Yes, when get the badge cards we will send them along.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Yes, when get the badge cards we will send them along.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Ha there old friend! You staying safe in all this virus mess? I do think things are getting a little better maybe. I see a lot less people wearing masks lately.
Well, I guess things could be a whole lot worse, so maybe we should be thankful.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Good work my friend! ( hydra offering a helping hand! )
And I think there's some pizza and cold ones in the frig.
if anyone has a copy of the italian 2014 pioneer manual, fully accomplish your ministry in pdf, or a printed copy they could share, please send me a private message.
one of the members here on the board would like to have that manual in pdf and if you could assist, i sure would appreciate any assistance.. besides, i am buying the drinks!
If anyone has a copy of the Italian 2014 Pioneer Manual, Fully Accomplish Your Ministry in PDF, or a printed copy they could share, please send me a private message. One of the members here on the board would like to have that manual in PDF and if you could assist, I sure would appreciate any assistance.
Besides, I am buying the drinks!
Atlantis! (grandpa)
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
road to nowhere:
Thank you!
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Announcements and Reminders
May 2021-05-English-S-147-E
(use google translate).
And look at what they are doing today! They baptize kids at 6 and 7 years old in their bathtubs, then the kids are disfellowshipped by the time they are 10 years old.
The depression that kind of thing causes will last a lifetime. A kid would grow older and the scars inside would remain with them for the rest of their life.
Just another form of child abuse.
(use google translate).
I remember very well john! I never knew what a "normal" childhood was? Many folks on this board remember having to stand on street corners, with a 5 cents Watchtower Bag slung over the shoulder placing magazines.
I was 6 years old when I did that and by the time I was 8 years old, mom and dad expected me to place a certain amount of magazines every Saturday. If I didn't make mom and dad's quota, well then, my bicycle privileges were taken away. I wasn't doing a good enough job for Jehovah!
That was back in the day when I played "shuffle-board" with Moses!
(use google translate).
When you think of the time it might take to paint shells like that, a JW could be a regular pioneer easily.
(use google translate).
Here you go! (Use Google translate)