New JW-Dot-Org Security Feature
February 2021-S-147-E
new jw-dot-org security feature.
announcements and remindersfebruary 2021-s-147-e. .
both in english.
New JW-Dot-Org Security Feature
the english file should be showing up pretty soon, but for now here is the dutch s-147.. dutch 2012-february-s-147- announcements and reminders.
Good grief! If you figure 100 people to a congregation, that's a lot of entire congregations that have passed away from the virus.
So much for "protective angels" encamped around God's chosen to protect them. Morris said in one of his videos that the Watchtower was expecting this, yet in their bunker video not even one person is wearing a mask or social distancing.
They are just making this stuff up as they go along hoping to get by at fooling the rank & file. But make sure you keep those contributions coming in because we have a media center to build.
Gives me a sour stomach.
the english file should be showing up pretty soon, but for now here is the dutch s-147.. dutch 2012-february-s-147- announcements and reminders.
The English file should be showing up pretty soon, but for now here is the Dutch S-147.
Dutch 2012-February-S-147- Announcements And Reminders
some of these are for your older file folders and some are more recent files.. 1989--c h i l d a b u s e t e l e m e m 01992--child abuse telememo1993--cm profile form1993--child abuse telememo2020-09--no.
50 how to make decisions that lead to success2021-01-29--no.
49 a cleansed earth—is it possible?2021-01-29--no.
How have you been Marcial? Hope all is well in your part of the country. Stay safe because we need ya!
some of these are for your older file folders and some are more recent files.. 1989--c h i l d a b u s e t e l e m e m 01992--child abuse telememo1993--cm profile form1993--child abuse telememo2020-09--no.
50 how to make decisions that lead to success2021-01-29--no.
49 a cleansed earth—is it possible?2021-01-29--no.
Thank you! You are very welcome!
some of these are for your older file folders and some are more recent files.. 1989--c h i l d a b u s e t e l e m e m 01992--child abuse telememo1993--cm profile form1993--child abuse telememo2020-09--no.
50 how to make decisions that lead to success2021-01-29--no.
49 a cleansed earth—is it possible?2021-01-29--no.
You are welcome! Good hearing from you and please stay safe.
some of these are for your older file folders and some are more recent files.. 1989--c h i l d a b u s e t e l e m e m 01992--child abuse telememo1993--cm profile form1993--child abuse telememo2020-09--no.
50 how to make decisions that lead to success2021-01-29--no.
49 a cleansed earth—is it possible?2021-01-29--no.
Not yet, but it should arrive soon.
some of these are for your older file folders and some are more recent files.. 1989--c h i l d a b u s e t e l e m e m 01992--child abuse telememo1993--cm profile form1993--child abuse telememo2020-09--no.
50 how to make decisions that lead to success2021-01-29--no.
49 a cleansed earth—is it possible?2021-01-29--no.
just wonderng do the elders or the gb decide when to do the zoom meetings?
Welcome! I am buying the next round!
just wonderng do the elders or the gb decide when to do the zoom meetings?
This will help some.
2020-04--Zoom Meeting Instructions