All liars like to use that excuse. ( We didn't lie, we were just misunderstood!)
Yes, yes, and I'll bet they have a bridge they want to sell me!
jehovah’s witnesses and sexual abuse: 3. some common misunderstandings.
a chap called terrill hamons who l am taking to be a jw apologist on quora sent me this link along with many others .
the sites are all about how misunderstood and unfairly treated the wt is .
All liars like to use that excuse. ( We didn't lie, we were just misunderstood!)
Yes, yes, and I'll bet they have a bridge they want to sell me!
jehovah’s witnesses and sexual abuse: 3. some common misunderstandings.
a chap called terrill hamons who l am taking to be a jw apologist on quora sent me this link along with many others .
the sites are all about how misunderstood and unfairly treated the wt is .
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
Very good vienne! If you had trouble downloading I could have used a different hosting site for you. No problem! We-transfer is another site I could have used for you.
Petra will be coming to visit soon for Christmas time. She wants to make sure Grandpa is not getting into trouble. Grandma Nevada (wife of Atlantis) taught her this way.
Even when Petra was 3 years old, she would point her finger at me and her father (Vulcan) and say: (Now you two behave yourselves!)
We did what all men would do when a 3 year old says that.
We said: YES MAM!
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
Yes, the V.D.M. subject is not new and is splattered all over Watchtower literature. The V.D.M. Questionnaire is mentioned in the following:
Proclaimers Book
1974 Yearbook
1975 Yearbook
Watchtower's with several different dates.
Kingdom Ministry's and so forth.
Pretty much all of that stuff is in the folder.
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
Thanks everybody! In one statement for the V.D.M. questionnaire at the bottom of the page, the Tower asks the participants not to cheat.
Can you imagine?
Mr. Magoo! ( Well, that is what Petra calls me sometimes! )
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
V.D.M. stands for:
Verbi Die Minister, which is Latin for
Minister of The Divine Word
Minister of The Word of God
atlantis, do you have the v.d.m.
hi betty:.
Atlantis, Do You Have The V.D.M. Questionnaire?
At first, this Questionnaire was just for the brothers who were speakers, to better qualify themselves to teach.
while back, not here on this net i don't remember.
i predicted that watchtower would allow you to buy your way into the kingdumb.
does anyone find this interesting?.
also ich winke jeden tag meinem tv-gerät und wer von uns hat nicht schon vor wachtturmcomicsbildchen geweint.. wer an dämonen, vampire und wehrwölfe glaubt, der glaubt auch das sich der fernseher freut, wenn ich in seine richtung klatsche.
wenn ich mir alleine vor dem fernseher ein kongressvideo ansehe, stecke ich mir auch mein namensschild an.. in zukunft poste ich nur noch selfies mit meinem fernsehgerät.. und wenn ich in zukunft vor dem fernsehgerät singe stehe ich selbstverständlich dabei auf – denn gott sieht alles, er hört alles und er riecht alles….
kongressnachlese 2022. tv glotz kongress.
English translation:
So I wave to my TV every day and who of us hasn't already cried in front of the Watchtower Comics picture.
Anyone who believes in demons, vampires and werewolves also believes that the television is happy when I clap in its direction.
If I watch a conference video alone in front of the television, I also put on my name tag.
In the future I will only post selfies with my TV.
And when I sing in front of the TV in the future, I will of course stand up - because God sees everything, He hears everything and He smells everything...
Congress review 2022
TV Glotz Congress