Slidin Fast:
You are welcome Slidin! The coffin is getting pretty full of nails by now. But we can always find room for more nails!
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
Slidin Fast:
You are welcome Slidin! The coffin is getting pretty full of nails by now. But we can always find room for more nails!
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
You make a good point there!
You are always welcome!
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
You are welcome and if you need any other documents to help with your project, just let me know.
You are always welcome!
You are welcome!
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
How have you been? Thank you very much! Petra sends a big squeeeeez and hug to all of you.
Atlantis! (grandpa)
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
Thank you!
JW GoneBad:
This is WT speaking out of both sides of its damn mouth!
You are not kidding! Ray Franz said that a long time ago and they are still proving that Ray was right.
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
2021-August-S-147-Announcements And Reminders
In English and German
jehovah’s witnesses claim to be the only religion that has the truth.
they claim to be representing god himself.
can you think of anything that you could use to prove that the witnesses do not have the truth?.
Good point!
jehovah’s witnesses claim to be the only religion that has the truth.
they claim to be representing god himself.
can you think of anything that you could use to prove that the witnesses do not have the truth?.
Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
i'm reviewing the entire transcript of the douglas walsh case, and found this shocking bit that normally doesn't come up in the search engines, but it should:.
pages 370-375. hayden cooper covington on the stand:.
q: “in your experience of your own congregation in new york, did you have children there of eleven or twelve being baptized?”.
Yes, I remember reading that in the transcript and my blood pressure shot through the roof. What a crock of horse-manure!
several researchers have remarked, that the watchtower reprints are missing quotes here and there that are found in the original watchtower magazines.. .
so, we have put together the "original" watchtower magazines for download.
the reprints can be used for extras.
Yes, that is correct. Most collectors have had those newspapers for years. There is information contained in those newspapers found nowhere else.
I think that Abbott and the higher ups at Watchtower Headquarters had a falling out over publishing the funeral events of Pastor Russell.
Abbott wanted to publish an article before the Watchtower Society did concerning Russell's funeral, and his idea was shot down. ( Or something to that effect.)