Yep! That sounds about right!
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
Yep! That sounds about right!
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
And cheers to you also!
Very interesting info! Most people don't think the Tower is allowing all of this state and government activity on their property, to happen without the Tower benefiting in some way.
I mean, everybody knows that the Tower Paradise Insurance isn't for free! The Tower is just like the rest of the world. (You want to use our parking lot? You have got to pay or compensate us one way or another!)
Watchtower Logo=Money, Money, Money!
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
Sea Breeze:
St George of England:
Thank you!
kingdom hall vaccine center.. .
may 18, 2021. a deis hearing will be held may 26; public comments period ends june 21. by tina traster.
the town of ramapo will be accepting public comment on the proposed new world headquarters of jehovah’s witnesses audio/video production center now that the deis (draft environmental impact statement) is complete.
Thank you for the update!
yesterday, while having a smoke outside my house, i saw the google street view car drive by.
so here i am, wondering when this picture will make it to the web and when a jw sees it.
even if they blur the face, i bet it will be really easy to make out who's smokin' outside.
Is that a Cigar? Or is that a Slim Jim snack? From a distance both could look the same.
my name is debra i have been out of this cult for a number of years now but i know how difficult it is for people to have the courage to leave especially if they have family still trapped inside i'd like to help people who may be struggling by offering them a listening ear and some support /friendship via email .
Welcome to the board Debra! We are glad you are here and appreciate your offer of a listening ear to help support others.
I am one of the old-timers here and was in the organization for over 50 years. (Even though my back sometimes feels like I am 300 years old), I am in my 70's and there are others here who are even older.
There are several on the board who you can discuss Watchtower related topics, or just sit and have a cup of coffee and discuss recipes.
Post a few times and let the folks get to know you and before you know it, you will have all kinds of friends to talk to.
Now that I have mentioned "recipes" I am starving for a Bacon-Lettuce- and Tomato sandwich. Want one Debra? There's plenty for everybody.
Ok, I'll shut up now and send you our best.
Atlantis! (grandpa)
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Yes, when get the badge cards we will send them along.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Ha there old friend! You staying safe in all this virus mess? I do think things are getting a little better maybe. I see a lot less people wearing masks lately.
Well, I guess things could be a whole lot worse, so maybe we should be thankful.
1.. announcements and remindersmay 2021-05-english-s-147-e. .
this 2nd letter may only apply to the uk areas.. .
5/3/21-e biannouncementmay 3, 2021for coordinators of the bodies of elders1.
Good work my friend! ( hydra offering a helping hand! )
And I think there's some pizza and cold ones in the frig.