Talk Outlines you might want and a lot of them are dated 2020.
Let me know if anyone wants the "original" Zion's Watch Tower issues in PDF and searchable. They go from 1879 to 1919. It has been noted that the "reprints" left out information that is included in the originals.
If you are one of the friends here on the board who received an 8 Terabyte External Drive, that I send out to those who want their drives filled up with documents, soon I will need to "add" more files to your 8 Terabyte Drive.
In the past week and a half I have received over 12,000 files from Bible Students all over the world. Those Zion's Watch Tower files I mentioned above are part of some of those files.
So I will need to get a small 4 terabyte drive and include these new files I have received, and send you the drive in postal mail so that you can include the new files to your 8 Terabyte External Drive. After you have recorded the new files to your drive, then just send the small 4 terabyte drive back to me so that I can put more files on it to send to you again.
This way you don't have to spend a huge amount of time downloading all the time from download links. A lot of the folks on this board are working 2 jobs to make a living and don't have time to download a bunch of files. By the time they get home they are so exhausted from work that they just want to rest.
You can transfer documents from the 4 terabyte drive to your 8Terabyte drive while you are sleeping and getting your rest. Then we will do it all over again when more files arrive.
I am buying!