joey jojo:
Ok, whatever you say!
i find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
joey jojo:
Ok, whatever you say!
i find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
Oh yes, "Rush" was a great band back in the day. Their lead guitarist was one of the best ever!
i find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
Rolling Stone's 500 Of The Greatest Songs Of All Time!
i find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
That is news to me! I didn't know the Bee Gees were from Manchester. I thought they were from California too. Learn something every day.
Lisa LeBlanc? I will have to look and see what album she made. I just don't seem to remember her. If I heard one of her songs I would remember.
Bob and Doug? Twelve Day of Christmas, I think I might remember that one.
Those were the days!
i find it refreshing to step away from all that tower crap from time to time!.
100+ of the greatest canadian rock artists of all time!.
it is no surprise to see the name "neil young" listed as number 1.. .
I find it refreshing to step away from all that Tower crap from time to time!
100+ Of The Greatest Canadian Rock Artists of All Time!
how parents can protect their children from misuse of blood.
Hit the nail on the head! Thank you!
Witness 007:
Yes, it is sad! Thank you!
Newly Enlightened:
And we appreciate everything you do as well. How many videos have you made so far? 5,000? I don't think anyone out there in the exjw world have made as many videos as you all have, in the efforts of exposing the Tower. Thank you! Drinks are on the house for everybody!
Cookie thief!
how parents can protect their children from misuse of blood.
Thank you!
s-260 and s-261 documents for those that wanted them.. s-260-audio/video guidelines for resuming in-person meetings at the kingdom halls-261-audio/video instructions for hybrid meetingszipped folder: sends all of you a big hug and squeeezzzze!grandpa!
The Master of "free of charge" has spoken, so belly up to the bar and soak up some suds!
Many thanks my friend!
s-260 and s-261 documents for those that wanted them.. s-260-audio/video guidelines for resuming in-person meetings at the kingdom halls-261-audio/video instructions for hybrid meetingszipped folder: sends all of you a big hug and squeeezzzze!grandpa!
"what are you doing up there"?
Never hurts to check these shingles on the roof! Good home maintenance you know!
When they send the whacky-wagon to come and pick me up, I'll get down.
i may have put this in the wrong thread.
if so, i'm sorry.. my conundrum is this.... i am almost completely certain that an awake back in the 80's/90's mentioned a group of rock bands we shouldn't listen to and i seem to remember them actually naming guns and roses.. i can't find anything now, and i'm wondering if it's the mandela effect, or if it's another case of the cdrom versions of the awakes being doctored again.. does anyone else remember this?
or am i crazy?
This is what the Tower said about "Prince"--"Ice-T"--and "Madonna"!
Music: Both rap and heavy metal music have recently come under increasing fire for similar content problems. Songs that glorify the sexual degradation and abuse of women, violence and hatred toward various races and policemen, and even Satanism have all been found among rap and heavy metal records. In some areas, records with such explicit material must carry warning labels. But as the rapper Ice-T reportedly admitted, he puts shocking lyrics in his songs just to earn such a label; it guarantees luring the curious. The rock star Prince sang the praises of brother-sister incest. Often, music videos simply give such crass immorality an added visual dimension. Pop star Madonna’s video Justify My Love won notoriety for portraying sadomasochism and homosexual activity. Even MTV, a U.S. TV channel known at times to broadcast immoral videos with little compunction, refused to air this one.