It took guts and determination to do what you did and you are to be commended for it! Three "cheers" for you and your bravery to stand up to them and not allow them to deceive you into pioneering and giving up your jobs.
i recently had a conversation with an old acquaintance from the congregation i used to attend.
we talked about the recent changes in the 2023 annual meeting.
i especially pointed out the one about getting rid of hourly reporting on monthly time slips.
It took guts and determination to do what you did and you are to be commended for it! Three "cheers" for you and your bravery to stand up to them and not allow them to deceive you into pioneering and giving up your jobs.
page 1. https://imgbox.com/54dkkeaw.
page 2. https://imgbox.com/i88bjmmp .
page 3. https://imgbox.com/dje11qjr .
Well, now I can see Kim's concern about the letter. The person who sent me the letter made no mention of a Youtube channel, or video by Lloyd Evans. The person who sent me the letter has always been trustworthy, so I didn't question it.
However, now that I see from Kim's link where the letter may have come from, there is a bit of a question as to whether it is legit.
Kim knows Lloyd much better than I do, so I share her concern. If the letter causes any worry at all, then perhaps Simon can delete the entire post.
Lloyd wouldn't forge letters would he? I mean, he wouldn't stoop that low would he?
page 1. https://imgbox.com/54dkkeaw.
page 2. https://imgbox.com/i88bjmmp .
page 3. https://imgbox.com/dje11qjr .
I sent the PDF to your email so that you don't have to click on all those links.
page 1. https://imgbox.com/54dkkeaw.
page 2. https://imgbox.com/i88bjmmp .
page 3. https://imgbox.com/dje11qjr .
Hi Kim:
They could be the ones. I would need to see the Youtube channels video to compare.
Could you direct me to the video?
page 1. https://imgbox.com/54dkkeaw.
page 2. https://imgbox.com/i88bjmmp .
page 3. https://imgbox.com/dje11qjr .
Sure, I'll send you a copy. Here you go!
Sexual Sin Information Worksheet-S-175-E
This short LDC video is only about 40 seconds long. They admit that they did not even know how many Kingdom Halls they had. They admit that the information on their website was not accurate.
They have already admitted previously in a video that the information on their website concerning "numbers" was not correct and they also said that they did not even know how many Kingdom Halls there were.
How can an accurate total be given if they don't even know how many Kingdom Halls they have?
They are making this crap up as they go along and faking numbers to make themselves look good. Look good to who? God doesn't care about numbers! They are a "business" and they think that if they can show an "increase", the general public will be influenced to believe that they are growing in size. They will claim that the Holy Spirit is "active" with them and that is why they are growing. Bullshit!
what’s keeping them?
this has got to be the latest it’s ever been.
maybe it’s the last one they’ll ever publish too, after dropping reporting hours for publishers ….
I don't know if this is accurate but you can take a look.
2024-january-s-147-announcements and reminders.. english and german.
https://www.filemail.com/d/dkigidibrwfymbi .
grandpa sending documents!.
And Happy New Year to EVERYBODY!
w72 10/1 p. 607 - "they (jw's) know that soon now all who are not true worshipers of jehovah (jw's) will be destroyed.".
how quickly half a century passes by!
2 peter 3:8 - "...one day is with jehovah jw.borg as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.