Yes, I just checked and the years jump from 1986 to 1991 and 1995 was missing as well. But you know how the Tower is, they like to hide things.
And don't forget to get some of those sweet rolls and hot coffee back in the breakroom!
Coffee thief!
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
Yes, I just checked and the years jump from 1986 to 1991 and 1995 was missing as well. But you know how the Tower is, they like to hide things.
And don't forget to get some of those sweet rolls and hot coffee back in the breakroom!
Coffee thief!
atlantis, is there anywhere else that the watchtower admits that disfellowshipping or excommunication is pagan?.
sure, they said the same thing back in 1880 about a lot of churches being like the beast for practicing excommunication.. as papacy established the priesthood over the church, soprotestantism has established almost the same, and there isno opportunity for the body to edify itself, every joint takingpart.
true, there is a seeming show of liberty at prayer meetings,&c., but it is only upon the surface, for the ordainedpastor is to watch zealously lest anything contrary to theteachings of his church should be expressed, and if so tosilence the audacious member at once, for the church creedis the rule, not the word of god.
Atlantis, is there anywhere else that the Watchtower admits that disfellowshipping or excommunication is pagan?
Sure, they said the same thing back in 1880 about a lot of churches being like the BEAST for practicing excommunication.
As Papacy established the priesthood over the church, so
Protestantism has established almost the same, and there is
no opportunity for the body to edify itself, every joint taking
part. True, there is a seeming show of liberty at prayer meetings,
&c., but it is only upon the surface, for the ordained
pastor is to watch zealously lest anything contrary to the
teachings of his church should be expressed, and if so to
silence the audacious member at once, for the church creed
is the rule, not the Word of God. If this is not sufficient,
they must have a sort of church trial and excommunicate him
["kill him"]. The trial, by the way, gives evidence of another
likeness to the beast, namely, the exaltation of the
teachings of the organization above the Word of God, for all
such are tried according to "the authorities" of their church.
Another mark is the ordination of apostolic succession.
This is claimed by Methodists and others, who go through
the same form of consecrating their ministers as do the Episcopal
and Roman Catholic churches, and without scriptural
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
when i browse jw org, the following years of watchtower magazines are missing from the drop-down menu:.
1987 - 1990.
1997-1998.. i dont want to install any libraries from jw org because of spyware concerns.. are these years included in the downloadable libraries?.
joey jojo:
I'll be back in a few minutes and give you all of the originals. No problem!
2023-october-spanish-elder manual.
elder manuals in different languages are coming in slowly because elders are a little afraid to go into the watchtower inbox, and grab 10 or 12 elder manuals in different languages all at the same time.
so the elders are taking elder manuals out of the inbox a little at a time so they do not bring too much attention to themselves.. spanish elder manual--2023-october grandpa!
Thank you everybody! Time sure flies when you are exposing the Tower, because they just keep spewing out more garbage every 10 minutes.
2023-october-spanish-elder manual.
elder manuals in different languages are coming in slowly because elders are a little afraid to go into the watchtower inbox, and grab 10 or 12 elder manuals in different languages all at the same time.
so the elders are taking elder manuals out of the inbox a little at a time so they do not bring too much attention to themselves.. spanish elder manual--2023-october grandpa!
I know! I'll post them when I get them but I just have to wait.
2023-october-spanish-elder manual.
elder manuals in different languages are coming in slowly because elders are a little afraid to go into the watchtower inbox, and grab 10 or 12 elder manuals in different languages all at the same time.
so the elders are taking elder manuals out of the inbox a little at a time so they do not bring too much attention to themselves.. spanish elder manual--2023-october grandpa!
Beth Sarim:
Always welcome!
2023-october-spanish-elder manual.
elder manuals in different languages are coming in slowly because elders are a little afraid to go into the watchtower inbox, and grab 10 or 12 elder manuals in different languages all at the same time.
so the elders are taking elder manuals out of the inbox a little at a time so they do not bring too much attention to themselves.. spanish elder manual--2023-october grandpa!
2023-October-Spanish-Elder Manual.
2023-november files.. 2023 shepherd the flock of god--elder manual in english.
2023-november announcements and or!
Russian please!
We are working on it!