When you think of the time it might take to paint shells like that, a JW could be a regular pioneer easily.
(use google translate).
(use google translate).
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
yes, it is the manual you are thinking about.. .
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
yes, it is the manual you are thinking about.. .
mr. magoo!.
mr. magoo!.