Good work my friend! ( hydra offering a helping hand! )
And I think there's some pizza and cold ones in the frig.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Good work my friend! ( hydra offering a helping hand! )
And I think there's some pizza and cold ones in the frig.
if anyone has a copy of the italian 2014 pioneer manual, fully accomplish your ministry in pdf, or a printed copy they could share, please send me a private message.
one of the members here on the board would like to have that manual in pdf and if you could assist, i sure would appreciate any assistance.. besides, i am buying the drinks!
If anyone has a copy of the Italian 2014 Pioneer Manual, Fully Accomplish Your Ministry in PDF, or a printed copy they could share, please send me a private message. One of the members here on the board would like to have that manual in PDF and if you could assist, I sure would appreciate any assistance.
Besides, I am buying the drinks!
Atlantis! (grandpa)
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
road to nowhere:
Thank you!
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Announcements and Reminders
May 2021-05-English-S-147-E
(use google translate).
And look at what they are doing today! They baptize kids at 6 and 7 years old in their bathtubs, then the kids are disfellowshipped by the time they are 10 years old.
The depression that kind of thing causes will last a lifetime. A kid would grow older and the scars inside would remain with them for the rest of their life.
Just another form of child abuse.
(use google translate).
I remember very well john! I never knew what a "normal" childhood was? Many folks on this board remember having to stand on street corners, with a 5 cents Watchtower Bag slung over the shoulder placing magazines.
I was 6 years old when I did that and by the time I was 8 years old, mom and dad expected me to place a certain amount of magazines every Saturday. If I didn't make mom and dad's quota, well then, my bicycle privileges were taken away. I wasn't doing a good enough job for Jehovah!
That was back in the day when I played "shuffle-board" with Moses!
(use google translate).
When you think of the time it might take to paint shells like that, a JW could be a regular pioneer easily.
(use google translate).
Here you go! (Use Google translate)
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
Very good, glad you got them.
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
Grandpa here, at your service! What will you have? Bar-B-Que? Cold German Beer? Dancing girls? Fall of the Tower? You name it!