2020-December--Audio/Video Guidelines for Those Giving Public Talks via Videoconference.
Zipped folder.https://www.filemail.com/d/rjoukferwsimwqo
2020-december--announcements and reminders.2020-december--audio/video guidelines for those giving public talks via videoconference.zipped folder.https://www.filemail.com/d/rjoukferwsimwqoatlantis!
okay, i haven't been to a meeting in over 17 years and i don't live anywhere near the place i grew up.
i have had minimal contact with my jw family, essentially just occasional phone conversations.
i think they could easily guess that i'm inactive but they pretend not to know and they've never shunned me.
Letter dated 2017, January 6.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
Anna Marina:
Yes, that is what Petra's father said. It was better that Petra found out "before" she married him to discover that he was no good. It is better to be alone than for two people to be together and at each others throats all the time.
I have a BOE the Watchtower wrote counseling the elders to stop going to meetings smelling of liquor. It was a letter from the 1980's. So many elders and their wives are on alcohol or antidepressants.
The very elders judging in judicial committees could be liquored up, or buzzing on meds that would disqualify them from taking the lead.
The letter used the word ( Reports ), which is "plural" and means there was more than one report of elders going to meetings smelling of booze.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
I think the real reason she was hanging by a thread was because 2 years ago before the virus started up, Petra was to be married in Italy. She will be 26 years old this next time around.
15 minutes before her father was to walk her down the aisle of the church, her man to be walked out of the church, got in his car and hauled ass. Leaving Petra and her father standing there in shock. Once again she felt rejected and stomped into the dirt.
I think that caused her to have only one thing left to cling to, and that was this board of people. When she thought she messed up in that too, the last thread broke inside her and she fell head-first into that deep dark hole of depression.
All of us at one time or another have been through it. All of us have had to dig deep down within ourselves to find a reason to continue on, after we fell into depression.
In Switzerland with female family members, and a farm full of animals and nature, Petra will be in a different world of support. Everything around her will accept her and build her up.
The ladies over there are always making quilts, and cheese, and chocolates, and the whole farm life will be a refreshing change of positive experiences and support.
She will walk outside and be able to feed the horses, and cows, and ducks, and the dogs and cats will be following her around everywhere she goes.
Look at Florida, and then look at Switzerland, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that those two places are worlds apart in scenery.
Ok, I better shut up now and make some breakfast.
To the other posters out there, thank you very much for you kindness. And yes, I am buying the next round!