Atlantis, Do You Have The V.D.M. Questionnaire?
Hi Betty:
At first, this Questionnaire was just for the brothers who were speakers, to better qualify themselves to teach.
In those days, many congregations who "elected" brothers to be elders would not even consider a brother, unless he had answered these questions and got 85% of them right.
The first mention of the V.D.M. Degree was in the 1906 Watchtower. Watchtower Headquarters had three brothers who would grade these tests.
A person would write to headquarters and request the questionnaire. The questionnaire would be sent to them in postal mail, and the participant would answer the questions and send it back to headquarters.
Later on around 1915 or 1916, the sisters learned about this questionnaire and also wanted to qualify themselves to teach. Many sisters passed the test and were just as qualified to teach as the elders. They just needed to wear a head-covering.
If the participant answered the questions and got at least 85% of them right, they were sent a V.D.M. Degree
This is the "Form" that was sent out to participants back around 1916. The ink is a little weak but still readable. The brothers could use their "V.D.M. Degree" to avoid the draft and claim they were a minister.
The V.D.M. Committee was set up of three brothers to grade each test. If a person passed the test they were sent a V.D.M. Degree
Since the Watchtower claimed that "ALL" JW's were ministers, they then decided to try and qualify every JW on earth as a minister. So, around 1943 when the Theocratic Ministry School started, they decided to test everyone with questions.
This was the start of the "Written Review".
I have all that junk, I mean spiritual food, in a folder with the Watchtower's of 1916-1918 and other stuff if you want it.
Each PDF will show a code at the end of the file name, such as: Sisters, committee, Questionnaire, 3 brothers committee, and so forth for quick finding.
The PDF's are highlighted for quick viewing.
If you just want the Questionnaire, then be my guest. If you find any vanilla ice-cream in there, send it back!
Click image to enlarge.
V.D.M. Questionnaire:
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