You are very welcome!
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
You are very welcome!
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
Thank you! Every person on this board is a blessing. It takes teamwork!
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
Thank you for your comments!
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
James Jack:
You are welcome! Take care and be safe!
I see what you mean. I remember a while back they said that they really didn't know how many anointed there were. So, how in the world are they going to keep and accurate count on COVID deaths?
They must be going on reports being sent into them. But, who is to say that those reports are even accurate?
They are probably making up numbers as they go along.
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
Do you think the number could be higher? Lower? Or do you think they really don't know and are just guessing on that number?
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
Slidin Fast:
Oh yes, double espresso! That will do very nicely!
Many thanks!
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
When we scrub these letters we also rename them. This one you might want for your records. Besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?
The other file goes back to the Olin Moyle days.
2021-08-06--Cappuccino Please! know a place to get old official (jw org produced) videos?.
Here is another link that might help. Click on (English) and the options become larger. There is a "Video" link included.
anyone know a place to get old official (jw org produced) videos?.
Try this link for starters. If you want the secret videos let me know basically what you are looking for. You know, something like (Pioneers meetings, Elder meetings, Accounting, Destroy documents, HUB, and all that other stuff.)
2021-august-s-147-announcements and reminders.
in english and german.
see number 10.10. experienced attorneys and paralegals needed: .
JW GoneBad:
Someone on exjw reddit posted this. I clever!
Yep, that was me Grandpa! And I think John Redwood posted about the attorney part. At least I think it was him.
That's what happens when you get to be 300 years old like me, you can't remember anything. (Now let me see, what did I do with my bifocals?)