Lee Marsh:
Hi Lee! You are always welcome. Hope you are feeling well and keeping safe.
2022-08-09-announcement.. click image to enlarge.. .
Lee Marsh:
Hi Lee! You are always welcome. Hope you are feeling well and keeping safe.
2022-08-09-announcement.. click image to enlarge.. .
i was a bethelite in london for many years then got reassigned to the field and then went on brd from the start of chelmsford right upto covid.. during my years at the branch i was sometimes asked to be on a team who went to homes donated to the branch when some older one died.. this happenes an awful lot, everything is left to the branch in the will.
the unbelieving family is furious they didn’t get left anything and sometimes they tried to get their elderly relatives possessions and there was a legal battle .
but in the end a team of us would go and empty the property and another team would clean it up and put it on the market to sell it for the worldwide work.. all the possessions were sorted into trash or possibly valuable .
Yes, that is a sad story about Peter. But we can also see how the Watchtower is as bad or worse than Christendom.
Money, money, money, this is the "heart" of the Watchtower and it is their God!
2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area.
https://www.filemail.com/d/lkaivtcpyrvgwlb .
JW's must realize by now that it costs too much to get into Paradise!
And "who" is going to make the "booze" for those taking the lead in the New System?
2022-08-01-debit and credit cards.
monthly donation amounts by area.
https://www.filemail.com/d/lkaivtcpyrvgwlb .
2022-08-01-Debit and Credit Cards
2022-s-147-august-announcements and reminders.
see number 5.. resolved monthly donation to the worldwide work.
(per publisher).
2022-August-S-147-Announcements And Reminders, in English and Spanish.--Letters in full.
2022-s-147-august-announcements and reminders.
see number 5.. resolved monthly donation to the worldwide work.
(per publisher).
According to Mark over on Twitter:
2022-s-147-august-announcements and reminders.
see number 5.. resolved monthly donation to the worldwide work.
(per publisher).
There should be more to that letter than what I received. When I get it I'll post it.
2022-s-147-august-announcements and reminders.
see number 5.. resolved monthly donation to the worldwide work.
(per publisher).
2022-S-147-August-Announcements And Reminders
2022--only three chapters.. wisdom from the gospels.
click on "text" and you will get it in pdf.. .
They are using "Jesus" a lot in those three chapters.