JW's pay tribute to the Red Cross with sweet chocolates
JoinedPosts by Atlantis
Jw's Pay Tribute to the Red Cross With Sweet Chocolates!
by Atlantis injw's pay tribute to the red cross with sweet chocolates.
use google translate.. https://www.tips.at/nachrichten/enns/land-leute/535972-ein-suesses-dankeschoen-fuer-das-rote-kreuz.
Use Google translate.https://www.tips.at/nachrichten/enns/land-leute/535972-ein-suesses-dankeschoen-fuer-das-rote-kreuzAtlantis! -
Commentaires de jugement Allemagne
by Marcial inles témoins de jéhovah allemands avaient assigné la fecris devant le tribunal de district de hambourg (landgericht hamburg) pour exiger la suppression de plusieurs citations de la version en langue allemande de diverses contributions d'intervenants lors de plusieurs conférences.. par jugement du 27 novembre 2020 (affaire n° 324 0 434/18), devenu définitif après le désistement des témoins de jéhovah, le tribunal a rejeté la demande des témoins de jéhovah sur les points que la fecris juge essentiels.. la fecris a donc caviardé de la version allemande de son site internet (le seul concerné par cet arrêt), les propos des intervenants sur lesquels elle a succombé, propos qui avaient été mis en ligne à l'occasion de divers colloques (bruxelles 2017, sofia 2016, article « sectes et valeurs européennes » 2015, bruxelles 2014, perpignan 2012, saint-pétersbourg 2009).. plusieurs des motifs de ce jugement précisent les points sur lesquels la demande des témoins de jéhovah allemands a été rejetée.. - sur la revendication 1.1 des témoins de jéhovah : l'orateur avait déclaré « l'organisation des témoins de jéhovah se caractérise par une hostilité agressive envers la société et l'état.. le juge allemand considère qu'"il n'est pas juridiquement contestable que le simple fait que le plaignant (l'organisation allemande des témoins de jéhovah) se soit systématiquement abstenu de participer à la vie politique publique soit considéré comme une aliénation agressive de la société et de l'état".
le juge a poursuivi : "en outre, les nombreux comportements indiscutables prescrits aux membres doivent être pris en compte, comme la recommandation de (ne pas) maintenir le contact avec les anciens membres, le refus de diverses célébrations et transfusions sanguines".
l'affirmation selon laquelle « l'organisation des témoins de jéhovah se caractérise par une hostilité agressive envers la société et l'état » n'est donc pas considérée comme diffamatoire.. - sur l'allégation 1.4 des témoins de jéhovah : l'orateur avait dit : « les adeptes de cette secte commettent des crimes à motivation religieuse.
Thank you for the update!
2021-June-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis indonations to support theocratic activities.
2021-june-s-147-announcements and reminders.
zipped folder.
St George of England:
Thank you!
2021-June-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis indonations to support theocratic activities.
2021-june-s-147-announcements and reminders.
zipped folder.
Donations to Support Theocratic Activities2021-June-S-147-Announcements And RemindersZipped folderorAtlantis! -
Canadian Residential School Deaths
by Simon inin case you haven't heard, they just discovered the remains of some 215 dead children at a so called canadian residential school.
they couldn't call it a death-camp could they ... it would be too obvious.. these were where indigenous children were taken, forcibly, in order to "educate" them out of their native customs and languages and make them integrate with society.. unbelievably, this was still going on in the 60s to 90s.. of course the catholic church has their sticky fingers all over it.
what is it about those creepy bastards?
by JTrottigy inso i noticed one of the members here came to my jwtalk website, where i am an important administrator, and tried to join my site.. i check in here every so often and i was able to deduce that person was an apostate fraud, likely bent on polluting my site.
i denied their request to join.. ha!
Wasn't this same poster flapping his gums about the same thing 3 years ago?
Atlantis! -
public talk outline pdf
by overlap_great.crowd inhi there ,.
could someone here , help me with public talk ouline pdf in english and italian?.
thanks .
2021-English-Talk Outlines so far. If we receive any more we will post them for you. I have not received them in Italian as of yet.
https://filetransfer.io/data-package/x0b4OZKX#linkAtlantis! -
Charles Taze Russell divorce/separation original court transcript
by carod2000 indear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15 http://www.tj-encyclopedie.org/séparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
Yes, the old jelly-fish story. Friends, there were more girls or women involved with Pastor Russell than just Rose Ball. But that is for another day and another chapter.
Everybody have a great weekend! I am hearing that the COVID-Masks might be a thing of the past pretty soon. My eye glasses would fog up when I wore them.
Charles Taze Russell divorce/separation original court transcript
by carod2000 indear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15 http://www.tj-encyclopedie.org/séparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
Hi there vienne:
Yes, I think you have the testimony pretty accurate. Something along those lines anyway. I could scan a paragraph or two for the poster, but if he/she needs the whole she-bang, then those documents need to be purchased.
Doing it the right way makes the popcorn taste better!
Charles Taze Russell divorce/separation original court transcript
by carod2000 indear how can i get the original divorce transcript from russell vs russell separation/divorce ?
i only find excerpts from the process: wt 1906 07/15 http://www.tj-encyclopedie.org/séparation_légale_des_époux_russell
, books from edmond gruss, duane magani, joseph f. zygmunt, ph.d. thesis, barbara harrison and newspaper brooklyn eagle news.
Please take into consideration that some of the documents or books you want might be copyrighted. So it would be best to do the right thing and "purchase" these items.
Give the authors or existing copyright owner their compensation for all their hard work. Such as: Joseph F. Zygmunt, Edmond Gruss, Duane Magnani, Barbara Harrison, and so forth.
I thought you wanted old stuff already released, but couldn't find.