Very welcome!
2022-05-04. announcement:.
adjustment to amount of time for isolation from-in-person meetings.. .
Very welcome!
2022-05-04. announcement:.
adjustment to amount of time for isolation from-in-person meetings.. .
Another link.
i don't have the link but i am trying to post this, this is from a previous post on jwn.
watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. dear brothers:.. we received your letter of december 17 in which you inquire about handling a situation involving a brother who has been guilty of serious violation of the law in the past.. you explained that you received information indicating that this brother ?committed several murders and crimes before his baptism.
you ask if law obligates some action on our part.
i don't have the link but i am trying to post this, this is from a previous post on jwn.
watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc. dear brothers:.. we received your letter of december 17 in which you inquire about handling a situation involving a brother who has been guilty of serious violation of the law in the past.. you explained that you received information indicating that this brother ?committed several murders and crimes before his baptism.
you ask if law obligates some action on our part.
2022-05-04. announcement:.
adjustment to amount of time for isolation from-in-person meetings.. .
does anyone know what year?
2007 Yearbook.
does anyone know what year?
Half of my post got deleted someway! I'll try again.
Some of the "Prayer Meetings" were stopped in 1923 and then later on in 1949.
Back in those days it was called the "Prayer, Praise, and-Testimony Meetings".
does anyone know what year?
Back in those days it was called the "Prayer, Praise, and-Testimony Meetings".
I am whipping up some rolls if anybody wants some with coffee!
Cinnamon roll thief!
hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
Welcome! If you need any documents or research materials to help you in your fade, just send me a private message and I'll get you a download link. There are many others here on the board who will assist you any way possible.
Newly Enlightened:
I saw both of those videos and recorded them. They are excellent! Thank you!