On this thread, I will comment from time to time, as current events unfold, for the benefit of mystery "Israel", God's Name People. The ones whom the scriptures reveal must repent or be severely disciplined. Remember, I will comment from time to time, intermittently, upon occasion as the need may be.
Hi all:
MDS wrote what you will find below, October 22, 2000 on, exactly 2 years ago.
Back then, MDS stated he would provide "key" information and become our "guide" for the future for all interested parties. Mankind's guide, for all lovers of "peace". He directed attention to Isaiah 49:1-7 which shows only one man, will be used by God to provide such information. When all is said and done, this one will fulfill the contents of John 16:13, 14. He would "guide" us, just as God said before hand, "INTO ALL TRUTH", and would "DECLARE THE THINGS COMING", the future, so that all would know exactly who he is. If MDS truly is that person, the future itself will prove it, and it would prove that God gave him "all the truth". He would become at that time, the "Spirit of The Truth" for all mankind, at the end of a special 14 year period of particular spiritual "enlightenment", granted to mystery "Israel" and all interested parties. A Period that terminates MDS say, by the Spring of 2010. At that time, by that time, MDS predicts he will have become "a light to all nations", so that God's "salvation may come to be to the extremity of the earth." -- Isaiah 49:1, 6
MDS said he was chosen to become the mystery "chieftain", who is the only one allowed to "eat bread", spiritual "bread", holy "bread", in the presence of the Almighty, in the "east gate" before the Great Jehovah, or Yehowah [yah--o-ah], the Creator of the Universe. This "temple" is a future temple of God's making, one that God accepts, but one that wayward "Israel" must not pollute, as they had in the previous one, by exalting their "kings" [their so-called "Governing Body"] to parity with God Almighty. They unwittingly put "their threshold with God's threshold, and their doorpost beside God's doorpost". Thus, unwittingly, they committed IDOLATRY before the Almighty. They, following their leaders, committed a NATIONAL SIN. Thus, the worship is NOT acceptable to God. The "copper altar" for burnt offerings must be "purified", re-installed, before their worship would be acceptable to Jehovah God again. -- Ezekiel 43:7,8; 20-27; 44:1-3; Lev. 4:3, 13
For the foregoing reasons, he comes with a "covenant" from God. A covenant of "peace", and "indefinitely lasting covenant" of peace, that could exist between and God and His repentant people. Still, a covenant that they know nothing about, as of now. (Isa. 42:6; 49:8; Ezekiel 34:25; 37:23-28)
This one, must prove to be the "Son of Man", that has to be "REVEALED" [Greek: "apokalupto" (apocalyse), uncovered, disclosed], in these last days to the world at large. (Luke 17:30) Really, when we stop and think about it, the immediate coming of Jesus Christ would not prove to a true "uncovering" in our age, since countless millions, billions expect that already. Further, Jesus Christ does not need to be "revealed" to anyone, today. The whole world has heard about him and his return, a sizeable portion of that world are expecting his imminent return. However, no one is expecting the coming of "Elijah", the one in whom Jesus said would "come first" and "restore ALL things". No, they are NOT expecting that future bible figure. And mystery "Israel", is not either. This is because mystery "Israel" could never see the need for such a spiritual "restoration" for itself. It could never ever, admit such a complete and utter failing on their part, as a nation before God. But Jesus did. For these reasons, the "world" cannot "receive" him, because they recognize [behold] him not, and "know" him not, scripturally speaking. They know nothing of his foretold coming. -- Matt. 17:10, 11; Luke 17:30; John 14:17
In this way, he has been "hidden" as a "polished arrow" before mankind. He was "concealed" in God's own "quiver"; hidden in the "shadow of God's Hand". -- Isaiah 49:2
So because of this, right now, Jehovah's Witnesses do not understand what this means for them. But, beginning with the advent of the "Great War" of Daniel 10:1 (NIV), which is now before us, with that GREAT EVENT, the ride of the "fiery-colored horse" that is allowed to "take peace away from the earth," the "safeguarded ones of Israel" will begin to understand what MDS is talking about. -- Isaiah 49:6; Matthew 24:7; Revelation 6:2-4
The claim of MDS, is no small claim, no "trivial matter". (Isa. 49:6)
MDS [Modern Day Servant] would have the God-ordained mission to "raise up the tribes of Jacob", raise them up, so that "Israel may be gathered" to God, in peace. They must be "raised up" because of being in a spiritually lowered condition before God. So the "Servant" must "bring Israel back" to God. He willingly performs this service for God, and thus becomes the "Servant", the Modern Day Servant of our time. The one foretold in scripture and prophecy, to come during our time. (Isa. 49:5, 6) By considering this, this shows Israel fallen from God's grace and favor, due to bad conduct, false worship and idolatry in God's eyes. They are so low, a "land of decoration" rather than a "Mountain of Decoration". (Daniel 11:41, 45) Therefore, they need a special "helper" from God. Therefore, he becomes the foretold "Shiloh", the one who was promised to come when Israel would be in serious "distress", in the "final part of the days". (Gen. 49:1, 10, 24-26; Jer. 30:7-9) They have fallen into spiritual "apostasy". And from the depths of spiritual apostasy, as a "helper", he must gradually "restore" them to a renewed relationship with God, just Jesus did with Israel of the first century. He does this, to "bring back the safeguarded ones of Israel," before Jesus Christ comes with "destruction". (Malachi 4:5, 6; Matthew 19:28; Acts 3:20, 21) Each "safeguarded one" of Israel, everyone of that family is precious to God, to Almighty God. This is true, even though at present, they are spiritually speaking, a pitiable people, lost people due to wicked, bad "shepherds" who have brutalized them, for selfish gain. -- Ezekiel 34th chapter
But who are the real "tribes of Jacob"? The lost tribes of Israel, who are they? Its a mystery, a "sacred secret".
Some years ago, over 12 years ago, MDS recognized who mystery "Israel" in bible prophecy. Since that time, he has made that "disclosure" from God, known to many. He, as time passed, chose his forum. He chose the people that he would "speak" to, to invite them to "repentance" to God. He chose Discussion Boards that are especially frequented by JWs and exJWs and persons who are intimately acquainted with JWs. When all is said and done, MDS said, Mystery "Israel" will prove to be, Jehovah's Witnesses. (Isaiah 49:6)
Zechariah 8:12 [NWT] shows the nation of Israel must become God's "seed of peace" [NWT] so that in a priestly functioning way, they the nation can lead all other nations to "beat their swords" and "spears" into useful instruments, and "learn war no more." (Exodus 19:5,6; Isa. 2:2-4) The "Great War" that is before us, will show the great urgency and wisdom of such a noble goal for mankind. It is God's will that these "nations" learn real "peace" from "Mt Zion", where God's "Law goes forth" into all the earth. But before any of this can happen, Israel itself, must come to be at "peace" with God. They must become a "friend of peace" with God. When Jesus came, they rejected this opportunity. (Luke 10:6; 19:42) Therefore, their earthly nation could not stand before God. God could not and would not "restore the kingdom to Israel", the earthly kingdom they wished to have to that nation, because they rejected the actual terms for "peace" with God. However, that marvelous opportunity will be offered a second time, by God's modern day messiah to "Israel" upon earth. It will be God's answer to the prayer, "let your kingdom, your will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven." (Matthew 6:10) Therefore, after severe discipline has been administered to wayward Israel, a large portion from that number will accept those terms, and become the earthly government they were foretold to become peace for all other nations. -- Daniel 2:34, 35, 44, 45, 47; Acts 1:6
In the post below, MDS states it will take some 14 years for "Israel" and interested parties to come to understand this fact. His unique situation. His claims to be a modern-day "messiah". MDS teaches, approximately 7 of those 14 years have ALREADY passed. 7 years, as of Spring 2003. Which leaves the final 7, running from Spring 2003-2010. (The first 7 years which started with the appearance of "AJWR", Israel's awakening of "sin" in her midst and a special "measuring" period of the "temple", runs from Spring 1996 thru Spring 2003.) That traumatic 7-year period, that particular period is called "Daniel's week" in the Bible, as it represents the final "week" of a 70-week prophecy to pinpoint the coming of the "messiah" of God, based upon Daniel 9:24-27. MDS will provide such details of the future, explaining bible prophecy, as we would logically expect of a "messiah", in whom the Samaritan woman expected to "declares all things openly" so that she could understand. His role, then is to correctly "intrepret" scripture, just as Jesus did. (John 4:25; Luke 24:27) He is God's 'Interpreter" of Scripture. Therefore, by the end of that particular period, by the year of 2010, all will have ample evidence of exactly who God's "messiah" [anointed one] is. That is Spring, of the year 2010. -- Revelation 11:1
It is our future.
Hi Zep:
MDS, are you involved with 'The Report'?. If so, what happened to the web link i was promised? They said it was going to be up within a week, and that was months ago?
The website is still coming....we will advise when it is finished.
I mean all this stuff is fascinating MDS, just like Frenchy's story was fascinating. But how do you expect us to believe this stuff when you don't offer up any real proof.
Neither (a) the website, nor the (b)book called the "Report," offers any "proof" of this man's claims, the writer's claims, other than the interpretations of scriptures and prophecy themselves, as being backed by God..."god-breathed," God inspired.
Only the interpretations themselves, are offered as "proof."
Let me explain.
When someone "predicts" something...we need time to observe, to look, to meditate, to analyze, to see if such predictions have actually "come true" or not. So, we need time for this...reasonably speaking.
Jehovah God knows this.
So, Mankind will be given much, much time to wait, observe and see if the "predictions," the interpretations of scripture and prophecy will indeed come true or not, just as the writer of the "Report" had said they would.
Also, the people will know, using Deuteronomy 18:18-22, whether the one who speaks of these things, is a "true" or "false," prophet. They will be given much time to analyze and observe the outcome of what has been predicted...over 14 years.
Actually, the real essence of the "Report" itself, is that it makes a number of serious "predictions" about the future of Jehovah's Witnesses and God's dealings with them, in the future, as described in detail within the book. The book speaks of the coming fate of the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses as "modern-day Israel," of Bible prophecy, and how they fare, in the future days ahead...with the "king of the North" bearing down upon them.
The book shows the WTS will make a "serious mistake" in misreading the situation of the upcoming "Great War," as directly leading to "Armageddon," and will unwittingly PROCLAIM SUCH TO THE WORLD, thru its official journal, and signature magazine..."The WatchTower" magazine. This "MISTAKE," this foolish blunder in judgment, will prove to be fatal for them, and will virtually (though not completely) put them "out of business" as the self-proclaimed, "spirit-directed", but yet, non-inspired, "prophet" before God and mankind.
This is because, as said above, the "Great War," WILL NOT lead to "Armageddon," at all, but unexpected "peace," yes, "peace," between nations...peace. And during this unexpected "peace," during a time of proclaimations of "peace and security," yes, during that time of peace, then...
...WORLDWIDE PERSECUTION will come upon Jehovah's Witnesses, as a nation, quickly, "instantly," upon Jehovah's Witnesses, world-wide. At that time, Jehovah's Witnesses are now, earthwide "enemies," with the "king of the North," and his great "war" machine, who now reigns supreme earthwide. The United States of American will suffer a horrible defeat at his hands and will be reduced to a nation only interested in deeds of humanitarianism, at this time in human history.
The "Report's" predictions.
The world's scene will change drastically, after these events take shape. And so, Jehovah's Witnesses as a people, will have to "change," to accommodate the situation...completely change, to appease the "King of the North." Those that choose to "stay with the organization" at this time, will indeed, "receive the mark of the beast" as those in power at the helm of the organization will direct them to do so...during such an unexpected, unforeseen difficult time.
The "Report" speaks of, "predicts," changing political upheavals ahead, changes in policy as to how they (Jehovah's Witnesses, Israel) will be handled and viewed by the world in general, governments of the world, in the upcoming months and years ahead. After the "Great War," spoken of in Daniel 10:1 NIV; Matt. 24:7; Rev. 6:4.
The "Report" also speaks of a major split or major break in the brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses, resulting in two factions of JWs, divided off from each other, as spoken of in prophecy. This major split is foretold in the book for the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses, just after the "Great War" has been finished.
The book also, speaks of God revealing His Hand in a powerful way, by adding 200 million followers to the movement, to the smaller faction that breaks off, He adds this number to them...but only after the split has occurred. At a specific time, they are presented to the world, as a united group of worshipers, as Modern-Day "Israel," a completed nation, numbering over 200 million, as Romans 11:25,26 foretold.
Again, the prediction: Some, 200 million individuals will willingly and voluntarily, embrace the Name of God, and will want to be publicly identified by that Name, indicating Jehovah's blessings upon the newly established group, who have the courage to break free from the present-day structure and organization under the direction of the WTS.
This is an indication of God's special blessing upon such a group.
These predictions and more predictions like these, interpretations of prophecy, will be first, written down, dated and documented, for all to see. They are put before the world, as "proof,"... that only God, Jehovah KNOWS THE FUTURE, how things will turn out.
The writing of this literature, The "Report," ... the accuracy of the predictions, then, becomes the "proof" then, of God's Will in the matter. The "proof" that God is backing the writer of this material. Also, that He wants mankind to know, the "way out" of this situation.
Then, people simply wait, they wait and see if the "predictions," and interpretations come true...and then, they can make their decision as to whether they want to accept the "claims" of the personage, making these aforementioned predictions.
This is God's way of settling the matter...of directing His people, in the path to which he wants them to go.
So, if and when these "predictions" come actually true, then, and only then, will the people make up their minds about the "one person," responsible for the writing of these "predictions," and whether this person is who he claims to be. Whether he is from God or not.
Can he now, "guide" the world, "into ALL TRUTH," -- that will be the question before all, at that time. -- John 16:13
Time, much time is needed.
The world of mankind, will have over 14 years, that's OVER 14 years, to observe, think, analyze and make an informed decision about the claims of this individual responsible for all of these "predictions."
They will be given the much needed time to analyze the matter, by Jehovah God. And then, and only then, when they have observed ALL OF THESE PREDICTIONS and interpretations of scripture/prophecy to have come true...only then, are they expected by God, Jehovah, to make a decision on the matter...only then.
So, you see, we have much ahead of us, before we are expected to make our decision on whether this person is who he claims to be...if he really is "from God" or not...God's representative or not.
We don't have to rush...we have plenty of time, to make up our minds...and much "evidence" to consider, before we are expected to make up our minds.
So they say ... "Rome wasn't built in a day," was it?
Take Care,
Edited by - MDS on 22 October 2000 4:10:52
-------------end of post-----------
As I mentioned above, from time to time, I will make certain "key" points that are pertinent to the subject matter here and current events of our time as they unfold. In the meantime, we may be certain to look forward to a few surprises for President Bush, Tony Blair, United Nations Security Council and company. "ISLAM" the nations thereof, are going to do a serious "dance" upon the faces of "Christendom", with particular damage being done to the GREAT CENTERPIECE of all Christian faiths worldwide, the (Holy) land of the Israelis! Natural Israel and their borders. The removal of that particular "centerpiece" of token christian doctrine, will reveal how God feels about false teachings, and those who wickedly promulgate them to the unlearned in their midst. We can rightfully expect, within the next 6-7 months, OSAMA [USAMA] BIN LADEN, with much "intrigue" (Dan. 8:23 NIV) will come into power in the most surprising way. Daniel 8:23 speaks of his advent upon the world. The introduction to him. Bible prophecy shows OBL, will prove to be the great spiritual leader of this over powering "beast" with "10 horns". Organized Military nations of the people of ISLAM, who are finally united, against the perceived "imperialism" of the United States/Israel alliance. Those people who when collected together, fighting together, will prove to be an "extraordinarily fearsome beast", as a people. All 1.2 Billion of them!
Even now, they collectively think together in secret. They already exist as the "Islamic Conference Nations", in whom Palestinian leader Arafat consults with secretly. Collectively to date, they are 56 nations. In the past, we know the nations of Islam were not united. They fought among themselves. They were divided. However, this situation will not continue. If forced to act, these people will clearly show the world, the true meaning of their religious word: "JIHAD"! To be sure, these people collectively, are more dangerous and brutal in inflicting pain, death and suffering, than any other people ever gathered together upon the face of this earth. During such a turbulent time, many will hate the "king of the South" [United States./Great Britain]. Yes, even the very ones "eating his delicacies will bring his breakdown". He will be double-crossed by those he thought he could trust. But he, the "King of the South", cannot buy his "friends". They are not his "friends", but only hate him. (Daniel 11:14; 11:26) The people of "Islam", militarily-guided by OBL -- a formidable foe. OBL, the "small horn" of bible prophecy. OBL (Osama bin Laden) in whom God says, is a one who is noted to "understand ambiguous sayings", his forte. The one who will provide spiritual leadership among the foretold militarily armed "10 horns" or "10 kings" of Daniel's prophecy. He will become their spiritual leader. Islam's rallying point. The "small horn", that has "eyes" and a "mouth" that speaks "grandious things." (Daniel 7:7, 8, 19, 20, 23-25; 8:23-25; 11:21-26)
As President Bush works fervishly to start his "war", to get his United Nations Security Council support to disarm IRAQ, this is our future.
Edited by - bjc2012 on 29 October 2002 9:54:22
Edited by - bjc2012 on 29 October 2002 9:58:58
Edited by - bjc2012 on 29 October 2002 11:54:24