Here you go, The Flip Flop Book! Containing 1,654 pages of Watchtower fruit-loop mentality. ( If you find a burger and fries in there, send those back!)
JoinedPosts by Atlantis
Help with 1975 please
by jhine ini answered a question on quora about jw flip flops .
i mentioned, amongst other things , the 1975 debacle.
how witnesses were told that armageddon was coming in the fall of that year.
Raiding the icebox! -
Help with 1975 please
by jhine ini answered a question on quora about jw flip flops .
i mentioned, amongst other things , the 1975 debacle.
how witnesses were told that armageddon was coming in the fall of that year.
Chocolate Chip Cookies!
This file folder has Watchtower's, Awake's, Talks, a letter ,etc, all concerning 1975.
If you want the Flip Flop Book, just say the word. It has thousands of junk in there.
Atlantis! -
Help with 1975 please
by jhine ini answered a question on quora about jw flip flops .
i mentioned, amongst other things , the 1975 debacle.
how witnesses were told that armageddon was coming in the fall of that year.
Sure, and there is hot coffee and rolls back in the breakroom. No problem!
See if any of these will help and if not, we just keep on grabbing them until we get what you need.
Cookie thief!
1914 Questions
by sweetyj inim not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
Speaking of 1919, did you know the organization was tested and found fit back in 1879? So why did they have to be tested again in 1918 or 1919?
1959 Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, pg.22
"For this reason 1879 was a turning point in the work. This little group, headed by C . T. Russell, had now been tested and had been found fit to undertake the great preliminary campaign leading up to the climax expected in 1914."
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1914 Questions
by sweetyj inim not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
1914 and 1925 Mistakes--Fred Franz (The same talk can be found over at JW-WayBack-Library. Just go to English--Audio--Fred Franz--Fred Franz Exposes False Prophecies.)
orMore coffee please! I need a coffee fix! -
1914 Questions
by sweetyj inim not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
I think it is MP3. You just listen and there is no mistake that it is him. There are a few of his talks in the Pegasus.
I'll be right back with a link for you.
(Did you know that Rutherford said the Bible Students did not have to comply with all the rituals? And, membership was based on "watching over the property" and obeying the laws of the land!)
Preaching wasn't a priority! The "property" was!
Stealing more cookies!
1914 Questions
by sweetyj inim not sure if this has already been asked here but i have some questions about 1914. if jesus arrived "invisibly" in the year 1914 why do the anointed partake of the emblems?
why didn't they stop in 1914?.
if jesus is ruling in heaven then why are the anointed still on earth?
Fred Franz already said in his talk that 1914 and 1925 were a mistake. Fred also debunked the concept of a governing body.
Let me know if you want his talk and I'll send you a link.
The cookie thief!
What if a disfellowshiped person and a member of the congregation both work at the same place of secular employment? Could they have association then, since their work may require them to have communication with one another? Here again, it is a matter of recognizing the changed status of the one who is disfellowshiped.
While it is permissible to converse to the extent necessary for carrying out the functions of the work, it would not be proper to associate in the sense of communicating freely, without regard for his status. Only the necessary business would be discussed, never spiritual matters or any other matter that does not come under the category of necessary business related to the secular employment. If the contact required is too frequent and intimate, the Christian could consider changing his employment so as not to violate his conscience.
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Atlantis! -
Seen as a Child of Satan!--and--Open Attack on Traumatic Exclusion Policy!
by Atlantis intwo articles you might want to review.
giving credit to a friend who requested the articles be posted.
one of the articles will appear on the right of your screen.. what is it like to be seen as a child of satan?
Thank you!
Seen as a Child of Satan!--and--Open Attack on Traumatic Exclusion Policy!
by Atlantis intwo articles you might want to review.
giving credit to a friend who requested the articles be posted.
one of the articles will appear on the right of your screen.. what is it like to be seen as a child of satan?
Two articles you might want to review. Giving credit to a friend who requested the articles be posted. One of the articles will appear on the right of your screen.
What is it Like to be Seen as a Child of Satan? Open Attack on Traumatic Exclusion Policy