Excellent work Marcial! Thank you very much!
les témoins de jéhovah.
et exclusion.
this file has been translated into french - an imperfect translation probably, but one that will certainly inform many of what is happening within the sect to counter the excluded or dissociated and the doctrine of punitive isolation if they refuse to bend to the diktats of those who interpret the bible according to their projects, whose followers are unaware of the more or less long-term goals.
Excellent work Marcial! Thank you very much!
if anyone remembers this podcast from 2015 and has a copy of it, please send me a private message.
( jehovah's yacht ).
one of the members of the board here needs it for research.
Beautiful! A case of booze for Kim! And don't forget the Oreos!
if anyone remembers this podcast from 2015 and has a copy of it, please send me a private message.
( jehovah's yacht ).
one of the members of the board here needs it for research.
If anyone remembers this Podcast from 2015 and has a copy of it, please send me a private message. ( Jehovah's Yacht )
paul's gospel: .
now, brothers and sisters, i want to remind you of the gospel i preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.
2 by this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word i preached to you.
Excellent! Many thanks! I'll put scans to this and save it in a file folder for future reference.
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Yes, we know exactly what is going to happen if a person relies on their own conscience. Boot....out the door! What a pack of liars! Always twisting things to their advantage.
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Ha there slimboy! Doing ok over there in your neck of the woods? We have had a little rain over here, but it is usually pretty hot here in the Sunshine State.
Say, I had two JW's write to me and they described how they visited a Mormon Temple just to see what it was like, and the Mormon's had "women attendants" too!
Maybe all these religions are having problems with males wanting to take the lead. Well, you know how it is. All of these religions expect too much of a man and the men don't want to be under all that pressure.
It's hard enough just to make a living and make ends meet. If the gas prices get any higher, you won't see anybody at all at a Kingdom Hall. Just too expensive! I think the average is going to be $4.97 here in Florida. People will start riding bicycles to get groceries.
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Newly Enlightened:
Mike & Kim, how in the world are you two doing over there? Still kicking the Tower's butt?
Gorb: Yes, it is a good inside view. Thank you!
Yes, my friend, I sent it over to Barbara attached to an email. Very good that you thought about her!
Sounds like you have examined the whole document already. Always knew you were a good researcher!
Ok, let me serve up some Bar-B-Que and Cold Beer for everybody and tossed salads, and Garlic Bread. Let me see what kind of dressing we have here for the salads. (Thousand Island, Italian, Catalina with Bacon, Ranch, Vinegar and Oil.)
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Always welcome and the drinks are on the house!
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Beth Sarim:
Thank you! Oh boy, beers for everybody!
massive new document written by wt, 837 pages, meant for arguments vs officials and media to defend the disfellowshipping arrangement.
found in the casefile in norway.
meant to be secret.. .
Thank you zahoots! Keep safe and healthy!