Thank you! Pizza for everybody! And don't let me forget the cold brew!
hello.. i remember some time ago someone brought up a letter to congregations or some other similar instruction, instructing the elders to "contact the authorities immediately" if something like a robbery or trouble came upon a kingdom hall.. does anyone remember that?
and what was the source of that instruction please?
Thank you! Pizza for everybody! And don't let me forget the cold brew!
i often drive past a kingdom hall in barrington, illinois, where, when i was still a witness, i had visited a few times.
it wasn't too far from the hall i attended and we got to know people from this congregation.. i recently passed it by and it appeared there was a new sign in place.
yesterday i decided to pull into the parking lot on my way home, and it appears that the hall has been sold and is now occupied by seventh day adventists (i did a check online when i got home).
1917 Facts For Shareholders, pg.-2-top left column.
2021-jehovah’s witnesses accused of selling off assetsand moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation.. .
some of the folks here might want this article.
those young folks over there are really working overtime to assist the authorities.
2021-Jehovah’s Witnesses accused of selling off assets
and moving cash to avoid sex abuse compensation.
hello.. i remember some time ago someone brought up a letter to congregations or some other similar instruction, instructing the elders to "contact the authorities immediately" if something like a robbery or trouble came upon a kingdom hall.. does anyone remember that?
and what was the source of that instruction please?
i often drive past a kingdom hall in barrington, illinois, where, when i was still a witness, i had visited a few times.
it wasn't too far from the hall i attended and we got to know people from this congregation.. i recently passed it by and it appeared there was a new sign in place.
yesterday i decided to pull into the parking lot on my way home, and it appears that the hall has been sold and is now occupied by seventh day adventists (i did a check online when i got home).
It would be nice if JW's could just open their eyes and see that the Watchtower has said several times, that they are a "business organization" and not a "religious organization".
They have a "Worldwide Real Estate Department" that could keep their doors open for years to come. There are properties we are not even aware of that the Watchtower Society has sold.
When some JW's pass away they leave all their property to the Watchtower Society. We never get to know about these transactions and how much that property sold for.
The Governing Body is interested in optimizing resources that are dedicated for pure worship. With this in mind the Worldwide Department of Real Estate is responsible for administering the use of properties and the sale of real estate. Therefore, all approved sales of real estate that you received in the past have been canceled. Please remove any advertisements or signs that indicate a property is for sale and wait until a representative of World Headquarters communicates directly with you to give further direction on this matter.
The letter dated March 26, 2014, to all bodies of elders, mentions: “the Governing Body prefers that congregations not own or control property other than what is necessary for congregation meetings.” If a congregation owns one of these properties or real estate that was donated by a brother, you should notify the branch. For each additional property, complete and send the form Information Regarding Additional Properties that is available on jw.org to the inbox “Properties.” Any inquiries regarding this matter should be sent to this inbox.
PS: to circuit overseers. Please verify if in your circuit there are properties that were used for kingdom halls or properties of the organization. If so, gather all pertinent information and promptly send it to the inbox “Properties.” We greatly appreciate your help.
Actual Letter:https://www.filemail.com/d/bvucmxlfndmebts
hello.. i remember some time ago someone brought up a letter to congregations or some other similar instruction, instructing the elders to "contact the authorities immediately" if something like a robbery or trouble came upon a kingdom hall.. does anyone remember that?
and what was the source of that instruction please?
1--2014-November-6th-BOE-Page 4-Look under the heading: DISRUPTIVE INDIVIDUALS AT CONGREGATIONMEETINGS
i was told but can not find anything concrete that the cult gb directs cult members to burn old cult books and literature.
is this true.
2012--2020 Publications Approved For Discard
this is the 1999 tutorial released to branch offices and media representatives..
Thank you!
does anyone have the most recent "child custody packet" for downloading?
You are welcome! Thanks for the cold ones.
does anyone have the most recent "child custody packet" for downloading?
The link will remain active for 7 days.
1988-2019 Child Custody Booklets. The "Red Bookmarks" are booklets the Watchtower published.