Letter dated 2017, January 6.
Cards from more than five years ago may be destroyed. At least the last 12 months of activity should be retained in the current file of cards. The last card of an inactive publisher should be retained in the current file indefinitely. The record cards of a disfellowshipped or disassociated person should be retained in the sealed judicial envelope. The current file of cards should be divided into two sections—“Active” and “Inactive.” The section for active publishers should be
arranged alphabetically, with the cards subdivided into sections for regular and special pioneers, baptized publishers, and unbaptized publishers.” Monthly Field Service Report (S-4) slips, after being tabulated and posted on the Congregation’s Publisher Record cards, do not have to be retained.
Three separate Congregation’s Publisher Record cards should be filled out to reflect the combined monthly totals for the congregation—one for all publishers, one for all auxiliary pioneers, and one for all regular and special pioneers and field missionaries. The last two years’ worth of such records, as well as meeting attendance records for the congregation, should be kept. Although the record cards are part of the congregation file, they may be kept by the secretary and made available to the other elders upon request. The field service group overseer (or servant) and his assistant should periodically review the field service activity of the publishers in their group with the goal of learning what each publisher’s strengths and weaknesses are and then offering appropriate assistance. If the assistant is not an elder or a ministerial servant, the group overseer (or servant) should orally share the information with him, noting areas of concern.