Asilo Carlotta:
Thank you so very much! What a nice compliment!
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Asilo Carlotta:
Thank you so very much! What a nice compliment!
every day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
Oh boy, more coffee! Thank you Sir!
Thank you! And we scan things for people free of any charges. If you need something scanned, just send it to me in postal mail and I'll scan it for you and send it back to you. We have done this many, many times.
If you have "secret" files you want exposed, just send it to me and I'll "scrub" it and post it for you. ( What is meant by "scrub"? ) We delete anything hidden in the document that could be traced back to the sender. Then we re-name the file. Then we post the document with cappuccino and sweet rolls!
Ok, ok, if you prefer bacon and eggs we can work something out.
every day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
You mean I get to be the official curator of horrors? Now I can hold my head up with some pride!!!
Thank you Sir!
And here are some more Archives!
More Archives in English and French day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped.
after the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the watchtower society.. they begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.. some of these archives may come in handy.
if you need something and it is not in an archive somewhere, send me a pm and i'll see if we can get it for you.
Every day someone somewhere is being disfellowshipped. After the trauma of being cast out and shunned by relatives and friends, many exjw's start an investigation of the Watchtower Society.
They begin to collect every scrap of evidence they can get their hands on to prove they were lied to.
Some of these Archives may come in handy. If you need something and it is not in an Archive somewhere, send me a pm and I'll see if we can get it for you. You can always find me back in the breakroom, grabbing up all of Simon's coffee.
Archives for those investigating:
Archive-- Watchtower Downloads Young People Ask Book
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
Bill Covert:
You were able to talk about all that with a Postal Inspector? Wow!
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
You are very welcome!
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
I think it more likely that a local supervisor had received complaints and made a call to the elder.
That very well could be, and I think a lot of the descriptive writing in that letter was done by the elder. Elders have been known to make something out of nothing.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
I'll be right back with a couple of links for you and I will redact the elders name.
Cookie thief!