1,000 Years Well Spent 1942-1946.
JoinedPosts by Atlantis
1,000 Years Well Spent 1942-1946--Ray Marsh!
by Atlantis in1,000 years well spent 1942-1946.. .
this booklet was written by ray marsh and others while inmates of chillicothe prison.
as jehovah’s witnesses, they refused to serve in the military during world war ii and therefore were sentenced to several years in prison.. .
This booklet was written by Ray Marsh and others while inmates of Chillicothe Prison. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, they refused to serve in the military during World War II and therefore were sentenced to several years in prison.( Barbara Anderson knew Ray and his wife very well. This is a rare booklet that some of you may find interesting!)https://www.filemail.com/d/akbqodflebkqscvAnother download link.The Brat! -
2022-July-S-147-Announcements-English and German!
by Atlantis in2022-july-s-147-announcements and reminders .
in english and german.. .
Always welcome! Ok vienne, I'll send her your message.
2022-July-S-147-Announcements-English and German!
by Atlantis in2022-july-s-147-announcements and reminders .
in english and german.. .
Sounds like it is going to be a very boring year for 2023 for JW's.
Save me a sip of that Rum!
2022-July-S-147-Announcements-English and German!
by Atlantis in2022-july-s-147-announcements and reminders .
in english and german.. .
All of you are welcome! Now, let's have some Pizza!
2022-July-S-147-Announcements-English and German!
by Atlantis in2022-july-s-147-announcements and reminders .
in english and german.. .
2022-July-S-147-Announcements And Reminders
in English and German.orPetra, sending all of you a big hug.Click the image to enlarge.Cookie thief! -
by Iamallcool ini was wondering is sir82 still alive?
he has been po for many years.
he said that he would not leave the org unless his wife is pomo.
I send out emails to over 400 people around the world. Most of them are from this board.
At least 10 of them have written to me and thought that they were banned. I have written to them and told them that Simon "does not" just ban people for the hell of it.
I have told them that if they can not login for some reason, then it has to be an electronic problem somewhere, or a password glitch.
Three of those people registered again using a new password and are now posting.
Now they want to buy Simon a "cold-one" and enjoy participating on the board. I told them "See, it wasn't Simon's fault!" And if you are going to send Simon a cold one, you may as well send me one too!
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Ha there young man! You are always welcome! Say, I am starving! Let's have some fried chicken and mashed potatoes and stuff. I'll whip out some salad makings and we can watch "Grumpy Old Men" on the tube.
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
"scum suckers"....You said it! Especially when they printed this in their 1945 Consolation.
Vertroosting (Dutch Consolation), September 1945,
blz. 29 Dutch:
"Wanneer wij ons leven verliezen,
doordat wij weigeren, inspuitingen te laten maken,
dient zulks niet tot een getuigenis,
ter rechtvaardiging van Jehovah`s Naam.
God heeft nooit bepalingen uitgevaardigd
die het gebruik van medicijnen, inspuitingen
of bloedtransfusie verbiedt."
Het is een uitvinding van menschen ,
die gelijk de Farizeeën Jehova's barmhartigheid
en liefde buiten beschouwing laten.
Jehova te dienen met geheel ons verstand beteekent
niet ons verstand uit te schakelen; vooral dan niet,
als het om een menschenleven gaat,
dat Jehova toegewijd en daarom heilig is".
English translation:
“When we lose our life, because we refuse inoculations,
that does not bear witness as a justification of Jehovah’s name.
God never issued regulations which prohibit the use of drugs, inoculations or blood transfusions.
It is an invention of people, who, like the Pharisees, leave Jehovah’s mercy and love aside. Jehovah to serve with all our reason, doesn't mean not to disconnect our reason in especially when it concerns a human life that is devoted to Jehovah and therefore it is holy."If anyone wants that Dutch Consolation just let me know.Atlantis! -
JW Pets and Blood
by Vanderhoven7 inas a jw would you have allowed your pet to have a blood transfusion to save it's life?
what is the society's stand on this today?.
Questions From ReadersHow, then, must we answer the question, Would it be a violation of the Scriptures for a Christian to permit a veterinarian to give blood transfusions to a pet? By all means, to do so would be a violation of the Scriptures. To use blood for transfusion purposes, even in the case of an animal, would be improper. The Bible is very clear in showing that blood should not be eaten. It should not be infused, therefore, to build up the body’s vital forces, either in the case of a human or in the case of a pet or any other animal under the jurisdiction of a Christian.Scan: Click image to enlarge.Atlantis! -
Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths
by Listener inthe watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
Click image to enlarge.Grandpa!