEYOND the scope of mankind. But this is NOT true.
Instead of thinking the Bible is a "paradox" beyond our scope, we should think, the Bible is a "Sacred Secret". God's Religious Secret that He has held tightly in His Hand for a purpose, UNTIl the designated person arrives to dispense His knowledge. And, in the meantime while we are waiting, we should always note the "details" that are unexplained, knowing a plausible, reasonable, understandable "explanation" will surface and God will have provided as usual. That should be our attitude of the matter. We should know, and fully expect God to send us the designated person, the "Chieftain" of Ezekiel 44:1-3. And then, and only then, will be rightly expect God to release the tightly held sacred information, that He has up to this time, wisely kept privy only to Himself. At that time, we should expect, the sacred information of God, to be released, at God's discretion. Its release comes at the designated time foretold in scripture, "in the final part of the days" when "Israel" is in "great distress". -- See Jeremiah 23:20; 30:7-9, 24.
So God has kept it simple. God simply releases His sacred "understanding" of His purposes, by way of the "Chieftain". He grants true "understanding" of His Will to this chosen one. It is God's choice, God's Chosen One. And we should expect the Bible to speak openly about this one. And it does. His role is to explain things, as we would expect of a coming "messiah", like Jesus. (John 4:25) This one is spoken of in God's "scroll". But the holy "scroll" is held in God's Hands only. So since the "scroll" is held tight within His Grasp, as Revelation 5:1 shows, everything is proceeds according to God's discretion. And the holy "seals" on this "scroll, "seals up" the bible. This holy "scroll" has upon it, seven "seals" or seven (7) great, cataclysmic events untold to mankind that blocks "understanding" of God's Sacred Purposes. 7 unrevealed truths which work to "seal" the Bible up, until Jehovah the Almighty gets ready to reveal these things. 7 "religious secrets" of God. After all, Jehovah God is the "Great Revealer" of Secrets. -- Daniel 2:47
So since this is the case, God keeps his Religious Secrets to Himself until, until its time to reveal these powerful events as "religious secrets" or "Sacred Secrets" to the "Chieftain". God "grants understanding" to his Chosen One, the "Chieftain" as depicted in Ezekiel 44:1-3 "eating bread" in God's Holy Presence. In turn, the "Chieftain" reveals it to mankind, but to spiritual "Israel" [JWs] first. This Divine Pattern, was first established by Jesus Christ as revealed in Matthew 10:6 and Matthew 13:11.
Other verses back this up. For example, Revelation 6:2 shows this. The "Chieftain" is revealed as the rider of the mysterious "white horse" who receives a "crown" of favor from God, in these last days. He is also shown in scripture to be "Shiloh", who is supposed to show up "in the final part of the days". -- Gen. 49:1, 10
So then the "plan" is quite simple as Amos 3:7 shows, this is God's designated M.O. [modus operande], His pattern of operation. As stated above, the "Chieftain" is allowed to "eat bread" in the Holy Presence of the Almighty, in His Future Temple in fact. A "Temple" that was previously abandoned by God for becoming guilty of committing "fornication" with its filthy, disgraceful "king's" activity. These worthless "kings" [Governing Body of JWs] are the ones who presumptuously "put their doorposts" right up beside "God's doorpost" and caused the Temple to be "defiled" in God's eyes. Now the Temple must be "purified" before God will come near them again. (Ezekiel 43:22-27) A "defiled" Temple that now, because of spiritual "fornication" being committed by the "kings" [G.B. UN/NGO Disaster], that now has to be cleansed and "purified" before God would accept them again. As Ezekiel says of this new Temple Arrangement, "This is the law of the House...all around is something most holy. Look! This is the law of the House." In other words, Jehovah is primarily interested in this "House" being kept dutifully "Holy", spiritually clean, in His sight, before He will deal with them again. -- See Ezekiel 43:7-12.
And to set this whole stage of events for us, dutifully Almighty God reveals His "confidential matters" to this foretold designated person, who fully carries out God's Will toward wayward "Israel" [JWs]. He becomes the "Servant" of God; the one God "chooses" for this work. -- Isaiah 49:1-7
So God chooses the "Chieftain", who then despenses the "knowledge" to the deserving ones of "Israel" first. The ones God has chosen. Therefore, the "kingdom of God", becomes repatriated, restored "Israel". The ones that are restored from apostasy to God's favor. The spiritual nation of Israel [JWs]. And that means, we today who accept God's arrangement for peace, we who accept Ezekiel's "Chieftain", restored Israel, become the "kingdom of God", reborn on earth, the kingdom that we have all waiting for all of this time. God's Kingdom is now, upon earth, where God "dwells" forever and ever. In other words, we as "Jehovah's Witnesses" become the long-awaited "Temple" Arrangement that had to be pulled up from spiritual "fornication", because of the disgraceful sins of the Governing Body of Jehovan's Witnesses, but later will have the inestimatable privilege to have God Almighty Himself "reside in the midst of the sons of Israel to TIME INDEFINITE". -- Ezekiel 43:7-9; 48:35
So the story does have a happy ending, after all.
This is a blessing, if we can "see" the whole picture. We can today become the holy, blessed "arrangement" of God. But first, we must come to understand the role of the "Chieftain". Again, keeping it simple. We must come to understand the "Chieftain" is the one that God invites to "eat bread" in His lofty presence, the only one. And he will provide proper directions for us, Israel. Israel can recovery from spiritual disaster, only if they accept the spiritual help from the "Chieftain", and thus benefit fully from this horrible WTS "experience". This is our only, only way out. -- Ezekiel 44:1-3; Daniel 2:34, 35, 44
I hope this helps.
Edited by - bjc2012 on 20 October 2002 15:14:47
Edited by - bjc2012 on 20 October 2002 15:26:44
Edited by - bjc2012 on 20 October 2002 16:56:50
Edited by - bjc2012 on 20 October 2002 17:42:6
Edited by - bjc2012 on 20 October 2002 19:2:12