You Know:
In a sense they will be observers of how God disciplines his people, that's because we have been so vocal about how we are the only ones who are going to breeze through the tribulation whilst ole Christendom gets whacked. When things don't go down that way it will be a tremendous reproach for us. So, when Jehovah dissolves our covenant with death during the tribulation, the nations will take note that Jehovah has seemingly abandoned us. But, BUT! They will not be mere casual bystanders to the tribulation itself, because they will be in the thick of that too.
You show by this statement, a critical lack of Bible understanding. You do not understand the Bible at all, nor do you "know Jehovah," the Person. {Hebrews 8:11) Again, Jeremiah 25:29 and 1 Peter 4:17 shows that "Gods House" comes under "judgment" First, before all others. First. And First means first. Jehovah's Witnesses will be "disciplined" by God, "first," first before all others, totally ALONE. Totally alone. How so?
Ezekiel 36th chapter gives us the details. Also Zech 12:2,3.
"Therefore prophesy, and you must say, This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: For the reason, even for the reason that there has been a lying desolate and a SNAPPING AT YOU FROM ALL SIDES, in order for you to become a possession to the remaining ones of the nations and you CONTINUE BEING TALKED ABOUT WITH THE TONGUE and there is a BAD REPORT among people...This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, For the reason that there are those SAYING TO YOU: "A devourer of humankind in what you yourself are, and a land bereaving your nations of children is what you have become," therefore humankind you will no more devour, and your nations you will no more bereave of children," is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. And I shall cause no further HUMILIATING TALK by the nations to be HEARD concerning you, and REPROACH by peoples you will bear no more, and your nations you will no more CAUSE TO STUMBLE." -- Ezekiel 36:3, 13-15
"Here I am making Jerusalem a bowl causing reeling to all the peoples round about; and also against Judah he will come to be in the SIEGE, even against Jerusalem. And it must occur in that day that I shall make Jerusalem a BURDENSOME STONE to all the peoples. All those lifting it will without fail get severe scratches for themselves; and AGAINST HER ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH will certainly be gathered." -- Zechariah 12:2, 3
"ALL NATIONS" are "gathered against" God's people, first. They place "Israel" or Jerusalem under "siege." This is a worldwide condition. It cannot be missed, this situation is unmistakable.
We recall, Persecution can take on many forms. It can be even VERBAL, as John 5:16 shows.
Because of their present-day, horrible spiritual condition and despicable conduct, Jehovah's Witnesses are going to come under INTERNATIONAL ATTACK and intense VERBAL persecution by the Hand of God, BEFORE the Great War of our times. (Daniel 10:1) Based upon Jesus' words, we can expect the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses to become the recepients of many legal battles, many legal confrontations, problems with the authorities of the land, on a WORLDWIDE SCALE, yes, "BEFORE all of these things" start to occur. These conditions are known as, PRE-TRIBULATION [or pre- "trampling"; pre-"Gentile Times"] CONDITIONS. That's Pre-Tribulation Conditions. -- See KJV Luke 21:24
You may remember Jesus' words at Luke 21:12 where he said:
"But, BEFORE ALL THESE THINGS people [irreligious people of nations] will lay their hands upon YOU [christians] and PERSECUTE YOU [christians], delivering YOU [christians] up to the synagogues and prisons, you being haled before kings and governors for the sake of my name."
"Before all these things...", he said.
Before what things?
Luke 21:10, 11 tells us what things,
"Then he went on to say to them: Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs."
Jesus said, "Before all these things," BEFORE things such as World War, famine, pestilence -- which are in essence the rides of the "fiery colored horse", the "pale horse," and "black horse" of Revelation 6th chapter. BEFORE all these things, Christians are persecuted.
Indeed, World War, World Pestilence, World Famine, are truly coming upon earth's inhabitants as a whole -- these seemingly insurmountable earthwide problems that are WORLDWIDE conditions and situations that affect the entire globe. Yes, the entire globe and all of earth's inhabitants are affected and caught up in the grip in these very visible things.
But, the earth's inhabitants will NOT be involved in the worldwide persecution heaped upon God's Name People, Jehovah's Witnesses, just as Jesus said. This happens "BEFORE ALL THESE THINGS."
And why?
It is just as the prophet said,
"...there is a BAD REPORT among people." -- Ezekiel 36:3;
Jehovah God uses this "Bad Report" to cause the "Nations" en mass to gather against Jehovah's Witnesses as a united people and persecute them on a worldwide scale as just "fruits" and "wages" for their practice of sin. This all happens BEFORE any WORLD calamity -- before world war, world famine, and world pestience. -- Rev. 6:1-8; Daniel 10:1; Luke 21:10, 11
This way, Jehovah God and Jesus stay consistent in judgment and discipline toward "Israel", based upon her past course of conduct. -- Please see Luke 8:17and Jeremiah 46:28.